100字范文 > 智能温控 intelligent temperature control英语短句 例句大全

智能温控 intelligent temperature control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-02 18:43:52


智能温控 intelligent temperature control英语短句 例句大全

智能温控,intelligent temperature control

1)intelligent temperature control智能温控

1.Design of injection mould withintelligent temperature control for experimental teaching;实验教学型智能温控注射模设计

2.The paper mainly introduces the application of PLC andintelligent temperature controllers to the vacuum drying and the vacuum press impregnating, as well as emergency problems and the solutions to them.本文主要介绍了可编程序控制器及智能温控仪在真空干燥与浸渍设备中的应用 ,并介绍了应用中出现的问题及解决办


1.Intelligent Temperature Controller Based on a Chip Microcomputer AT89C52;基于AT89C52单片机的智能温控器

2.Study of Pneumatic Ventilation-window Opener and Temperature Control System for Intelligent Greenhouses;智能温室气动开窗温度调控系统研究

3.Research of Intelligent PID Control Algorithm for Temperature Control System;温控系统的智能PID控制算法研究

4.The Application of Intelligence Control Algorithm in Main Stream Temperature Control System;智能控制算法在主汽温控制中的应用

5.A Study of the Temperature Control of a Heating Furnace Based on an Intelligent Control Algorithm智能控制算法对加热炉温度控制研究

6.Application of Fuzzy Control in the Temperature and Humidity Control for Intelligent Greenhouse;模糊控制在智能温室温湿度控制中的应用

7.Intelligence PID Control Research of Boiler Main Steam Temperature in Thermal Power Unit;火电机组锅炉主汽温智能PID控制研究

8.Study on Control Arithmetic and Data Management of Intelligent Greenhouse;智能温室控制算法和数据管理的研究

9.Research on the Modelling and Intelligent Control of the Greenhouse Microclimate;温室小气候的建模及其智能控制研究

10.Development of Intelligent Monitoring and Controlling System for Greenhouse Environment;温室环境智能监控系统的开发与研究

11.Design of Intelligent Greenhouse Control System Based on PLC;基于PLC的智能温室控制系统的设计

12.Research on the Web-Based Remote Intelligence Control of Greenhouse;基于Web的温室远程智能监控系统研究

13.The Application and Research of Intelligent Control about Temperature Predict Inside Blast Furnace;智能控制在高炉炉温预测中应用研究

14.The Research and Realization on Intelligent Control System for the Greenhouse Environment;温室环境智能控制系统的研究与实现

15.A Design of the Control of Isothermal Furnace System;基于恒温炉智能模糊PID控制器设计

16.A Temperature Control System Based on Lab-windows;一种基于Lab-windows的智能温度控制系统

17.The Intelligent Greenhouse Control System Based on Singie-Chip Computer;基于单片机的智能温室大棚控制系统

18.Simulating and Intellective Controlling Greenhouse System;仿真和人工智能控制的温室系统(英文)


KX-C intellect controlled temperature apparatusKX-C智能温控仪

1.It was introduced that the performance and distinguishing feature ofKX-C intellect controlled temperature apparatus, and the unite aluminum electrolysis the founding heat preservation oven control demand.简要介绍了KX-C智能温控仪的性能、特点;结合铝电解铸造保温炉的控制要求,阐述了KX-C智能温控仪对保温炉的恒温控制过程。

3)intelligent temperature-controlled shutter智能温控百叶窗

1.To reduce the thermal losses of water and air cooling systems and improve the performance of the coldstart of armored vehicles in winter, a thermostat double driven by paraffin and memory alloy and anintelligent temperature-controlled shutter have been invented and designed.利用Ni-Ti记忆合金的形状记忆特性,针对冬季装甲车辆风冷和水冷系统存在的起动时热量损失过大,导致冷起动性能较差的问题,设计发明了智能温控百叶窗和石蜡-记忆合金双重驱动节温器。

4)intelligent temperature controller智能温度控制器

1.TCN75 is anintelligent temperature controller with I2C Bus interface, which is produced by Telcom Corporation, USA.TCN75是美国Telcom公司生产的带I2C总线串行接口的智能温度控制器。

2.TCN75 is anintelligent temperature controller with I2C Bus interface, which is produced by Telcom Corporation > USA.TCN75是美国Telcom公司生产的带I~4总线串行接口的智能温度控制器。

3.In order to save the energy and reduce the consumers’expenses of heating in the indoor heating system in winter, this item studies and designs a new kind of embeddedintelligent temperature controller for heating in winter.为了在冬季室内供暖系统中节约能源和减少用户的供热支出,研究与设计了一种新型的冬季取暖嵌入式智能温度控制器。

5)intelligence temperature controller智能温控仪表

1.The design method about theintelligence temperature controller in low cost and high performance;一种低成本高性能的智能温控仪表设计

6)greenhouse intelligent controller温室智能控制器


