100字范文 > 测控仪 measuring and controlling instrument英语短句 例句大全

测控仪 measuring and controlling instrument英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-25 05:55:19


测控仪 measuring and controlling instrument英语短句 例句大全

测控仪,measuring and controlling instrument

1)measuring and controlling instrument测控仪

1.The current types of sand moisturemeasuring and controlling instruments was briefly introduced,and the development tendency of them was discussed.简要介绍了目前各类型砂水分测控仪。

2.principle and the design of the hardware and software of an intelligentmeasuring and controlling instrument for the liquid position, based on a single-chip computer AT89C51.本文介绍了以AT89C54-单片机为核心构成的智能液位测控仪的组成、原理及硬、软件设计方案,其中针对程序跑飞问题提出了一个特殊解决方法。


1.A Design of TMS320F240 Based Air-condition Synthetical Testing and Controlling Instrument;基于TMS320F240 DSP的空调综合测控仪设计

2.The Study on Fieldbus Measurement and Control Instrument Applied to Power Plant;电站基地现场总线式测控仪表的研制

3.Research on CAN Bus Communication of Intelligent Measure and Control Instrument;智能测控仪表CAN总线通讯的研究

4.ROGER (Remotely Operated Geophysical Explorer)遥控地球物理探测仪

5.reactor instrumentation and control反应堆仪表监测和控制

6.matrix measuring or controlling instrument矩阵测量或控制仪器

7.monitoring the spacecraft"s instrumentation监控宇航器的检测仪表.

8.Inspection and Testing Institute of Instruments and Automatic Systems仪器仪表及自控系统检验测试所

9.Development of Science and Technology in Instrumentation,Measurement and Control Area of China我国仪器仪表与测量控制科技的发展

10.Supervise commissioning of instrumentation and final loop acceptance testing.监管仪表调试以及仪表控制回路最终测试验收。

11.RHEO-TENSION Measurement and Control System Based on Virtual Instrument Technology;基于虚拟仪器技术的拉伸流变仪测控系统

12.The design of the automotive dashboard tester based on XC167CI microcontroller基于XC167CI微控制器的汽车仪表测试仪研制

13.Design of test instrument for stabilization accuracy of tank gun control system using gyroscope基于陀螺仪的坦克炮控稳定精度检测仪设计

14.microprocessor instrumentation微处理机控制的检测仪表

15.measuring instrument with circuit control device带有电路控制器件的测量仪表

16.silicon controlled fully dynamical comprehensive measuring instrument可控硅全动态综合测试仪

17.servocontrol accelerometer inclinometer伺服控制加速度计式数显测斜仪

18.Detection and Control of Instrument for AISC No.2 Slab Continue Caster鞍钢2号板坯连铸机仪表检测与控制


measuring-controlling instrument测控仪

1.This paper introduced the software and hardware design of a simple and practical multifunctionalmeasuring-controlling instrument applied in greenhouse, which took the single chip microcontroller AT89C52 as its controlling core.介绍了以单片机AT89C52为控制核心的简单实用的温室大棚多功能测控仪的硬件与软件设计。

3)measure and control instrument测控仪表

4)measurement and control instrument测控仪表

1.Several problems need to solve for nonvolatile data storage in singlechip proc essor systems which are analyzed here for example of temperaturemeasurement and control instrument.以温度测控仪表为例分析了单片机系统进行非易失性数据存储时软件要解决的几个问题。

5)computerized logging system数控测井仪

6)CNC test instrument数控测试仪


