100字范文 > 职业教师 vocational quality education英语短句 例句大全

职业教师 vocational quality education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-24 07:22:24


职业教师 vocational quality education英语短句 例句大全

职业教师,vocational quality education

1)vocational quality education职业教师

1.The vocational quality of professional teachers is essential to developvocational quality education.职业教师素质,是发展职业教育的前提和保障。


1.The Process of Emergence of Teacher Occupation in China;长者为师 以官为师职业教师——我国教师职业产生的过程

2.Teaching Professional Pressure Orientation and Prophylaticity on Exhaustibility;关注教师职业压力 预防教师职业枯竭

3.Professional Trait of Teachers Occupation and Professional Power of Teachers;教师职业的专业性和教师的专业权力

4.Raising Professional Qualities to Promote Teachers’ Professional Development;提升教师职业品位,促进教师专业发展

5.Teachers Certificate--a Starting Point of the Specialization of Teaching Profession;教师资格证是教师职业专业化的起点

6.Job burnout and mental health education of teachers;教师职业倦怠与教师的心理健康教育

7.He gains his living by working as a teacher.他以做教师为谋生职业。

8.Relationship Between Teachers professional self-conception and Seconadary school Teachers Burnout;教师职业自我概念与中学教师职业倦怠的关系

9.The Development of Pre-vocational Teaching Skills Advancing to Regional Teacher Education走向区域教师教育的职前教师职业技能培养

10.On the Construction of "Bi-Professional" Teacher Ranks in Vocational School;职业教育“双师型”教师队伍建设研究

11.Primary Explorationinto the Connotion of“Double Competency” Teacher of Vocational Eduction;职业教育“双师素质”教师概念初探

12.Teacher of "Free Occupation":A New Teacher Model;“自由职业”教师:一种新型教师模式

13.Teacher autonomy for EFL teachers professional development;试论英语教师职业发展中的教师自主

14.A Roundup of the Research in the Connotation of "Double-Typed" Teachers in Vocational Education;职业教育“双师型”教师内涵研究综述

15.On Nurturing Double-qualified Teachers in Vocational Education;浅析职业教育中的“双师型”教师的培养

16.On Cultivation of "Two-profession" Teachersin Higher Professional Education;高等职业教育“双师型”教师的培养问题

17.Easing Teachers" Job Burnout by Reforming Teacher Appraisal改革教师评价模式 缓解教师职业倦怠

18.Study on Structure Model of Vocational and Technical Education Ability of Professional Teachers in Higher Vocational Education;高职专业教师职教能力结构模型研究


teacher occupation教师职业

1.There is a process of seed, development and maturity in theteacher occupation emergence.我国教师职业的产生有一个萌芽、发育和成熟的过程 ,这一过程由长者为师、以官为师和职业教师三个阶段构成。

3)teachers occupation教师职业

1.The trait ofteachers occupation has gradually turned from government officials into professionals.我国的教育体制改革已经使传统的教师与政府、学校之间的法律关系发生了根本性的变化,教师职业的性质正逐步由过去的国家干部转变为专业人员。

2.The sense ofteachers occupational happiness is an important aspect of their teaching career.但目前,对小学、幼儿园教师职业幸福感的研究较多,而对中学教师群体的系统研究不多见。

4)teacher profession教师职业

1.The publicness ofteacher profession comes from the publicness of education and school,so it should be the basic value of the rights and obligations of teachers.教师职业的公共性源于教育的公共性和学校的公共性,教师权利及其界限的确立应以教师职业的公共性为基本价值。

5)teaching profession教师职业

1.The most students have sense of agreements on being engaged inteaching profession,and feel uncertain about future.反映出云南高师院校的毕业生对从事教师职业的问题的态度存在显著性差异。

2.Along with a brief description of the development of theteaching profession, this article makes an analysis of the background, significance, and value of teachers with critical thinking.本文通过概述教师职业发展的历程 ,就批判反思型教师提出的背景、意义与价值进行分析。

3.We should reform and innovate,build a practice orientation course system in higher pedagogical education,strengthen teaching practice,strictly enforce the regulations about training and evaluation ofteaching professional skills.实施实践取向的高等师范教育,必须正视现行师范教育的缺失,改革创新,构建突出实践取向的高等师范教育课程体系,强化教育教学实践,严格教师职业技能培养与考核。

6)view of teaching profession教师职业观

1.Aview of teaching profession as "a way of life" is the real source of the teacher s sense of happiness.将"生活方式"作为教师职业观,才是教师职业幸福感的真正来源。


《关于高等学校教师职务名称及其确定与提升办法的暂行规定》中华人民共和国国务院于1960年3月5日颁发试行的一项规定。目的是为了鼓励高等学校教师不断提高政治业务水平,努力做好教学工作和科学研究工作。《暂行规定》规定,高等学校教师职务名称定为教授、副教授、讲师、助教 4级;教师职务名称的确定与提升,以思想政治条件、学识水平和业务能力为主要依据。《暂行规定》对各级职称的具体条件和审批办法等作了规定。《暂行规定》颁布后,对推动高等学校教学、科研工作,加强高等学校教师队伍的建设,起了一定的作用。但在"文化大革命"期间,高等学校确定和提升教师职称的工作中断。1978年 3月,国务院批转了教育部《关于高等学校恢复和提升教师职务问题的报告》,决定恢复高等学校教师职称,并开展提升教师职称工作。为了使高等学校教师提职工作经常化、制度化,教育部于1982年 2月又下达了《关于当前执行〈暂行规定〉的实施意见》,对《暂行规定》作了一些补充。
