100字范文 > 技战术特征 characteristics of techniques and tactics英语短句 例句大全

技战术特征 characteristics of techniques and tactics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-04 12:28:41


技战术特征 characteristics of techniques and tactics英语短句 例句大全

技战术特征,characteristics of techniques and tactics

1)characteristics of techniques and tactics技战术特征


1.Research on Technical & Tactical Characteristics of Racket Games;隔网对抗(持拍类)项目技战术特征

2.An Analysis of Strategical and Technique Features ofOverhead Setter During National Women Volleyball Match A;我国甲A女排二传手技战术特征分析

3.Theoretical Study on Characteristics of Techniques and Tactics in Fencing击剑运动项目技战术特征的理论研究

4.The Research on the Offensive and Defensive Characteristics Of Corner in the 13~(th) Asian Football Cup;第13届亚洲杯足球赛角球攻防技战术特征研究

5.A Research on the Characteristics of Corner Offensive and Defensive Tactics during the 12~(th) European Football Cup;第12届欧洲杯角球攻、防技战术特征研究

6.On the Modern Basketball Defense Technique and Tactic Characteristics and Their Development Trend现代篮球防守技战术特征及发展趋势的研究

7.The Technical and Tactical Analysis of Chinese Table Tennis Team in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games;第29届北京奥运会中国乒乓球队技战术特征研究

8.A Comparison of China Basketball Teams and the World Strong Teams in Heights,Ages and Technical Competence;中国男篮与世界强队的身高、年龄、技战术特征分析

9.Characteristic and Exploration of Modern Volleyball on Technique and Tactics of Innovation Development;现代排球技战术创新发展特征与探索

10.An Analysis of the Character of Technology and Tactics of Female Football Players at Home and Abroad;中外女足运动员技战术运用特征分析

11.The Analysis on Technical and Tactical Characteristics of World Male Sabreurs Nowadays;对当今世界男子佩剑技、战术特征分析

12.Research on the Environment Character of High-Tech Company Planning Stratagem;高新技术企业战略制定的外部环境特征研究

13.Analysis on the Tendency and Characteristics of Skill and Tactics of our Female Walking Sword;我国女子佩剑技战术打法特征及发展趋势

14.The Analysis on Grey Correlation of Technical and Tactical Characteristics for Men s Top 8 Basketball Team;我国男子篮球8强技、战术特征的灰色关联分析

15.Technical and Tactical Features and Developing Trend of Female Sabers Play in the Present World;当今世界女子佩剑技战术打法特征及发展趋势

16.New Tendency of World Basketball;美国职业篮球进攻与防守的技、战术特征

17.A Discussion on the Main Character and Practice of Training of 40mm Ping-pong Ball Technology and Tactics;论乒乓大球技战术训练的主要特征与实践

18.Analysis on Techniques and Tactics Developmentand Active Example of Creation in Modern Volleyball;现代排球技战术创新发展特征与实例探析


analysis of technical characteristics技战术特征分析

3)tactical characteristic战术特征

1.Differentiating model of aerial targets type integrated with targetstactical characteristics;融合目标战术特征的空中目标类型识别模型

4)technical characteristic技术特征

1.Maintechnical characteristics of high speed railway and high speed EMUs;高速铁路的主要技术特征与高速动车组

2.It is probed the maintechnical characteristics for domestic 200 km/h speed level locomotives,such as the speed,axle load,axle arrangement,traction motor drive and braking system etc.着重就我国200km/h速度等级机车转向架的速度、轴重、轴式、牵引电动机轮对驱动制动系统等主要技术特征进行了探讨,提出了一些必须系统全面研究考虑的新技术、新结构。

3.The article discusses the classification of network fire wall security technology and its maintechnical characteristics.通过研究网络防火墙安全技术的分类及其主要技术特征。

5)technical feature技术特征

1.Through a detailed introduction and description about the style and thetechnical features of the classical sonatina the article trys to give a reference to a comprehensive understanding about the artistic value of the classical sonatina,so that man can annotativ the artistic intension of the classical sontina of the classical sonatina better on the modern piano.文章通过对古典小奏鸣曲风格特征和技术特征的详细介绍,为全面理解古典小奏鸣曲的艺术价值,更好地在现代钢琴上诠释古典小奏鸣曲的音乐内涵作出参考。

2.This principle means that when interpreting an independent application for patent and establishing the scope of protection of the patent, the courts shall exclude all of the evidently dispensabletechnical features from what already recorded in the independent application form for patent, an.其基本含义是:人民法院在解释专利独立权利要求和确定专利权的保护范围时,将记载在专利独立权利要求中的、明显是非必要的技术特征排除掉,仅以必要技术特征确定专利权的保护范围,从而有效保护当事人的合法权益。

6)feature technique特征技术

1.Research on information integration of CAD and CAIP based onfeature technique;基于特征技术的CAD与CAIP信息集成的研究

2.Inspection information model of based onfeature technique is introduced.介绍了基于特征技术的检测信息模型,建立了基于特征测面的零件检测数据模型。

3.In the system, the method of conceptual design and thefeature technique are adopted to build the frame model,the geometric conceptual model and the information model.系统地引入概念设计的思想 ,并采用特征技术分别建立零件的构形、几何概念模型和信息模型 ,实现零件的几何信息及非几何信息的多层管理。


兵种战术学(见战术学)兵种战术学(见战术学)science of arms tacticsbingzhong zhanshuxue兵种战术学(seiene。。faxTn。taeties)见战术学。
