100字范文 > 判别法 criterion英语短句 例句大全

判别法 criterion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-08 00:07:10


判别法 criterion英语短句 例句大全



1.The comparision to the ratio valuecriterion of the positive series based on p-series s convergence and divergence;基于p级数判敛的正项级数比值判别法的比较

2.In this paper ,newcriterion of convergence and divergence for infinite series is given by means of the convergence and divergence of infinite integral.利用无穷积分的敛散性给出了无穷级数敛散性的一个新的判别法。

3.This paper intends to propose anothercriterion,which is proved to be precise and better than those in Paper 1 by comparison.文 [1 ]给出了非负函数无穷积分收敛性的几个判别法 ,本文给出了比文 [1 ]判别法更精细的一个判别法 ,同时 ,通过与文 [1 ]中判别法的比较 ,说明它比文 [1 ]中的判别法都强 。


1.The Extension of Eisenstein Disciminant Method;Eisenstein判别法的推广

2.The Comparison eteen D Alembert Method and Cauchy Method;D Alembert判别法与Cauchy判别法的强弱比较

3.Dirichlet test for convergence狄里克雷收剑判别法

4.Abel"s test of convergence阿贝尔收敛性判别法

5.D"Alembert"s ratio test达朗贝尔比值判别法

6.The Second form of Eisenstein Discriminance;Eisenstein判别法的第二种形式

7.Proof for the necessity of Dirichlet criterionDirichlet判别法必要性的证明

8.Proper Application of Cauchy Test & D Alembert s Test;柯西判别法与达朗贝尔判别法的正确应用

9.The Equivalence of Two Expressions for Raabe Judge Method;Raabe判别法的两种表述法的等价性

10.A Distinguishable Method for the Flaw of Nonregular Integral and an Improvement on the Limit Formulation of Kesi非正常积分的瑕点判别法与柯西判别法极限形式的改进

11.decision-theoretic approach to pattern recognition模式识别的判定理论法

12.Studies of water source determination method of mine water inrush based on Bayes" multi-group stepwise discriminant analysis theory矿井突水水源判别的多组逐步Bayes判别方法研究

13.Research on Face Recognition Technique Based on Kernel Fisher Discriminant;基于核Fisher判别的人脸识别方法研究

14.Bayes Discriminant Analysis Method in Lithology RecognitionBayes判别分析方法在岩性识别中的应用

15.On the Relation and Difference Between Law of Criticism and Law of Racialism Criticism论批判法学与批判种族主义法学之联系与区别

16.The Application of Logistic Discriminance and Empirical Bayes Estimator;Logistic判别方法和经验Bayes方法应用

17.A Way of Distinguishing the Visibility on Escriptive Geometry;画法几何中“可见性”判别的一种方法

18.Grey State Synthesis Assessment Methed can be Used to Distinguish the Source of Water Inrush in Mine;灰色局势综合评判法在突水水源判别中的应用


judge method判别法

1.Another newjudge method of convergence of positive series;正项级数收敛性的又一新判别法

2.The quasi-Raabejudge method newly presented is a more carefuljudge method about convergence of positive series.拟Raabe判别法是新近提出的关于正项级数收敛性的一种比较细致的判别法。

3.The extended Raabe sjudge method is a general method about the positive series,which has been recently raised.推广Raabe判别法是新近提出的关于正项级数敛散性问题一种普遍性方法。


1.In this paper,anewtest is proposed for convergence of series with positive terms when Rationtest fails.对于正项级数敛散性判定,当比式判别法失效时,给出一种新方法。

2.In this paper we give a method oftest ,which makes use of the gradient ,to verify the extreme value of multivariate function ,and give some typical examples.本文给出了利用梯度判定多元函数极值的判别法,并提供了若干范例。

4)discrimination method判别法

1.Thediscrimination method is firstly applied to evaluate the resource potential of oilfields.首次将判别分析法用于化学驱潜力评价 ,提出了一种基于Fisher判别法的聚合物驱潜力评价方法 ,并编写了相应程序。

5)Distinguish method判别法

1.The necessary and sufficient of Dirichlet and Abeldistinguish methods in the Directly-Riemann integral;关于Directly-Riemann积分Dirichlet和Abel判别法的充要性


1.Study on thediscriminance of battery charged state;蓄电池荷电状态判别方法的探讨

2.The analytic geometry method is applied to analyze the subjects on Descriptive Geometry,which providesdiscriminance analysis on whether there is solution and whether drawing instruments could be directly used for drafting.利用解析几何方法,对画法几何题目进行分析,从而提供了一种事先判断该题目是否有解、能否用绘图仪器直接作图的判别方法,确保了画法几何题目用图解法得到结果。


判别分析预测法(见发生量预测)判别分析预测法(见发生量预测)discriminatory analysis for forecast判别分析预测法(diseriminatory analysisfor foreeast)又叫分辨分析法,是用判别函数预测害虫发生量的方法。其步骤为:将预报因子和预报量分为2级或多级,对预报因子进行线性组合,构成一个判别函数;先确定一个临界值作分辨指标,然后计算判别函数式中的系数,求出临界值;应用时,将预报因子的实查值代入判别函数式,求出预报值,将此值与临界值相比较,可预报害虫的发生量。判别函数通式将预报因子的数据进行线性组合:尸y~习c、·x、(1)左=l式中夕为预报量;P为预报因子个数;x、(k二1,2,……,尸)为预报因子;c、为系数。二级判别法中的x分为2级,故(l)式为:〕一clxl+cZxZ(2)则y值亦分2级,可确定一个y。为分辨指标,当夕)yc时为A级,夕几时,若y>y。,可预报A级;若夕<夕。,可预报B级。当虱<元时,若y>夕。,可预报B级,若y
