100字范文 > 液态深层发酵 submerged fermentation英语短句 例句大全

液态深层发酵 submerged fermentation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-21 17:21:58


液态深层发酵 submerged fermentation英语短句 例句大全

液态深层发酵,submerged fermentation

1)submerged fermentation液态深层发酵

1.Establishment and control of vinegar production line forsubmerged fermentation by enzymes;全酶法液态深层发酵制醋生产线的建立和控制

2.Practical technology of improving vinegar flavor insubmerged fermentation;提高液态深层发酵食醋风味的实用技术

3.Research on the new technique of vinegar production bysubmerged fermentation;液态深层发酵制醋新工艺的探索


1.Study on Fermentation Conditions of Novel Acid-resistant α-amylase in Liquid Culture新型耐酸性α-淀粉酶液态深层发酵条件的研究

2.Study on Cellulase Production by Trichoderma Reesei Submerged Fermentation and Its Application;里氏木霉纤维素酶的液态深层发酵生产及其应用的研究

3.Study on Submerged Culture of Antrodia Camphorata and Its Triterpenoids樟芝深层液态发酵及其三萜类化合物的研究

4.Study of Related Functional Steroids and Optimization of Submerged Culture Condition of Inonotus Obliquus桦褐孔菌甾类化合物的分析及深层液态发酵条件的优化

5.Research on the Dynamics Model of Grifola Frondosa Liquid In-depth Fermentation;灰树花液体深层发酵动力学模型研究

6.Studies on the Liquid Fermentation and Chemical Constituents of Cordyceps Gunnii;古尼虫草液体深层发酵及化学成分的研究

7.Studies on Pepsin Inhibitor from Coriolus Versicolor by Submerged Fermentation云芝液体深层发酵产胃蛋白酶抑制剂的研究

8.Effect of Fllase Asia Bell Root Tangshen Extraction on Polysaccharide from Pleurotus nebrodensis by Submerge Fermentation党参提取液对白灵菇深层发酵多糖的影响

9.Strategy of pellet formation of filamentous fungi in submerge fermentation深层发酵中丝状真菌菌球形态控制的策略

10.Studies on the Strain of Armillaria Mellea Screening for Sleep-regulated Activity and the Technology of Liquid Submerged Fermentation;蜜环菌睡眠调节活性菌株筛选及液体深层发酵技术研究

11.Separation and Purification Analysis of Soluble Polysaccharide by Submerged Fermentation Technology of Morchella;液体深层发酵羊肚菌水溶性多糖的提取分离纯化分析

12.Studies on Submerged Fermentation of Morchella Esculenta and Polysaccharide Extraction;羊肚菌液体深层发酵条件及多糖提取工艺的研究

13.Studied on Aspartic Acid Protease Inhibitor from Coriolus Versicolor by Submerged Fermentation;云芝液体深层发酵天冬氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂的研究

14.Effect of FiveKinds of Chinese Herbal Medicines Extraction on Polysaccharide from Pleurotus Nebrodensis by SubmergedFermentation五种中草药提取液对白灵菇深层发酵多糖的影响

15.Effects of Submerged Fermentation on Acidic Polysaccharides in Tremella fuciformis Mycelia液体深层发酵条件对银耳菌丝体酸性多糖富集的影响

16.Submerged fermentation of Ganoderma lucidum in the medium mainly containing rice bran以米糠为主要原料的灵芝菌丝体液体深层发酵技术

17.The research situation of related preparation of submerged fermentation of Cordyceps sinensis冬虫夏草液体深层发酵菌丝体相关制剂的研究现状

18.Wine-producing raw materials varied according to region difference, and wine types include Xiaoqu wine, wheat wine, red starter wine, millet wine, corn wine and highland barley wine etc.; 2. multiplicity of fermentation.发酵状态的多样性:发酵状态有固体发酵、固液结合发酵、半固体发酵和液体发酵。


submerged culture液态深层发酵

1.Research onsubmerged culture conditions of selenium accumulation in Ganoderma lucidum;富硒灵芝液态深层发酵工艺研究

2.The component of cellulase, alkali cellulase and acidic cellulase and their research progress bysubmerged culture were introduced in this paper.探讨了纤维素酶的组成 ,碱性纤维素酶、酸性纤维素酶的液态深层发酵的研究进展 ,并指出其广阔的研究和应用前景。

3)liquid-deep-fermented vinegar液态深层发酵醋

4)sumbmerged fermentation"s liquid深层发酵液

5)deep ferment of liquid state makes the vinegar technology液态深层发酵酿醋工艺

6)liquid fermentation液体深层发酵

1.The optimumliquid fermentation medium was listed as follows: potato juice2O%, peptone 8%,, sucrose 2O%,,potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1.对一株北虫草茵Y3的液体深层发酵条件进行了研究,确定了以土豆汁20%、蛋白胨8%、蔗糖20%、磷酸氢二钾1。

2.The research content included, (l)the technology of solid fermentation andliquid fermentation condition of Armillariella; (2)the extration and purification of Armillariella polysaccharide and simple configuration identification; (3)the effect of Armillariella polysaccharide in pharmacology.)Sing]作为生产菌株进行研究,研究内容包括:(1)亮菌固态发酵、液体深层发酵工艺的初步研究;(2)亮菌多糖的提取纯化工艺研究及简单结构分析;(3)亮菌多糖药效学研究。


