100字范文 > 检测仪器和系统 measurement instrument and system英语短句 例句大全

检测仪器和系统 measurement instrument and system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-01 19:04:18


检测仪器和系统 measurement instrument and system英语短句 例句大全

检测仪器和系统,measurement instrument and system

1)measurement instrument and system检测仪器和系统

1.The definition and importance of machining precision is given fistly,measurement method,measurement instrument and system is discussed respectively.首先给定制造加工精度的定义和重要意义,然后对制造加工精度的检测方法、检测仪器和系统进行了分析讨论,其中主要是以自己在南华大学机械工程学院自行开发设计的检测仪器和系统为主,大多为面向现场的检测仪器和系统。

2.The definition and importance of machining precision is given,measurement method,measurement instrument and system is discussed respectively.介绍了制造加工精度的定义和重要意义,对制造加工精度的检测方法、检测仪器和系统进行了分析讨论。

2)instrument and detecting system仪器与检测系统

1.Exploration of teaching reform forinstrument and detecting system integrative design course;仪器与检测系统综合设计课程的教学改革探索

3)Examination system of instrument仪表检测系统


1.Design of vehicle digital instrument detecting system based on LabVIEW基于LabVIEW的汽车数字仪表检测系统设计

2.Inspection and Testing Institute of Instruments and Automatic Systems仪器仪表及自控系统检验测试所

3.Research on Control System of Inspecting Instrument for Steel Ball Surface Defect钢球表面缺陷检测仪控制系统的研究

4.Development of real-time inspection and instrument system based on aeromotor revving飞机发动机转速实时检测与仪表系统的研制

5.Development of Intelligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter and Automatic Meter Reading System;智能电磁流量检测仪与自动抄表系统的开发

6.Embedded Control System of Inspecting Instrument for Steel Ball Surface Defect;钢球表面缺陷检测仪的嵌入式控制系统

7.Examination System in the Auto Meter Based on Image Processing;基于图象处理的汽车仪表自动检测系统

8.Research and Development of Automobile Calibration System for Combines Meter of D310;D310汽车组合仪表综合检测系统的研究与开发

9.Design and Implementation of an Automatic Gauge Inspection System Based on Computer Vision基于机器视觉的仪表自动检测系统设计与实现

10.Research on Vision System Inspecting Instrument for Steel Ball Surface Defect钢球表面缺陷检测仪中的视觉系统研究

11.visual instrumentation subsystem可读测试仪表子系统

12.stroboscopic instrumentatio频闪观测仪式检测仪表

13.Design of Automatic Testing System of Electrical Meters and Controllers of Armored Car装甲车辆电气仪表及控制盒自动检测系统的设计

14.Design of Sampling System of Somatic Cell Counter and Analysis on Adhesion Behavior of Milk;乳品体细胞检测仪采样系统设计及乳品表面粘附行为分析

15.Study of Drive and Control System of Air Core Reactor Inner Surface Detecting Instrument Design空心电抗器内表面检测仪传动和控制系统设计研究

16.Research on Image Collection and Processing System of Air Core Reactor Surface Detector空心电抗器内表面检测仪图像采集和处理系统研究

17.Selecting and Installing the Measuring Instrument and Design of the Control System on the Coal to Hydrogen Plant煤制氢装置中检测仪表的选型与控制系统设计介绍

18.The classify of measuring and processing control instrument is introduced in this paper. The general patterns of hardware and software are given also.介绍了电量测量仪表和过程控制仪表的自检自诊断系统的分类,并给出了一些常见的硬、件模式.


instrument and detecting system仪器与检测系统

1.Exploration of teaching reform forinstrument and detecting system integrative design course;仪器与检测系统综合设计课程的教学改革探索

3)Examination system of instrument仪表检测系统

4)detection and identification system鉴定和检测系统

5)Inspecting and Recognizing System检测和识别系统

6)self and systems testing and checkout自身和系统检测


