100字范文 > 房地产市场 real estate market英语短句 例句大全

房地产市场 real estate market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-22 11:38:38


房地产市场 real estate market英语短句 例句大全

房地产市场,real estate market

1)real estate market房地产市场

1.Cause and status of thereal estate market and the social responsibility of the relative subjects;房地产市场现状和成因及相关主体的社会责任

2.Beijingreal estate market cycle analysis based on principle componential and spectral analyses;基于主成分分析与谱分析的房地产市场周期研究

3.The action of game analysis inreal estate market to planners;房地产市场中的博弈分析及对规划师的作用


1.Some Thinking of Gansu Real Estate Market in the Situation of "New Policies";房地产“新政”与甘肃房地产市场建设

2.Improve Real Demands of the Residence ActivateReal Estate Market;提高住房有效需求 激活房地产市场

3.An Empirical Study on the Wealth Effect of Real Estate Market Based on the Data of Real Estate Market in Guangzhou;房地产市场财富效应实证分析——基于广州市房地产市场的经验证据

4.The New Real Estate Policies and the Trend of Development of the Real Estate Market in Fuzhou;新房地产政策与福州房地产市场发展走向

5.Functional Value of Real Estate and Investment in Chinese Real Estate Market;房地产功能价值论与中国房地产市场投资

6.The Harmonious Development Study on Real Estate Market and Urban Economy;房地产市场与城市经济协调发展研究

7.Study on Demands Forcast for Changchun Real Estate;长春市房地产市场需求预测问题研究

8.The Study of Real Estate Market Risk in Guangzhou Based on VaR;基于VaR的广州市房地产市场风险研究

9.Study on Real Estate Cycle Fluctuation and Early Warning System;城市房地产市场波动和预警系统研究

10.Real Estate Market Analysis and Risk Prevention in Wenzhou;温州市房地产市场分析及其风险防范

11.Present Situation and Developmental Measures of the Real Estate Market in Yanji;延吉市房地产市场的现状与发展对策

12.To Study on Supply Buble in Real Estate Market--To Take the Some City as An Example;房地产市场供给泡沫研究——以某市为例

13.On the prosperity index selection in real estate market in Xi an;西安市房地产市场景气指标筛选研究


15.Development Forecast of Beijing Real Estate Market in ;北京市房地产市场发展预测

16.The Real Estate Market Price Analysis of Influencing Factors in Zhengzhou郑州市房地产市场价格影响因素分析

17.A Research on the Real Estate Business Cycle of Chengdu成都市房地产市场景气循环实证研究

18.Chongqing Real Estate Market Price Factors Reserch重庆市房地产市场价格影响因素研究


the real estate market房地产市场

1.A Study on the Development of the Real Estate Market in the Eastern Region of China through Factor Analysis基于因子分析的东部地区房地产市场发展研究

2.Analyzing the effect to stimulatethe real estate market and problems being faced with in carrying out the system of each year s land use rent, this article points out several countermeasures to carry out the system of each year s land use rent.分析了推行土地使用年租制对搞活房地产市场的作用及推行土地使用年租制面临的问题 ,提出了推行土地使用年租制的几点对策 。

3.At present,if we want to stirthe real estate market,the overstocked buildings must be sold .利率的波动对于房地产市场发展有着很大的影响。

3)real estate房地产市场

1.Empirical Study on Impact of Real Estate Market Development on Monetary Policy in China;我国房地产市场发展对货币政策影响的实证研究

2.Infection of the Foreign Capital in Chinese Real Estate Market and Empirical Research;外资进入我国房地产市场的影响及实证分析

4)Estate market房地产市场

1.Analysis of Estate Market Problems and Solutions;浅析房地产市场的问题及对策

2.From the perspective of Behavioral Economics,this paper makes a research on psychology participating in speculation behavior in Chinese estate market and it proposes some policy suggestion based on the features of Chinese estate market.从行为金融学的视角,对我国房地产市场的投机性表现以及普通投资者参与市场投机活动的心理进行研究,并结合我国房地产市场的特点,提出规范房地产市场发展、防止过度投机的政策建议,包括加强对投资者的教育、控制房市操纵行为、发挥有关部门的引导作用、进行政府干预等。

3.There is great potentiality in the development of estate market which shoul.根据当前宏观经济形势,政府的工作重点应该侧重以下几方面:改善宏观调控,防止经济滑坡;以改革促发展,防止改革被淡化、丑化、异化;外汇储备增长超常,需要降温;房地产市场发展潜力很大,需要保温;资本市场长期低迷,需要升温。

5)Real-estate market房地产市场

1.Based on the Grey Theory,the paper quantifies the influential factors on effective demand of the real-estate market,analyses the relation between influential factors and,finally,gives some advice on the sound development of China s real-estate industry.利用灰色理论对房地产市场有效需求影响因素进行了量化,并利用灰色关联度对各影响因素进行了灰色关联分析。

2.With the development of real-estate markets, the risk of thereal-estate industry has become aurgent problem.随着房地产市场的持续升温,房地产行业的风险问题日益突出。

3.As a new enterprise in the real-estate industry gaining such a huge area of land, the ZA company firstly needs to consider questions like what the land is used for, what kind of project is to be developed, which type of buildings could be accepted by the Chongqing market and how to stand firm in the highly competitive real-estate market in Cho.为了JLH项目的正确定位,笔者通过对商品住宅市场相关理论的基本分析,其中包括对一般市场的基本理论和房地产市场的相关理论进行分析,了解商品住宅项目的市场定位的理论依据和方法。

6)land market for real estate房地产用地市场


