100字范文 > 制胜规律 the law of winning英语短句 例句大全

制胜规律 the law of winning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-21 17:57:29


制胜规律 the law of winning英语短句 例句大全

制胜规律,the law of winning

1)the law of winning制胜规律

1.Owing to a breakthrough in mentality to the characteristic of the sports and the following continuous innovations in training methods and training measure,we have mastered the victory key to the track and field superior sports:the law of winning to each event .得出,由于对项目特征的突破性认识,继而在训练方法、手段上的不断创新是我国田径部分优势项目制胜的关键,并揭示任何一个运动项目都必须掌握其制胜规律才能够长盛不衰。


1.The Characteristics of Modern Athletic Martial Arts and the Regulation of Subduing;现代竞技武术运动的特点与制胜规律

2.The Developing Trends and winning laws of Female Vault Table under the New Regulation;新规则下世界女子跳马的发展趋势及制胜规律

3.The winning laws of world gymnastics competition under the new regulation;新规则下世界体操比赛的制胜规律探析

4.Event characteristics and laws of winning for sailing and windsurfing;帆船帆板运动项目特征与制胜规律初探

5.Discussion on the Law of Wining of Greco-Roman Wrestling Event古典式摔跤运动员制胜规律的探讨与研究

6.On the control law research of important events of competitive sports in Guizhou贵州省竞技体育重点项目制胜规律探索

7.Research on Winning Pattern of Man and Woman Single Match in Tennis对网球项目男、女单打比赛制胜规律的研究

8.Study on the high-level volleyball team Core-competence and Winning Methods;高水平排球队核心竞技能力、制胜规律及其对策研究

9.Winning rule of badminton s double and the key of the competition ability of men s double;论羽毛球双打项目的制胜规律及男双竞技能力的核心

10.Study on the Low of Get the upper Hand of the Man Penhold Grip Inward Pimple Attacking Style in China我国男子直拍反胶进攻型打法的临场制胜规律研究

11.Discussion On The Understanding Of The Disciplinarian,Developing Trend And Triumph Element Of Boxing Game;对拳击运动规律、发展趋势及制胜要素的探讨

12.Harmonic distribution law and suppression countermeasure Shengli of Oilfield electrical network胜利油田电网谐波分布规律及抑制对策

13.Alternate Law [flight control law]备用规律〔飞行控制规律〕

14.Flare Law [flight control law]拉平规律〔飞行控制规律〕

15.Study on the win-loss rule of all previous matchesbetween China and South Korea women-basketball teams;探析中、韩女篮历届比赛胜负之规律

16.Direct Law [flight control law]直接控制规律〔飞行控制规律〕

17.Thus, the wrestler should make feints on his own initiative in wrestling and carefully study and try to master the application principles of feint so as to trick and defeat the opponent by a surprise attack.同时,要认真研究把握假动作在运用中的规律,做到假戏真做,达到出其不意、奇制胜之效果。

18.Formation and Occurrence of Statigraphy Oil-pools in the Jiyang Super-Depression;胜利探区地层油藏富集规律与勘探技术研究


winning rule制胜规律

1.A deep analysis of traditional skill-style of Chinese badminton was made to point out that the understanding of thewinning rule of Chinese badminton was only halted at the level of skill-style,the training principle of men s double was not revealed the kernel ofwinning rule,and impossible to get rid of the effect of single s skill-style.对我国羽毛球传统技术风格进行了深入分析,指出由于认识的局限性,中国羽毛球界对制胜规律的把握始终只停留在技术风格层面,男双指导思想未能揭示双打制胜的本质,从而无法摆脱单打技术风格的影响。

3)winning pattern制胜规律

1.The relationship between technical style andwinning pattern is not correctly recognized by traditional viewpoints spread over the badminton community,thus causing the drawing of the conclusion that modern women s doubles badminton is developing towards the orientation of "draw back,maneuver and then attack".在羽毛球界传统观念中,没有正确认识技术风格与制胜规律的关系,因而推导出现代女双正朝着"拉开、调动突击"方向发展的论断。

4)win-loss rule胜负规律

5)law and victory规律与胜利

6)Law of Survival of the Fittest优胜劣汰规律


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主
