100字范文 > 心房刺激 atrial stimulating英语短句 例句大全

心房刺激 atrial stimulating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-16 16:06:04


心房刺激 atrial stimulating英语短句 例句大全

心房刺激,atrial stimulating

1)atrial stimulating心房刺激


1.Amiodarone Prevent Electrophysiological Changes of Acute Atrial Dilation Accompanied with Rapid Atrial Stimulation in Isolated Langendorff-perfused Rabbit Heart;离体兔心脏急性双房扩张合并快速心房刺激时电生理变化及胺碘酮的干预作用

2.Effects of manual induced premature beats on heart rate turbulence心房或心室S_2刺激对窦性心率震荡的影响

3.The Establishment of Chronic Atrial Fibrillation Model with Long-term Rapid Externally Electronical Atrial Stimulation on the Epicardium of Left and Right Atrium of Rabbits;体外电子刺激双侧心房建立家兔慢性心房颤动动物模型

4.The Study of the Preventive and Therapeutic Effects of Fastigial Nucleus Stimulation on Atrial Fibrillation in Dogs;小脑顶核电刺激对犬心房颤动防治作用的研究

5.Effects of Hypertonic and Hyperkalemic Solution of ANP Secretion in Beating Rabbit Atria;高渗、高钾刺激对心房钠尿肽分泌的影响

6.constant stimuli连续刺激(心理学)

7.The Evaluation of Function of Slow Pathway with Atrial Incremental Pacing;心房分级递增刺激对房室结慢径功能的评价研究

8.Yet on maximal vagal stimulation, both atria and ventricles come to a standstill.然而,以最大刺激作用于迷走神经时,心房和心室都停搏。

9.Effect of Canine Cardiac Fat Pad on Atrial Fibrillation by a Single Extra Stimulus and on Electrophysiological Characteristics of the Heart;犬心脏脂肪垫对电刺激诱发房颤及对心脏电生理特性的影响

10.The Effects of Electrical Stimulating Left and Right Cervical Vagosympathetic Trunk on Electrophysiologic Characteristics of Right Atrium and Ventricle in Rabbits;刺激左右颈部迷走交感干对兔心房与心室电生理特性的影响

11.Effects of Cerebellar Fastigial Nucleus Stimulation on Autonomic Nerve in Left Atria of Canines with Vagally-Mediated Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation;小脑顶核电刺激对房颤犬心肌组织植物神经的影响

12.Experiment Study on Rapid Atrial Pacing-induced Atrial Electrophysiological Remodeling and Structure Remodeling in Rabbits;对高频电刺激致家兔心房电重构和结构重构的实验研究

13.alcohol stimulates the action of the heart.酒刺激心脏的活动。

14.The ways for stimulating effective demand of housing market in China;论刺激我国住房市场有效需求的途径

15.Anyone who has been exposed to gaseous HF and experiences respiratory irritation should also be admitted to and monitored in an intensive care unit.应该把任何已经暴露于气态HF并且受到了呼吸道刺激的人也送入加护病房,小心监护。

16.The stimuli to which the mind responds most freely are:-人心最 能无拘无束起感应的刺激有:

17.having no intellectual or emotional or spiritual excitement.没有心智、情感或者精神上的刺激。

18.He returned to Shanghai quite shaken and deeply impressed.他回到上海,心神震荡,刺激难消。


atrial puncture心房穿刺

3)Psychological stimulation心理刺激

4)Ventricular stimulation心室刺激

5)distraction stimulate分心刺激

1.This study focuses on open skill athletes\" and close skill athletes\" eye movement characteristics under noveltydistraction stimulate(color change).研究开放式技能与封闭式技能运动员在分心刺激新异程度(颜色变化)条件下的眼动特征。

6)stimulus attitude刺激心态


心房肽素,人心房利钠多肽药物名称:心房肽英文名:别名: 心房肽素,人心房利钠多肽;心钠素 ,心房肽适应症: 用于治疗高血压、肾性或肝性腹水、心力衰竭和原发性醛固酮增多症等,疗效显著。 用量用法: 静滴:每次0.2~0.4mg。 规格: 粉针剂:0.2mg。 类别:降血压药
