100字范文 > 潜浮式 submerged英语短句 例句大全

潜浮式 submerged英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-12 17:26:31


潜浮式 submerged英语短句 例句大全



1.Thesubmerged floating tunnel (SFT), also known as Archimedes Bridge, is an innovative structural typology, is used to cross waterway, such as strait, lake, fjord, etc.潜浮式倒悬索跨海大桥是一种将阿基米德桥与悬索桥结合在一起的一种新桥型,它有一般悬浮隧道的各种特点,具有通行时间短、自然环境影响小、建造地点的选择比较自由、环保,以及不破坏建造地点的自然景观等优点,为跨越大范围水域提供了一种新的桥型。

2.Thesubmerged floating and reverse suspension sea-crossing bridge becomes a better choice for it does not exist this problem.潜浮式倒悬索则因不存在这样的问题而成了一种较好的选择。


1.The Seismic Response Analysis and Research on the Submerged Floating Bridge;潜浮式倒悬索跨海大桥地震反应研究

2.Test and Theory Research on the Dynamic Characteristic of Submerged Floating Reverse Suspended Cable Bridges;潜浮式倒悬索桥动力性能试验与理论研究

3.Simulation Analysis and Test Research of Submerged Floating and Reverse Suspension Sea-crossing Bridge潜浮式倒悬索跨海大桥的仿真分析和试验研究

4.Study on the Control Scheme of Submerge-Emerge Small Waterline Area Single Hull潜浮式小水线面单体船控制方案试验研究

5.Research of Half Wave Buoyance Balance Adjustment and Switching Depth-keeping Control of Submersibles深潜器半波浮力平衡微调和开关式定深悬浮控制的研究

6.Key techniques and their application for well testing with electric submersible pump on floating drilling vessel浮式钻井装置电潜泵测试关键技术及其应用

7.a suBmarine surfaced outside the harBor.潜水艇在港外浮到水面。

8.latent aerophilic quality(指浮选粒子) 潜在亲气性

9.The submarine resurfaced.潜艇重新浮出水面.

10.The divers tried to float the sunken ship.潜水员想使沉船浮起。

11.float onfloat off ship浮上浮下船浮装式集装箱船浮上浮下型船

12.Why can a submarine float and sink? 为什么潜水艇既能浮在水面,又能潜入水底?

13.DICASS’s Detection Blind Area and Analysis of Submarine’s Elusion“迪卡斯”声纳浮标探潜盲区与潜艇的规避分析

14.The ship was stopped by a surfaced submarine.那艘船被一浮出水面的潜水艇拦住了。

15.A Discussion on Some Questions of Short-wave Expendable Communications Buoy关于潜用消耗型短波通信浮标的探讨

16.Research of Method of Small Particle Suspended Liquid Used for Appearing of Latent Fingerprints with Sweat;小颗粒悬浮液法显现汗潜手印的研究

17.A study on maneuverability of a new concept marine vehicle一种新概念潜浮平台操纵性仿真研究

18.The SVM Inverse System Control for Underwater Vehicle Hovering潜器水下悬浮SVM逆系统控制研究


submerged floating潜浮式

1.The article constructs a new design scheme forsubmerged floating reverse suspended cable sea-crossing bridges.以琼州海峡过海通道建设为背景,在对国内外过海方案进行研究的基础上,构建一种新的设计方案——潜浮式倒悬索跨海大桥,其基础为普通桩基和承台,承台以上为倒悬索系统,主梁是位于水下数十米的水密舱,置于索承系统之上,形成倒悬索结构形式。

3)thin barrier潜浮式薄板

4)pontoon of semisubmersible半潜式浮箱

5)electrical submersible float pump浮动式潜油泵

6)floating moored semisubmersible浮式系泊半潜式平台


