100字范文 > 心法 Law of the Heart英语短句 例句大全

心法 Law of the Heart英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-16 06:56:26


心法 Law of the Heart英语短句 例句大全

心法,Law of the Heart

1)Law of the Heart心法

1.HUANG Ting-jian s "Law of the Heart": the Aesthetic Origin of the "Flexible Law" of the Jiangxi School of Poetry;黄庭坚的“心法”——江西诗派“活法”美学思想溯源


1.The Solution of the Cam Outline of the Open Style Auto-Fix Support by Wink Center Method;瞬心法求解开启式自定心中心架平移凸轮廓线

2.psychotherapeutic technique心理治疗法 心理治疗法

3.client centered psychotherapy受辅者中心心理治疗法

4.centrifugal immersion process离心浸涂(合金)法

5.Caribbean Law Institute Centre加勒比法律研究中心(法律中心)

6.psychophysical scaling心理物理量表法 心理物理量表法

7.time limit psychotherapy时限心理疗法时限心理疗法

8.teach centric method教师中心教学法 教师中心教学法

9.Gestalt psychotherapy完形心理治疗法完形心理治疗法

10.rational psychotherapy理性心理治疗法 理性心理治疗法

11.medical psychotherapy医药心理治疗法 医药心理治疗法

12.Patient-Centered Therapy-Human-Based Psychological Therapy;以人为本的心理疗法──患者中心疗法

13.The Mind Includes All Dharmas and Every Dharma Reflects the Mind a Study of Yongming Yanshou"s Mind-nature Theory一心万法,万法一心:永明延寿的心性论研究

14.The methods of maintaining infant" s health include: guidance method of psychology, method of refining infant" s heart and soul, method of inspiring infant in psychology, method of and - "the Gospel According to Mat - thew".维护幼儿心理健康的主要方法有心理指导法、心灵陶冶法、心理激励法、反"马太效应"法等。

15.implosive psychotherapy内爆心理治疗 内爆心理治疗法

16.his physician recommended psychoanalysis.她的心理医生建议采用心理分析疗法。

17.individual psychotherapy个别心理治疗 个别心理治疗法

18.behavioral psychotherapy行为心理治疗 行为心理治疗法


centrifugal method离心法

1.There are three types of water existing among packed solid particles, which can be distinguished by using thecentrifugal method.结果表明:完全浸润的堆积固体颗粒之间存在3种不同性质的水,因其受表面作用力的大小不同,可用离心法加以区分。

2.The paper introduced the features of the self propagating high temperature synthesis technology and discussed the principle of thecentrifugal method and gravity separation method applied to produce ceramic lined complex steel tube and the features of the ceramic complex tube.介绍了自蔓延高温合成技术的特点 ,着重讨论了离心法和重力分离法制备陶瓷内衬复合钢管的原理及陶瓷复合钢管的性能 ,对自蔓延高温合成技术在煤炭工业的应用现状及展望进行了评述 ,对煤炭工业推广应用自蔓延高温合成技术提出了若干对

3.Just for the above,the paper takes fine glass ball as experimental object and usescentrifugal method to study the changing laws of thickness of boundary fluids on the surface of s.为此,以玻璃微珠为实验对象,采用离心法研究固体颗粒表面边界流体层厚度的变化规律。

3)SHS centrifugal processSHS离心法


1.The temperature distribution and variation in the cooling course of the ceramic composite piping prepared bycentrifugal-SHS were modeled and analyzed so as to provide the basis of the choice of process parameter and interface structure analysis of the piping.模拟分析了SHS-离心法制备陶瓷复合管道在冷却凝固过程中的温度分布和变化,从而为工艺参数的选择和管道界面结构分析提供了基础。

5)Centrifugal Process离心法

1.In order to increase the content of soy isoflavones and meet the requirement for further fined-processing, the orthogonal experiments were used to optimize the purification conditions of soy isoflavones in centrifugal process.为进一步提高大豆异黄酮的含量,满足其精细化的需要,采用正交试验对离心法纯化大豆异黄酮的条件进行了优化。

6)Centrifugal casting离心法

1.Forecast of endogenetic particle distribution in FGM prepared by centrifugal casting based on ANN;离心法制备梯度功能材料中内生颗粒的分布

2.Many experimental phenomena show that the primary Si content affects the primary crystal silicon distribution in hypereutectic Al-Si alloy functionally gradient matrial (FGM) prepared by centrifugal casting.很多实验表明,Si含量不同导致离心法制备过共晶Al-Si合金梯度功能材料(FGM)中初晶硅分布内外侧不同。

3.The aeural fuzzy system has been applied to acquire the constitutive relationships of endogenetic particle distribution in FGM creating centrifugal casting at different mould temperatures, pouring temperatures and rotating speeds.以转速、型温、浇温等工艺参数作为神经模糊预测系统的输入 ,内生初晶硅分布的相对厚度作为输出 ,采用模糊推理研究了离心法制备 Al- 16 % Si FGM中初晶硅分布的规律 ,并通过实验法进行了验证。


