100字范文 > 稀有衰变 rare decay英语短句 例句大全

稀有衰变 rare decay英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-26 02:01:13


稀有衰变 rare decay英语短句 例句大全

稀有衰变,rare decay

1)rare decay稀有衰变

1.A brief review is given on recent studies of hyperonrare decay both in theory and experiment.简述了近些年来超子稀有衰变的理论和实验研究进展及其待解决的问题。

2.The contributions of Pseudo-Goldstone Bosons in one generation technicolor model to therare decays t→cV(V= Z,γ,g) are calculated.计算了一代人工色(Technicolor)模型中的赝标哥尔斯通粒子对稀有衰变t→cV(V=Z、γ、g)的贡献。


1.Study of b→s Rare Decays in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model;最小超对称模型与b→s稀有衰变研究

2.Mixing and Rare Decays of B Meson and New Physics Corrections;B介子混合、稀有衰变与新物理修正研究

3.Light-Cone HQET Sum Rules for the B→K~(**)γ Rare Decays;在HQET下稀有衰变B→K~(**)γ的光锥求和规则

4.The Topcolor Assisted Technicolor Model and Top Quark Rare Decay t→cπ~0;顶色辅助人工色模型与顶夸克稀有衰变t→cπ~0

5.Constraints on the Multiscale WalkingTechnicolor Model from Rare Decays of B Meson;B介子稀有衰变对多标度人工色模型的限制

6.Probe R-parity Violating Supersymmetry Effects in Rare B-meson Decays;B介子稀有衰变中的R宇称破缺超对称效应研究

7.Biomarkers of aging include thinning of the hair and diminished elasticity of the skin.衰老的生物标志包括头发变稀与皮肤失去弹性

8.Decaying with relatively short lifetime. Used of subatomic particles.衰变的具有相对较短的寿命而衰变,常用于亚原子粒子

9.D/s=disintegrations per second每秒衰变数,衰变/秒

10.A dilute or weakened condition.稀释稀释或变弱的状态

11.I"m not in my second childhood.我没有变成老糊涂 [我的智力尚未衰退] 。

12.No connection between simplicity and decay appears.基本性与衰变之间没有联系。

13.These large populations facilitate the detection of rare mutational or recombinational events.这样的大群体有利于检出稀有的突变或重组子。

14.rare and rare earth metal ore deposit稀有和稀土金属矿床

15.Chronically sick pigs often suffer from a partial alopecia characterized by a thinning of the bristles.慢性病猪通常有局部脱毛,特点是鬃毛变稀疏。

16.Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being"s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing child-like appetite of what"s next, and the joy of the game of living.无论年届古稀,抑或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。

17.Decay Rates of Strong Planar Rarefaction Waves to Scalar Conservation Laws with Degenerate Viscosity in Several Space Dimensions;高维空间中带有退化粘性的标量守恒律方程的解逼近强平面稀疏波的衰减率

18.Effects of Rare Earth Element Lanthanum on Senescence of Shibataea chinensis Isolated Leaves镧稀土对鹅毛竹离体叶片衰老的影响


rare decays稀有衰变

1.Therare decays t→ cV(V=Z,γ,g)induced through loop diagrams are calculated in a minimal Technicolor model(MTC) with a massless weak doublet recently presented by C.本文计算了MTC模型对t夸克稀有衰变t→CV(V=Z、γ、g)的单圈修正。

3)rare B meson decays稀有B介子衰变

4)B radiative decaysB稀有辐射衰变

5)top quark rare decay顶夸克稀有衰变

6)rare decay of the top quarktop夸克稀有衰变


