100字范文 > 反资产需求理论假说 anti-asset demand theory hypothesis英语短句 例句大全

反资产需求理论假说 anti-asset demand theory hypothesis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-23 12:14:30


反资产需求理论假说 anti-asset demand theory hypothesis英语短句 例句大全

反资产需求理论假说,anti-asset demand theory hypothesis

1)anti-asset demand theory hypothesis反资产需求理论假说

2)theory of asset demand资产需求理论

1.According to thetheory of asset demand, the behavior of depositor is influenced by the cost and profit of holding either the currency or deposit.按照资产需求理论,存款人行为受持有通货和存款这两类资产的成本和收益影响。

3)demand theory需求理论

1.Based on authors research on management in automobile and airline industries for many years, it discusses customer-choicedemand theory in multi-products competition markets, and also theories and management techniques for competition policy design.回顾了作者多年在汽车工业和航空公司管理中的应用研究,讨论和总结基于顾客选择的多产品竞争环境下的需求理论,以及竞争策略设计的有关理论和管理技术。

2.The main aim ofdemand theory of neo-classical economics is to explain how to make the best choice among the goods,how does the single demand transfer into market demand.新古典经济学需求理论的主要目的是解释消费者对商品组合如何实现最优选择的问题,包括单个消费者是如何在不同商品选择中实现最大化满足的,消费者的个体需求是如何形成市场集体需求的等。


1.The Application of Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs in Foreign Teachers Management;论马斯洛的需求理论在外教管理中的运用

2.The Application of Demand Theory to Students Administration;试论马斯洛需求理论在学生管理中的应用

3.Analysis of the Theory of the Demand for Money by Keynes and Motives of Nongovernmental Demand for Money in Our Country;凯恩斯货币需求理论与我国民间资本需求动机分析

4.Analysis on the Application of Law of Demand--The Influence of Adjustment of Bus Price upon Demand in Every Market;需求理论的应用分析—公交车价格调整对市场需求状态的影响分析

5.theory of demand-pull inflation需求拉动通货膨胀理论

6.theory of need gratificatio需求满足论需求满足论

7.Research on Demand Side Management Incentive Theories;需求侧管理(DSM)激励机制理论研究

8.Application of Insurance Theory in Risk Management at Demand Side;保险理论在需求侧风险管理中的应用

9.Research on the Demand Management Theories and Policies of Irrigation Water农用水资源需求管理理论与政策研究

10.The Relationship between the Theory of Hierarchy of Needs and the Psychological Needs of Network需要层次理论与网络心理需求关系探讨

11.theory of excess demand of inflation需求过多引起通货膨胀的理论

12.Theoretical and Methodological Studies on the Demand and Supply of Inland Water Transportation;内河航运需求与供给理论、方法研究

13.Demand for International Reserves: Theory Analysis and Empirical Study;国际储备需求:理论分析与实证检验

14.A Tentative Discussion on"Demands-leading"Agricultural Insurance Theory;刍议基于“需求追随型”理论的农业保险

15.A study on the problem of "Illusive" demand curve;公共品需求曲线“虚假”性的理论阐释

16.World Gas Demand Forecast Based on the Gray Theory;基于灰色理论的世界天然气需求预测

17.Instant Financial Report: Theory Demand and Possibility for its Enforcing;实时财务报告:理论需求与实现可能

18.On the Human Resource Management in Combination with Needs Levels;论与需求层次相结合的人力资源管理


theory of asset demand资产需求理论

1.According to thetheory of asset demand, the behavior of depositor is influenced by the cost and profit of holding either the currency or deposit.按照资产需求理论,存款人行为受持有通货和存款这两类资产的成本和收益影响。

3)demand theory需求理论

1.Based on authors research on management in automobile and airline industries for many years, it discusses customer-choicedemand theory in multi-products competition markets, and also theories and management techniques for competition policy design.回顾了作者多年在汽车工业和航空公司管理中的应用研究,讨论和总结基于顾客选择的多产品竞争环境下的需求理论,以及竞争策略设计的有关理论和管理技术。

2.The main aim ofdemand theory of neo-classical economics is to explain how to make the best choice among the goods,how does the single demand transfer into market demand.新古典经济学需求理论的主要目的是解释消费者对商品组合如何实现最优选择的问题,包括单个消费者是如何在不同商品选择中实现最大化满足的,消费者的个体需求是如何形成市场集体需求的等。

4)requirement theory需求理论

1.These development problems of pay television are discussed withrequirement theory and information theory in this paper, and these problems are made by requirement analysis, and suggestions about solving these problems are given.本文从需求理论和信息论出发,通过探讨付费电视目前所存在的问题,对其进行了需求分析,并给出了相应的解决思

2.These problems on digitizing cable television network is discussed withrequirement theory in this paper, and these problems are made by requirement analysis, and thinking suggestions a-bout solving problems are given.本文从需求理论的角度出发,论述了有线电视网络在数字化过程中所应该注意的问题,对这些问题进行了需求分析,并给出了相应的解决思路。

5)employment and demand hypothesis就业与需求假说

1.In this paper, a industrializationemployment and demand hypothesis is put forward, a dual economic theoretical framework is set up, the changes in employment demand and indus.因此 ,本文提出工业化就业与需求假说 ,构建二元经济理论模型 ,并实证分析改革以来我国就业需求与工业化变动 ,说明非农就业等需求因素对工业化的影响 ,为二元经济下的工业化过程提供了新的分析框架。

6)needcomplementarity hypothesis需求互补假说


