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善本 rare book英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-25 05:56:09


善本 rare book英语短句 例句大全

善本,rare book

1)rare book善本

1.This issue focuses on three points:rare book,duplicate,edition,calligraphy s study and makes a research on them.对具体书法遗迹版本问题中的善本、重本及版本与书法学术三个方面进行考察,进一步对宋代书法史有了新的认知,希望对于研究明清书论中的书法遗迹版本问题将有所裨益。


1.Holding New Rare Books in High Regard,We Must Do the Basic Work Well With Selecting New Rare Books;重视新善本 做好本馆新善本甄选的基础工作

2.A New Development of the Bibliography Cataloguing of the Ancient Rare Editions ─Prelude for the Bibliography of the Ancient Rare Edition in Zhejiang Library;古籍善本编目的又一进展──《浙江图书馆古籍善本书目》序

3.Kaizen Culture and Kaizen Costing of Japanese Businesses;日本企业的改善文化与改善成本计算

4.It is the essence of humanness to try to improve the world and oneself.人性本就是想要改善世界、改善自己。

5.The Original Meaning of Goodness--The Nature of Mengzi s Good in Nature Theory;本原意义的善——孟子性善论的理论旨归

6.I"m a sentimental person to begin with.我原本就多愁善感。

7.This doctrine holds that people are inherently good.这种教义强调人性本善

8."A fox may grow gray, But never good"狐狸善变,本性难移

9.a person who is inwardly evil but outwardly professes to be virtuous.外表善良而本质坏的人。

10.She" s essentially kind.她本质上是善良的。

11.He is essentially a good man.他是个本性善良的人。

12.Human nature is not intrinsically corrupt--it is intrinsically good.人的本性并非本来堕落,而是天生善良。

13.Human capital accumulation-key to improve civil livelihood;人力资本积累是改善民生的根本途径

14.He that is good for make excuse is seldom good for anything else.大凡善于托词辩解者,罕有善做其他事情之本事。

15.He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.大凡善于托词辩解者,罕有善作其他事情之本事。

16."You are good, and your works are good; give me knowledge of your rules."你本为善,所行的也善。求你将你的律例教训我。

17.Thou art good, and doest good; teach me thy statutes.诗119:68你本为善、行的也善.你将你的律例教训我。

18.Myself work earnestly am responsible, to start well and end well, havea stronger enterprising spirit, is good at linking up with the person!本人工作认真负责,善始善终,有较强的进取精神,善于与人沟通!


rare books善本

1.Electrostatic duplication photomechanical printing,microform copying,database construction,full-text disc making and website construction of ancientrare books,all of these are the key points for ancientrare books to provide the society with convenient and efficient service.古籍善本的静电复印、影印、缩微复制、数据库建设、全文光盘制作、网站建设等电子化步伐,是古籍善本便捷高效向社会综合服务的关键。

3)good edition善本

1.The Analects explain written by Huangkan (488 -- 545) of dynasty Liang was 1ost into Japan during the end of dynasty Song,and then returned to China in 1761,we can cursorily classify the domestic editions to be two types:series edition andgood edition.南朝·梁皇侃所撰《论语集解义疏》在南宋末年流入日本,乾隆二十六年(1761),重返中土,现今国内各种版本,可粗略地分为两个系统:丛书本和善本。

4)good in nature本善

1.So it isgood in nature,not nature for goodness.孟子以实例指出人内具的价值根源,并指明人的德性是一个生生不已的修养过程;在充分考虑到环境和物欲对人的影响的前提下,孟子坚持主张性善,这是建立在人内在本具善的本原的基础上的,因而性善是“本善”而不是“向善”。

5)cost improvement成本改善

1.The role and process of Tear Down skill are introduced, and the contribution ofcost improvement to cost management is analyzed.通过对TearDown技法的作用和流程介绍,分析了成本改善对成本管理的贡献,提出了TearDown技法在我国先进制造企业应用的几点启示。

6)new rare books新善本

1.The concept ofnew rare books has been put forward in the field of library science.图书馆学界提出新善本的概念,本文就本馆新善本工作的基础——甄选,作了阐述并举例。


