100字范文 > 高职高专公安院校 police vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职高专公安院校 police vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-20 00:11:37


高职高专公安院校 police vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职高专公安院校,police vocational colleges

1)police vocational colleges高职高专公安院校

1.By the methods of documentation and questionnaires,this paper makes an analysis on present situation and development ways inpolice vocational colleges.通过对当前高职高专公安院校实践教学现状及其形成原因的具体分析,认为导致公安院校实践教学环节薄弱的原因包括专业教师对实践教学认识的偏差、专业教师的专业性不高以及硬件设施跟不上。


1.On Present Situation and Development Ways of Practice Teaching in Police Vocational Colleges;高职高专公安院校实践教学现状及其对策研究

2.Consideration of the building the teachers troop about the "shuang-shi" model in police college;关于高职高专公安院校“双师型”教师队伍建设的思考

3.An Analysis of the Logic Starting Point of Ideological Study in Vocational Public Security Education;高职高专公安院校教育思想研究的逻辑起点探析

4.Reforms in English Teaching in Police Colleges;浅谈公安高职高专院校英语教学的改革方向

5.Current Situation and Unique Approach of the Journals of Public Security Vocational and Technical Colleges公安高职、高专院校学报的现状及特色之路

6.Inquired into the Public Elective Curriculum System of Higher Vocational Colleges and Universities;高职高专院校公共选修课程体系探究

7.Research into Talent Training of Information Security in Higher Vocational College;高职院校信息安全专业人才培养初探

8.On the Public Finance Policy in Government-Financed Higher Technical and Vocational Schools;公办高职高专院校公共财政政策之思考

9.Survey on Current Situation of Physical Education in Anhui High Vocational and Technical Colleges;安徽省高职高专院校体育教学现状调查与分析

10.Several Contradictions of High-Vocational Public English Teaching;高职高专院校公共英语教学中的几点矛盾

11.Speculation on Promoting OA in Higher Vocational and Technical Schools高职高专院校推行办公自动化的实践与思考

12.On Safety Education of Automobile major in Higher Vocational College;高职院校汽车专业教育中的安全教育浅谈

13.Discussion on the Setting Curriculum System in Information Security Major of Higher Vocational Technical College;高职院校信息安全专业课程体系设置的探讨

14.Exploration on Specialty of English Translation in Ordinary and Vocational Colleges;高职高专院校应用翻译专业办学思考

15.Views on Higher Mathematics Teaching in Vocational & Technical College;浅谈高职高专院校《高等数学》教学

16.On Advanced Mathematics Teaching Mode Reform in Colleges高职高专院校高等数学教学改革探讨

17.The Search on the Reform Contents of Practical Teaching in Police Vacational College公安高职院校实践教学改革内容之探索

18.The Implementation of OA System & Network Security in Higher Vocational Colleges高职院校办公自动化的实施与网络安全


higher vocational public security colleges公安高职院校

3)Vocational Colleges高职高专院校

1.A survey of the crisis management in vocational colleges;当前高职高专院校危机管理现状调查报告

2.Reflections on the implementation of overall quality-oriented education project at vocational colleges;对高职高专院校实施全面素质教育工程的思考

3.Study on electronic model of examination management in vocational colleges高职高专院校考务管理电子化模式的探索

4)Vocational College高职高专院校

1.On the collection and filing of archival material for assessment of the higher vocational colleges;浅谈高职高专院校评估档案材料的收集与整理

2.With the expansion,student management of vocational college faces new problems.随着高校规模扩招,高职高专院校学生管理工作面临新的问题。

5)higher vocational college高职高专院校

1.On the assessment in thehigher vocational colleges;对高职高专院校评估工作的再思考

2.On strengthening and improving the moral environment in the logistical socialization reform ofhigher vocational colleges;论高职高专院校后勤社会化改革中加强和改进德育环境建设

3.On the reform of college Chinese teaching based on demands athigher vocational college依照需求改革高职高专院校大学语文教学

6)Higher Vocational Colleges高职高专院校

1.Thoughts on the evaluation of the training level in higher vocational colleges;对高职高专院校人才培养工作水平评估的思考

2.The Thoughts of Improving the Teaching Quality Internal Evaluation inHigher Vocational Colleges完善高职高专院校内部教学质量评估的几点思考

3.There are many misconceptions of ERP teaching in higher vocational colleges.文章就我国高职高专院校开展企业资源计划(ERP)教学的误区进行了讨论,并就ERP教学的目标、教学课程体系建设及校企联合办学提出了几点改进措施。


专专1.用心专一。 2.形容精神专注。 3.专门;特地。
