100字范文 > 达 expressiveness英语短句 例句大全

达 expressiveness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-27 21:18:37


达 expressiveness英语短句 例句大全



1.Yan Fu proposed three-character criteria: "faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance" in 1897.严复的"信达雅"三字翻译标准被称为翻译界的"金科玉律"。

2.Faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance are the basic principles in translation.“信、达、雅”是翻译的基本要求。

3.Yanfu’s theory of faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance has been widely thought as the standard of translating, and it is also eligible for AD translating."信、达、雅"是已经被大多数人所接受的翻译的标准,它也同样适用于广告的翻译。


1.ground penetrating radar地面穿透雷达(透地雷达)

2.controlled expressio受控表达,可控表达

3.Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of瓜达卢佩伊达尔戈和约

4.basal expression基础表达,基态表达

5.India-born N. Damodar Reddy"s,印度出生的n?达莫达?雷,

6.Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown!达阵得分!达阵得分!达阵得分!

7.Art, specifically Dada, that rejects traditional art forms and theories.反传统艺术,新达达主义,新达达派特指反对传统艺术形式及理论的达达派艺术

8.Spartan King Leonidas: We Spartans have descended from Hercules himself.斯巴达国王雷奥尼达:我斯巴达人是「力士」后裔。

9.The exterritorial service is made according to the Act on Service and the Hague Convention on Service.域外送达依1970年的《送达法》和《海牙送达公约》进行。

10.The delivery date marked by the addressee on the certificate of delivery is the date of service.受送达人在送达回证上的签收日期为送达日期。

11.Kenai: Nita, this is my brother Koda. Koda,Nita. Nita, Koda.肯尼:妮塔,这是我弟弟哥达。哥达,妮塔。妮塔,哥达。

12.Regular e&xpressions正规表达式(&X)

13.Linda will also say @I do.琳达也说:“我愿意。”

14.The visitors totaled 8 000.来宾达8 000 人。

15.(usually followed by `of") giving expression to.(通常接“of”)表达出……。

16.served by hand [summons]由专人送达〔传票〕

17.Jedda(Saudi Arabia)吉达(沙特阿拉伯)

18.the old saw `More haste,less speed."语云,`欲速则不达.'



1.Based on this interpretation,"faithfulness","fluency",and "elegance" are explained from new perspectives.文章从评析一首名诗的汉译引出对翻译本质的讨论,认为翻译是一种跨语言跨文化的认知接力,并在此基础上对"信"、"达"、"雅"作出新的阐释,提出以"信"、"达"、"明"取代"信"、"达"、"雅"作为翻译标准;此外,文章也试图廓清如何把握"异化"和"归化"度的问题。

2.The criterion of "fidelity,fluency and elegance" is still worth following for us in translation.“信、达、雅”依然是我们在翻译中必须遵循的原则。

3.The principles of faithfulness,fluency and elegance of language used in translation, put forward by Mr.近代严复提出的翻译语言“信、达、雅“的原则 ,也堪为写作文章运用语言美学准则的经典概括 ,并正与当今我们追求的真、善、美的基本精神暗合。


1.How About Using A New Point of View? ——Rethinking of Yan Fu s Xin,Da and Ya;换一种眼光如何?——对于“信、达、雅”的再思考

2.Wuxie , xing , da are the basic co ncepts of Confucian poetics.无邪、兴、达是孔子诗学的三个基本范畴。

4)production and standard achieved达产达标

1.Practice ofproduction and standard achieved for Smelter of Saindak Copper and Gold Mine Project in Parkistan;巴基斯坦山达克铜金工程冶炼厂达产达标实践

5)realization of ability and profit达产达效

1.Study on the countermea sures for therealization of ability and profit of henggang HPBT project;衡钢高锅工程达产达效对策研究

2.This paper introduces the technical measures for therealization of ability and profit and high efficient continuous casting of the No.介绍了济钢第一炼钢厂2号方坯连铸机为实现快速达产达效、实现高效连铸所采取的技术措施。

6)achieving production targets达标达产


达达 达 指针刺。《左传》成公十年:“公疾病,求医于秦,秦伯使医缓为之……医至,曰:‘疾不可为也。在肓之上,膏之下。攻之不可,达之不及,药不至焉,不可为也’。”晋·杜预注:“达,针。”东汉·荀悦《申鉴·杂言》:“夫膏肓近心而处阨,针之不达,药之不中,攻之不可。”参见攻条。
