100字范文 > 活动平板心电图 Treadmill ECG英语短句 例句大全

活动平板心电图 Treadmill ECG英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-12 23:09:37


活动平板心电图 Treadmill ECG英语短句 例句大全

活动平板心电图,Treadmill ECG

1)Treadmill ECG活动平板心电图

2)Treadmill exercise ECG stress test平板运动心电图负荷试验


1.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the consistency between thetreadmill ischemic ST-segment changes and 24h dynamic electrocardiogram.目的:探讨活动平板缺血性ST段改变与24h动态心电图之间的一致性。

2.This paper introduces the designing concept of the ECGtreadmill system and discusses the methods of its realizatio介绍了活动平板系统的设计思想,并讨论了具体实现的方法。


1.A Study on the Diagnostic Value of Treadmill Test in Coronary Disease;活动平板试验对冠心病诊断价值的研究

parison of Before and After Intervention Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease Through Treadmill Exercise Test冠心病介入治疗前后的活动平板试验比较

3.A Comparative Study on Treadmill Exercise Testing and Coronary Angiography for the Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease;活动平板运动试验阳性与冠状动脉造影的对比研究

4.Exercise-induced Ventricular Arrhythmias and its Prognosis活动平板试验诱发室性心律失常及其与预后的关系

5.Objective To investigate the phenomenon and the clinic significance of the blood pressure (BP) increased abnormally induced by treadmill exercise testing.目的探讨活动平板运动试验所激发的血压异常增高的现象及临床意义。

6.4. the combination of DCG with treadmill exercise test can raise detection rate of CHD to a certain degree.动态心电图结合活动平板试验可在一定程度上提高冠心病的检出率;

7.The Relationship between Mean Platelet Volume and the Clinical Disease Activity Indices of Rheumatoid Arthritis类风湿关节炎活动期血小板平均体积变化的临床研究

8.A blind or shutter having adjustable horizontal slats for regulating the passage of air and light.百叶窗一种有水平条板的遮阳物或活动遮板,用来调节光和空气的流通量

9.a table that has a drop leaf.有一个活动翻板的桌子。

10.movable steps [bus]活动上落车踏板〔巴士〕

11.a rolltop desk有活动盖板的办公桌

12.portable partitions, screens & panels活动隔墙,屏网和隔板

13.automatic flat-bed screen printing machine自动平板筛网印花机

14.auto-sliding flat panel entrance doors自动推拉平板式入口门

15.electric platform carrier电动固定平板搬运车

16.sliding parallel-plate viscometer滑动平行板式粘度计

17.a drop-leaf table with leaves supported by gated legs.折叠支架支撑的翻板的活动翻板桌。

18.Hydrodynamic Analysis of Horizontal and Vertical Plate Type Breakwater平板与立板型防波堤水动力特性研究


Treadmill exercise ECG stress test平板运动心电图负荷试验


1.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the consistency between thetreadmill ischemic ST-segment changes and 24h dynamic electrocardiogram.目的:探讨活动平板缺血性ST段改变与24h动态心电图之间的一致性。

2.This paper introduces the designing concept of the ECGtreadmill system and discusses the methods of its realizatio介绍了活动平板系统的设计思想,并讨论了具体实现的方法。

4)electrocardia action心电活动

1.Objective To observe the effect of lidocaine hyperkalemia warm blood cardioplegia (LHKWBCP) on dogelectrocardia action.目的观察利多卡因高钾温血心停搏液对犬心电活动的影响。

5)treadmill heart pacemaker踏板运动心电图机

6)averaged electrocardiogram平均心电图


