100字范文 > 高职高专学生 Vocational college students英语短句 例句大全

高职高专学生 Vocational college students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-12 23:49:19


高职高专学生 Vocational college students英语短句 例句大全

高职高专学生,Vocational college students

1)Vocational college students高职高专学生

1.Effects of strategy-based instruction on vocational college students listening competence;学习策略培训对高职高专学生听力的影响

2.Research on the cultivation of the ability of vocational college students for self-regulated learning;高职高专学生自主学习能力的培养研究

3.Based on the follow-up studies of vocational college students\" psychological problems,the author conducts an in-depth analysis of the causes for the students\" psychological problems and recommends some solutions to help students solve the problems to promote the development of their physical and mental health.文章通过对高职高专学生心理健康状况的追踪研究,得出当前高职高专学生常见的心理问题,对其成因进行深入分析,从而探讨和提出帮助他们解决心理问题、促进他们身心健康发展的调适对策。


1.Discussion on Learning Methods of Higher Mathematics in Higher Vocational Colleges高职高专学生高等数学学习方法探讨

2.Studies on the way of students vocational ideal education in higher vocational colleges;高职高专学生职业理想教育途径研究

3.Discussion on how to Raise Students Employment Rate in Higher Vocational Colleges;关于提高高职高专学生就业率的思考

4.A Survey of Attitudes Towards Autonomous Learning among Students in Vocational Institutes;高职高专学生英语自主学习态度调查

5.Study on English Vocabulary Learning Strategy for non-English Majors in Tertiary and Vocational Colleges;高职高专学生英语词汇学习策略研究

6.On Motivation Stimulating of English Learning for College Students;论高职高专学生英语学习动机的激发

7.Problems and their Countermeasures in English Learning of the Higher Vocational Students;高职高专学生英语学习的问题与对策

8.Analysis of Oral English Study among Vocational College Students and the Countermeasures;高职高专学生英语口语学习状况调查

9.Thinking of Oral English Teaching For Senior Professional College Students;对高职高专学生英语口语教学的思考

10.Investigation and Research on Higher Mathematics Study Amony Students of Higher Vocational Education高职高专学生高等数学学习状况调查研究

11.A Survey on the Translation Skills Used by HTVE Students;高职高专学生翻译方法使用情况调查

12.A pointed education for college students psychological health problems;谈高职高专学生心理问题针对性教育

13.Strategy on Promoting Vocational School Students Comprehensive Quality;提升高职高专学生综合素质策略研究

14.Investigation of English Majors Attribution in Vocational Colleges;高职高专英语专业学生学习归因研究

15.On math study methods for higher vocational school students;高职高专院校学生数学学习方法浅议

16.Discussion about education management way to vocational college students;高职高专学校学生教育管理途径探讨

17.Survey of Language Learning Strategies in a Three-Year College;高职高专院校学生英语学习策略研究

18.Students personality cultivation in P.E. teaching in polytechnic colleges;高职高专体育教学中学生个性的培养


college students高职高专学生

1.Strengthening and improving the ideological and moral education of thecollege students is of great significance for the establishment and consolidation of the core values of social system,building a harmonious and safety campus,achieving the objective of fostering higher education and for creating qualified builders of the socialist cause and successors.高职高专学生是一个庞大的学生群体。

3)students in higher vocational college高职高专学生

1.By using a questionnaire, this paper aimed at discussing the frequency of vocabulary learning strategies used bystudents in higher vocational college.本文通过问卷调查研究了高职高专学生的词汇学习策略使用情况,并分析了这些策略与学习成绩之间的相关性。

4)students of vocational colleges高职高专学生

1.As a basic skill in English studies,society and universities and colleges attach increasing importance to English hearing while hearing is always an important factor that hindersstudents of vocational colleges from improving their English levels.听力作为外语学习的一项基本技能越来越受到社会和大学的重视,而高职高专学生的听力却始终成为阻碍他们英语水平提高的重要因素。

5)Polytechnic Students高职高专学生

1.Research on Information Literacy ofPolytechnic Students;培养高职高专学生信息素质方案研究

6)vocational and technical college students高职高专学生

1.Based on Contractive Analysis, Error Analysis and Interlanguage, the present study explored the common linguistic errors ofvocational and technical college students’writings.然而,在扩招背景下,基础相对薄弱的高职高专学生在英文写作方面反映出的问题尤为突出,远达不到规定的要求。

2.The paper carries out overall research on the current situation of input for sport ofvocational and technical college students in the 21st century by methods of literature review,questionnaire and mathematical statistics on the basis of sport input theory.运用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法,以科学发展观为统领,以体育投入理论研究为理论支撑,对21世纪我国高职高专学生体育投入现状进行了全面调查与深入研究。


专专1.用心专一。 2.形容精神专注。 3.专门;特地。
