100字范文 > 主要技战术 major technique and tactics英语短句 例句大全

主要技战术 major technique and tactics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-07 18:10:41


主要技战术 major technique and tactics英语短句 例句大全

主要技战术,major technique and tactics

1)major technique and tactics主要技战术


1.The analysis of tactics adopted in women"s singles in the french open tennis championships in 法国网球公开赛女单主要技战术分析

2.Analysis of the Gaps in Main Techniques between Chinese and European Teams in FIBA World Championship;男篮世锦赛中国队与欧美强队主要技战术差距分析

parative Analysis the Major Technique and Tactics of Excellent Chinese and Foreign Women"s Tennis Sigles Players"中外优秀女子网球单打选手主要技战术的对比分析

4.Independent Innovation should Emphasize the Needs of Combining Technological Strategy with Brand Strategy;自主创新要突出技术战略与品牌战略的结合

5.The main features of the Gulf War are outlined from tactical technique.本文从战术技术角度出发,扼要阐述海湾战争的一些主要特点。

6.Analysis of Defensive Technique and Tactics Application in European Football Cup in 20002000欧洲足球锦标赛主要防守技战术运用分析

7.Research on Developing Strategies for Alfalfa Industrialization and Major Practices of Alfalfa Culture in China;中国苜蓿产业化发展战略和主要栽培技术研究

8.Technology Catch-up Strategy on Industrial Level and its Element Dominating Model;产业层面技术赶超战略及其要素主导模式研究

9.A Discussion on the Main Character and Practice of Training of 40mm Ping-pong Ball Technology and Tactics;论乒乓大球技战术训练的主要特征与实践

10.Remove the Obstacles in Learning Skills and Tactics in P.E. by Using of Multimedia Technology;借助多媒体排除学习体育技战术中的主要障碍

11.Technical and Tactical Analysis on Main Rivals of Chinese Men"s Table Tennis Team中国乒乓球男队主要对手的技战术分析

12.On the Development of Wireless Network Technology and the Main Challenges浅谈无线网络技术的发展及其面临的主要挑战

13.The Research and Analysis of Main Defensive Technique and Tactics of Australia Team at the Finals Stage of the 18th World Cup;第18届世界杯决赛阶段澳大利亚队主要防守技战术的研究与分析

14.Technical and tactical diagnose and tactical plans for main competitive rivals of Men s Table Tennis of China;中国乒乓球男队主要竞争对手的技战术诊断及应对策略

15.A Summary of Strategic Oil Storage System and Storage Technology of Main Oil Consumption Countries in the World;世界主要石油消费国家的战略石油储备体系及储备技术综述

16.Analysis on the Features of the Appliction of the Main Defence Skills and Factics in.Chinese Skills and Tactics in. Chinese College Students′Football Finals;中国大学生足球总决赛主要防守技战术运用特征分析

17.The Basketball Rule Revises Primary Coverage to Technique and Tactics Development Influence Ponder篮球规则修改的主要内容对技战术发展影响的思考

18.Analysis on Technical and Tactical Characteristics of the Chinese Women"s Volleyball Team and Its Main Competitors Preparing for the 29~(th) Olympic Games备战第29届奥运会中国女子排球队及主要对手技、战术打法特点的分析与研究


main technology主要技术

1.The article presents the conception, application feature and themain technology of IP as well as the past, present and future of the development of I本文介绍了IP电话的概念、应用特点和主要技术 ,以及IP电话发展的过去、现在和未来。

3)operational requirement and specification战术技术要求

4)Main tactics index主要战术指标

5)main technology and measure主要技术措施

6)main technological performance主要技术性能

1.This paper briefs structure, dust-cleaning principle,main technological performance of LPM air-shaking bag precipitator.介绍了LPM气震式袋收尘器的结构、除尘原理和它的主要技术性能 ;以及它的选型规则和安装、维护管理要求。


主要1.把握事物的关键。 2.指事物中关系最大,起决定作用的。
