100字范文 > 设计表达 Design expression英语短句 例句大全

设计表达 Design expression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-19 01:00:32


设计表达 Design expression英语短句 例句大全

设计表达,Design expression

1)Design expression设计表达


1.Discussion on the Humanity in Interior Design of Real-Estate Sales Center浅议售楼中心设计中的人性化设计表达

2.Packaging Design Visual Language to Express the Integrity of Research;包装视觉语言设计表达的整体性研究

3.The Discussion on the Aesthetics of Design;浅议设计中的美学——韵律表达设计之魂

4.Creative Concepts and Design Presentations of Visual Communication Design;视觉传达设计的创意理念与设计表现

5.Representation of Design Intents in Design Thinking Process Model设计思考过程模型中设计意图的表达

6.The expression of threedimensional design model;立体设计模型的表达——产品设计课教学重要环节

7.an artificial language designed to express algorithms.为表达算法设计的一种人工语言。

8.Aesthetic Expressions for Formal Aesthetic Perception of Art Design论艺术设计形式美感的审美表达方式

9.Molecular Design of Recombinant Human A20 and Its Expression in Pichia Pastoris;重组人A20的分子设计及酵母表达研究

10.Local Expression of Landscape Design Against the Backdrop of Ecology;景观设计生态背景下的本土文化表达

11.Design and Expression of the Hybrid Antimicrobial Peptides CL23 and LH28;杂合抗菌肽CL23和LH28的分子设计与表达

12.Living Space Design Means of Expression-in-depth Interaction;生活空间设计的表达方式—深入互动

13.The Language of Vision, the Art of Pixel in Design;新视觉语言—像素艺术在设计中的表达

14.Research on the Effect and Representation of Visual Communication in T-Shirt Design;论T恤设计中视觉传达的作用与表现

15.Tactile Design of Indoor Space and the Expression of Tactile Emotion;室内空间触觉设计及触觉情感的表达

16.Analysis of Color Application and Expression in Interior Design;浅析色彩在室内设计中的表达与应用

17.The Aesthetic Expression of Environmental Design in Art Psychology;艺术心理学在环境设计中的审美表达

18.Research on sign language expression of special computer terms;计算机专业词汇手语手势的表达设想


design express设计表达

1.Thedesign expression is a working language of the designer.产品设计表达是设计师的工作语言。

3)design of expression表达设计

4)design formula设计表达式

1.Value?determing problem on five partial factors of gate design code in ultimate limite statedesign formula is presented on the basis of Hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering for design of steel gate ,other corresponding speifiations and the work done previousty on reliability index calibration in gate design code.在前期所做的对闸门设计规范可靠度校准的工作基础上 ,根据《水利水电工程结构可靠度设计统一标准》等规范的有关规定 ,对闸门设计规范承载能力极限状态设计表达式中的 5个分项系数的取值作了说明。

5)design expression设计表达式

1.This paper introduces the method for the determination of partial coefficients in thedesign expression of the ultimate limit states given by "Design Specifications for Hydraulic Concrete Structures of P.本文简要介绍《水工混凝土结构设计规范(报批稿)》承载能力极限状态设计表达式中分项系数的确定方法及取值方案,可供有关工程设计人员参考。

2.This paper gives an introduction to the the determination method and value-taking scheme for the partial coefficients of the ultimate limit statesdesign expression in《Design Specifications for Hydraulic Concrete Structures》(revised draft).介绍了《水工混凝土结构设计规》(修订稿)关于承载能力极限状态设计表达式中分项系数的确定方法和取值方案。

6)Design and Presentation设计与表达


1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)叠 135Omm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)
