100字范文 > 温控器 temperature controller英语短句 例句大全

温控器 temperature controller英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-14 04:42:22


温控器 temperature controller英语短句 例句大全

温控器,temperature controller

1)temperature controller温控器

1.The design oftemperature controller circumferential seam welding equipment;温控器膜盒环缝焊接装置设计

2.Application design for New type computer boxtemperature controller s MCU;新型电脑机箱温控器的单片机应用设计

3.Atemperature controller is designed based on the CPLD EPM 7128 The structure of the controller is simple,but has good performances,and is easy to satisfy some bad condition该温控器结构简单 ,性能稳定 ,适合环境较恶劣的控制场


1.Thermostats - Immersion type for accurate temperature control from positive off up to 180oC.温控器--浸泡式温控器用于温度的精确控制,温度设置范围在0~82oC。

2.Remove the plastic thermostat cover from the thermostat( s) making sure to disengage the attachment point from the thermostat.从温控器上拆卸塑料温控器盖,确保与温控器上固定点完全分离。

3.Digital thermometer-thermostat DS7505 and its applications数字温度计和温控器DS7505及其应用

4.An over temperature alarm controller based on 80c51基于80C51单片机超温报警温控器

5.The Design of Temperature Controller for Speria Controllable Gas furnace;Speria可控气氛加热炉温控器设计

6.air damper contro温感风门温度控制器

7.temperature-controlled crystal oscillator温度控制晶体振荡器

8.electronic temperature contact controller接触式电子温度控制器

9.thermostatic controlled air cleaner恒温控制式空气滤清器

10.thermostatically controlled air cleaner恒温控制空气滤清器

11.bleed air temperature control sensor引气温度控制传感器

12.dual circuit temperature control device对偶电路的温度控制器

13.BAELZ6496 Temperature Controller and its Application;BAELZ6496温度控制器及其应用

14.Design of Fuzzy Self-turning PID Control Greenhouse Temperature Controller模糊自整定PID温室温度控制器的设计

15.Establishing a Temperature Monitoring System Using DS1620 Temperature Sensor利用DS1620温度传感器构成温度监控系统

16.Automatic Temperature Controller for RWCK-I GreenhouseRWCK-I型日光温室温度自动控制器

17.Hot-sensitivity resistence s implication of temperature compensation and test&control temperature;热敏电阻器温度补偿及测温控温的应用

18.Temperature Control System Based on FPGA Nine-point Controller;基于FPGA九点控制器的温度控制系统



1.Development of Chamber for Thermostat s Performance Test;空调用温控器测试设备的研制

2.The research of flux for lead-free soldering in obturatedthermostat密闭型温控器无铅焊接焊剂的研究

3.Digital thermometer-thermostat DS7505 and its applications数字温度计和温控器DS7505及其应用

3)TCT Thermostat Control Temperature恒温器控制温度

4)temperature controller温度控制器

1.Design of Temperature Controller Based on MAX6675;基于MAX6675的温度控制器设计

2.Design of ship refrigeratedcontainertemperature controller;船舶冷藏箱温度控制器的设计

3.Designing a marine engine cooling-watertemperature controller with Smith predictor;采用Smith预估器的船舶主机冷却水温度控制器的设计

5)Constant temperature controller恒温控制器

1.The study of digital constant temperature controller;新型全数字式恒温控制器的研究

6)temperature-control amplifier温控放大器

1.The study of a testing system used for enginetemperature-control amplifier of some model warplane is introduced in this paper.介绍了某型号军用机发动机温控放大器测试平台的研制过程 ,详述了系统的设计思路以及软硬件的设计方法 ,该智能测试平台在很大程度上提高了测试精度和可靠性 ,并且大大减少了技术人员的工作量 ,是一种节约能源成本的测试系统。


