100字范文 > 教师主体意识 teachers subject conscious ness英语短句 例句大全

教师主体意识 teachers subject conscious ness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-01 21:55:05


教师主体意识 teachers subject conscious ness英语短句 例句大全

教师主体意识,teacher"s subject conscious ness

1)teacher"s subject conscious ness教师主体意识

2)teachers" consciousness教师意识

3)education on subjectivism主体意识教育


1.On the Main Consciousness Female Education under the Post-feminist View;论后女权主义视阈下的女性主体意识教育

2.Optimize The Teaching Environment To Activate The Subject Consciousness Of Physical Education Learning优化教学环境激活体育学习主体意识

3.Return to Subject of Fine Arts Education--A Study on the Subconsciousness in Fine Arts Education回归主体的美术教育——美术教育之潜意识研究

4.On Subjective Consciousness of Chinese Music in Piano Education at Teachers Colleges;高师钢琴教学中民族音乐教育之主体意识探微

5.Subjective Moral Education:New Moral Education Idea Based on Confucian Subjective Moral Consciousness主体性道德教育:基于儒家道德主体性意识的德育新思路

6.Ideological education must respect consciousness of students and establish their subjectivity.两课"教育要尊重学生的意识,确立其主体性地位。

7.The Educational Reformation in the End of the Qing Dynasty and the Thought of Educational Independence in the Modern China;清末科举制革废与近代教育主体意识的诞生

8.Confucian style thinking that affects physical education teacher s consciousness of initiative innovation;影响体育教师自主创新意识的经学思维

9.On Citizen s Subject Consciousness and Modern Citizen s Education System;论公民的主体意识与现代公民教育机制

10.Ideological and Political Education Via Internet/Intranet and Fostering of Network Subjective Consciousness in Colleges;网络思想政治教育与网络主体意识的培养

11.Cultivating the Main Body Consciousness of Students is the Important Task of Actualizing“Character”Education;培养学生主体意识是实施素质教育的首要任务

12.Cultivation of Student-centered Idea and Quality Education in Geography Teaching;学生主体意识的培养与地理学科素质教育

13.Internationalization of Higher Education and the Fostering of a Sense of Master among College Students;高等教育国际化与大学生主体意识的培养

14.Reconstruct the Main Goal of Universities in Generalized Education论重构通识教育下的大学主体目标的意义

15.College Students"Self-Consciousness of Network Ideological & Political Education and the Countermeasures大学生网络思想教育主体性意识的增强与对策

16.On "Developing Students Self-consciousness and Bringing it into Play" in PE Classes;体育课教学应“培养学生主体意识,发挥学生主体作用”

17.Study on that physical training can stimulate to develop students consciousness of subject and abilities;体育教学促进学生主体意识和主体能力发展的实验研究

18.The Influence of Ideology on Education Reform--Restriction and Independence:Awkward Choice to the Subject of Education Reform;意识形态对教育改革的影响——制约与独立:教育改革主体的两难选择


teachers" consciousness教师意识

3)education on subjectivism主体意识教育

4)subject consciousness主体意识

1.Discussion on the Subject Consciousness of Police Journal Editor;公安院校学报编辑的主体意识

2.subject consciousness of Sci-Tech periodical editor;论科技期刊编辑的主体意识

3.Characteristics and functions of editorialsubject consciousness;编辑主体意识的特征与作用

5)subjective consciousness主体意识

1.On the characteristics of thesubjective consciousness of the editing subject;编辑主体的主体意识特征

2.On thesubjective consciousness of the Chinese language and teaching Chinese as a second language for business;汉语主体意识与对外商务汉语教学

3.On Subjective Consciousness of Chinese Music in Piano Education at Teachers Colleges;高师钢琴教学中民族音乐教育之主体意识探微


1.EditorsSelf-consciousness and Their Exercise of Editing Power;期刊编辑的主体意识与修改权行使

2.From the two lyric contents of hurt and resentment it can be made clear that self-consciousness has been established and individualism has got its independence from religion consciousness and social consciousness.《小雅》中一部分体现诗人政治伤怨之情的作品多是士、大夫阶层所作,从诗中"伤"、"怨"两类抒情内容可以看出西周末文人已经建立起主体意识,个体意识初步从宗族意识和社会意识中独立。

3.The characteristics of humanization management is humanization,opening and multiplication,the main method is autonomous study and study exploration,the ultimate objective is invoking students self-consciousness and promoting the formation of the students personality.人化管理是以人文性、开放性、多元性为重要标志,以自主学习、探究学习为主要手段,以召唤学生主体意识、促进学生个性生成为终极目标,重视教学过程的情感性、灵活性、开放性、激励性,促进学生全面、充分、健康的发展。


