100字范文 > 平板运动试验Duke评分 Duke treadmill score英语短句 例句大全

平板运动试验Duke评分 Duke treadmill score英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-27 08:23:17


平板运动试验Duke评分 Duke treadmill score英语短句 例句大全

平板运动试验Duke评分,Duke treadmill score

1)Duke treadmill score平板运动试验Duke评分

1.TheDuke treadmill score is a well-validated score which combines exercise time, ST deviation, and angina during exercise.平板运动试验Duke评分结合了运动时间、ST段偏移和运动中出现的心绞痛症状等因素,可以预测有无冠心病及其严重程度,并且可以评估冠心病患者的预后。

2.Duke treadmill score(DTS) is one of the most effective and important non-invasive diagnostic techniques of diagnosis,risk stratification and prognostic assessment to CHD.近年来有关冠心病诊断的各种新方法不断应用于临床,平板运动试验Duke评分是对冠心病进行诊断、危险分层和预后评估最有效、最重要的非侵入性诊断技术之一。

3.AIM To investigate the correlation between the noninvasiveDuke treadmill score (DTS) and the corrected thrombolysis in myocardial infarction frame count (CTFC) in patients with coronary atherosclerotic heart disease.目的探讨冠心病患者无创平板运动试验Duke评分(DTS)与冠状动脉造影评价预后的指标校正的TIMI帧数(CTFC)之间的相关性,为利用无创的平板运动试验评价冠心病患者的预后提供依据。

2)Duke treadmill scoreDuke评分

1.Study of the value ofDuke treadmill score in prediction of the degree of coronary artery disease;Duke评分在冠状动脉病变程度预测中的价值研究

2.Objective To investigate the correlation ofDuke treadmill score (DTS) and the extent of coronary artery disease.目的探讨平板运动试验评分即Duke评分(DTS)与冠状动脉病变严重程度之间的相关性。

3.Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of theDuke treadmill score(DTS)for risk-stratification of significant or severe coronary heart diease.目的:评价平板运动试验Duke评分(DTS)对冠心病危险分层的实用性。

3)Treadmill exercise testing运动平板试验

1.Objective The treadmill exercise testing was performed in patients with coronary heart disease to detect metabolic equivalents (METS)、 exercise time and maximum heart rate, meanwhile, ST segment fluctuations、 whether angina pectoris and various arrhythmias are accured were monitored by 12 leads electrocardiogram.目的 对冠心病患者进行运动平板试验,检测病人的代谢当量、运动时间及最大心率,通过12导联连续心电检测,观察各导联ST段变化及有无胸闷胸痛等症状及各种心律失常的发生,患者在适当时间接受冠状动脉造影术及左室造影术,明确冠状动脉病变范围、冠状动脉狭窄程度及左室射血分数,以探讨、评价运动平板试验对冠心病患者的诊断价值及对冠状动脉病变范围、狭窄程度的估计价值。

2.The correlation of coronary artery process, metabolic equivalents(METS),age,blood pressure and body weight index with B-type n-atriuretic peptide changes(△BNP) is observed,so as to judge whether the accuracy of treadmill exercise testing diagnosis can be enhanced by the concentration detection of plasma B-type natriuretic peptide.目的:测定心脏负荷试验前后血浆B型钠尿肽(BNP)浓度,观察BNP浓度的变化(△BNP)与冠状动脉病变、代谢当量(METS)、年龄、血压和体重指数的相关性,判断血浆B型钠尿肽浓度检测能否提高运动平板试验诊断的准确性。


1.The Clinical Significance of Ptfv1 during Exercise Treadmill Test in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease冠心病者运动平板试验中Ptf_(V_1)变化的临床意义

parative Study on Treadmill Exercise Testing and Coronary Angiography of Coronary Heart Disease;冠心病运动平板试验与冠状动脉造影的对比研究

parable Analysis of Treadmill Exercise Test After Acute Myocardial Infarction and Coronary Angiography;急性心肌梗死后运动平板试验与冠状动脉造影的对比研究

4.The Value of treadmill test to evaluate in-stent restenosis on the patients after PCI运动平板试验在评估冠状动脉支架术后支架内再狭窄中的价值

5.The value of treadmmill exercise test in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease平板运动试验在冠心病诊断中的价值

6.The Clinical Significance of Combining Treadmill Exercise Test (TET) with Carotid Artery Plaque Inspection in Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease;平板运动试验结合颈动脉斑块检测诊断冠心病

7.Differential Diagnosis of Treadmill Exercise Test Induced Wide QRS Complex Tachycardia平板运动试验诱发宽QRS心动过速的鉴别诊断

8.A Comparison of Different Exercise Electrocardiogram Testing Criterions to Diagnose Coronary Artery Disease;平板运动试验不同标准诊断冠心病的价值

9.An Evaluation on Ventricular Premature Contractions of the Students by Experiment of the Flat Moves;平板运动试验对大学生室性早搏的评价

10.The Diagnostic Value of Exercise Treadmill Test in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease平板运动试验对冠心病的诊断价值研究

