100字范文 > 道德主体性意识 subjective moral consciousness英语短句 例句大全

道德主体性意识 subjective moral consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-13 23:07:12


道德主体性意识 subjective moral consciousness英语短句 例句大全

道德主体性意识,subjective moral consciousness

1)subjective moral consciousness道德主体性意识

1.Besides automaticity,dynamic and transcendence,Confuciansubjective moral consciousness covers the growing up process of moral psychology and the perfect unity of "cognition,emotion and volition" in subjective moral.儒家道德主体性意识除包括自主性、能动性和超越性之外,还涵括了道德心理的成长过程以及道德主体性"知、情、意"的圆融统一。


1.Subjective Moral Education:New Moral Education Idea Based on Confucian Subjective Moral Consciousness主体性道德教育:基于儒家道德主体性意识的德育新思路

2.On Confucian Subjective Moral Consciousness and the Cultivation of Moral Study Ability of College Students;儒家道德主体性意识及大学生道德能力培养

3.Kantian subjective ethics philosophy and its pedagogic meaning;康德主体性道德哲学及其教育学意义

4.The Training of Students Ethical Subjective Awareness in College Moral Education;高校德育中的大学生道德主体意识培养

5.On human ontology,need,value and moral education;人的主体性、需要和价值意识与德育

6.On the I-ching Authors Consciousness of Subject and ideology of Seeking Morality from the Interior;论《易经》作者的主体意识与道德内求思想

7.Reinforcing education for law,morality and humanistic quality,focusing on development of sports majors subjectivity;加强法律、道德及人文素质教育 强化体育专业学生的主体意识

8.On Social Moral Education and Subjective Moral Education;论社会性道德教育与主体性道德教育

9.Collectivism is a kind of moral standard and value criterion as a form of social consciousness.集体主义是社会意识形式之一的道德规范和价值准则。

10.Historical Recognition: Subject Consciousness and Subjective Creativity;历史认识:主体意识和主体的创造性

11.Virtue means moral elements that have come into a person"s quality.德性是主体化为个体品质的道德单元。

12.College P.E. Societies and College Students Moral Awareness;学校体育社团与大学生道德意识培养

13.Collective Consciousness of Sober Lion Sect and The Pursuit of Moral Society;醒狮派之集体意识与道德社会的追求

14.The Divine Order of Things and the Order of Man:A Study of the Absence of Subjectivity in Traditional Chinese Ethics天道与人道——传统道德主体性缺失探微


16.An Analysis of Feminist Sensibility Revealed in Childwold;解读《查尔得伍德》中的女性主义意识

17.On the Relativity of Morality and Its Meaning in Moral Practice--And An Analysis of Moral Relativism;论道德相对性及其道德实践意义——兼析道德相对主义

18.Talk about the Brothers Karamazov s Moral Topic and Religious Consciousness;论《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》的道德主题和宗教意识


ethical subjective awareness道德主体意识

1.The reason lies in the neglect to theethical subjective awareness training for students.究其原因在于忽视对学生道德主体意识的培养。

3)private morality consciousness个体道德意识

1.Focusing on theprivate morality consciousness and the “self-discipline” during its development after its psychological mechanism has established,this paper analyses the importance of “introspection” of the children and the ancient people during their morality discipline development.本文就个体道德意识在心理机制形成后 ,进入发展阶段时的自律这一环节 ,剖析了儿童和原始人在道德自律发展过程中“反思”的重要 ,论述了自律不仅是“合于法”,更是“本于法”。

4)subject consciousness主体性意识

1.Gender mode and women ssubject consciousness;性别模式与女性的主体性意识

5)moral subjectivity道德主体性

1.The Construction of Students Moral Subjectivity in Ideology and Political Course in Middle School;中学政治思想品德课教学中学生道德主体性的建构

2.On the basis of generalizing the features of network youth,the article makes an exposition of the problem of the loss ofmoral subjectivity ,shown in the relations between human being and his own object of creation ;between the real self and the fictitions self;and between the real behaviour and the free behaviour ,and the loss of the formers.本文在概括网络青年特点的基础上 ,论述他们在人与自己的创造物的关系中人的失落 ,虚拟的自我与真实的自我中我的失落 ,自由的行为与现实的行为中自我行为的失落等道德主体性失落问题 ,认为加强网络青年主体性的建设是解决这一问题的关键。

3.According to this article,the lack of present-day university studentsmoral subjectivity is manifested through the aspects of the poor consciousness for moral-requirement,the poor sense of dignity for self-morality,the weak sense of responsibility for social morality,the poor autonomy for the inclination of moral value,and the moral activities serious tendency towards utilitarianism and so on.本文认为,当代大学生道德主体性缺失主要表现在道德需求意识淡薄、自我道德尊严感淡薄、自觉的社会道德责任感淡化、道德价值取向自主性差、道德行为功利化倾向严重等方面。

6)main body of morality道德主体性

1.As a double-edged sword, network provides people with developing foreground, and at the same time, it also leads to the losing ofmain body of morality, and thus has a bad infulence on the development of people s morals.网络作为一把"双刃剑",在给人们提供广阔发展前景的同时,也导致了主体性尤其是道德主体性的失落,进而影响了人们的健康发展。