11.The Analysis of Treadmill Exercise Test of 58 Cases With the Feature of ECG T_(V1)>T_(V5),T_(V6)心电图T_(V1)>T_(V5)、T_(V6)患者平板运动试验分析

12.Arrhythmia Induced by Treadmill Exercise Test in Coronary Aartery Disease冠心病平板运动试验诱发心律失常48例分析

13.Clinical significance of ST elevation induced by treadmill test平板运动试验诱发ST段抬高的临床意义

14.A Comparative Study on Treadmill Exercise Testing and Coronary Angiography for the Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease;活动平板运动试验阳性与冠状动脉造影的对比研究

15.Clinical Analysis in Patients with Abnormal Treadmill Exercise Test but Normal Coronary Angiography;平板运动试验阳性或可疑阳性而冠状动脉造影正常临床分析

16.Clinical study on chronotropic incompetence of treadmill exercise testing and coronary artery disease平板运动试验与心脏变时功能不全对冠状动脉病变的诊断价值

parative study of 64-slice computed tomography and treadmill exercise testing as well as coronary angiography in patients with coronary heart diseaseCT成像和平板运动试验与冠状动脉造影的对比研究

18.Diagnostic value of treadmill exercise test combined with 24h dynamic electrocardiogram in patients with coronary heart disease平板运动试验结合动态心电图对冠心病的诊断价值


Duke treadmill scoreDuke评分

1.Study of the value ofDuke treadmill score in prediction of the degree of coronary artery disease;Duke评分在冠状动脉病变程度预测中的价值研究

2.Objective To investigate the correlation ofDuke treadmill score (DTS) and the extent of coronary artery disease.目的探讨平板运动试验评分即Duke评分(DTS)与冠状动脉病变严重程度之间的相关性。

3.Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of theDuke treadmill score(DTS)for risk-stratification of significant or severe coronary heart diease.目的:评价平板运动试验Duke评分(DTS)对冠心病危险分层的实用性。

3)Treadmill exercise testing运动平板试验

1.Objective The treadmill exercise testing was performed in patients with coronary heart disease to detect metabolic equivalents (METS)、 exercise time and maximum heart rate, meanwhile, ST segment fluctuations、 whether angina pectoris and various arrhythmias are accured were monitored by 12 leads electrocardiogram.目的 对冠心病患者进行运动平板试验,检测病人的代谢当量、运动时间及最大心率,通过12导联连续心电检测,观察各导联ST段变化及有无胸闷胸痛等症状及各种心律失常的发生,患者在适当时间接受冠状动脉造影术及左室造影术,明确冠状动脉病变范围、冠状动脉狭窄程度及左室射血分数,以探讨、评价运动平板试验对冠心病患者的诊断价值及对冠状动脉病变范围、狭窄程度的估计价值。

2.The correlation of coronary artery process, metabolic equivalents(METS),age,blood pressure and body weight index with B-type n-atriuretic peptide changes(△BNP) is observed,so as to judge whether the accuracy of treadmill exercise testing diagnosis can be enhanced by the concentration detection of plasma B-type natriuretic peptide.目的:测定心脏负荷试验前后血浆B型钠尿肽(BNP)浓度,观察BNP浓度的变化(△BNP)与冠状动脉病变、代谢当量(METS)、年龄、血压和体重指数的相关性,判断血浆B型钠尿肽浓度检测能否提高运动平板试验诊断的准确性。

4)Exercise treadmill test平板运动试验

1.Objective: To discuss diagnostic value of exercise treadmill test in latent coronary heart disease.目的:探讨平板运动试验对隐匿型冠心病的诊断价值。

2.Methods Fifty patients with suspected CAD underwent exercise treadmill test(ETT) and coronary angiography.目的探讨平板运动试验QTc离散度 (QTcd)的变化规律与诊断冠心病的临床意义。

3.Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of QTpd、QRS duration and frontal plane QRS axis changes during exercise treadmill test in patients with and without coronary artery disease, and evaluate their diagnostic value in coronary artery disease.目的: 探讨活动平板运动试验中冠心病患者与非冠心病患者QTpd、QRS宽度和QRS额面电轴变化的意义,并评价其诊断冠心病的价值。

5)treadmill test平板运动试验

1.Analysis oftreadmill test false positive result of 80 middle-senile patients;80例中老年女性平板运动试验假阳性原因分析

2.Value of changes of P wave dispersion in patients with coronary artery disease duringtreadmill test;平板运动试验中P波离散度的变化对冠心病患者的意义

3.Clinical significance of ST elevation induced bytreadmill test平板运动试验诱发ST段抬高的临床意义

6)Treadmill exercise testing平板运动试验

1.Beneficial effect of carvedilol on ventricular arrhythmia response to treadmill exercise testing;平板运动试验评价卡维地洛对运动中出现的室性心律失常的干预作用

2.Electrocardiogram and treadmill exercise testing for diagnosis of coronary heart disease;常规心电图与平板运动试验在冠心病诊断中的应用

3.Methods:Treadmill exercise testing was performed by the standard Bruce protocal a week before coronary angiography by the Judkin protocal.目的:比较活动平板运动试验(TET)与冠状动脉造影对诊断冠心病的临床意义。


