100字范文 > 会计与审计 accountant and audit英语短句 例句大全

会计与审计 accountant and audit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-21 17:32:38


会计与审计 accountant and audit英语短句 例句大全

会计与审计,accountant and audit

1)accountant and audit会计与审计

2)the auditing and the accounting check审计与会计检查

3)specialty of accounting and audit会计与审计专业


1.Research and Practice on Establishment and Reform of Curricular System for Two Specialities of Accounting and Audit;会计与审计专业人才培养规格和课程结构体系改革、建设的研究与实践

2.Audit Firm Industry Specialization, Audit Fees and Audit Quality会计师事务所行业专长、审计收费与审计质量

3.Auditor Independence,Ability of Protessional Competence and Development of Auditor profession;审计独立性、专业胜任能力与审计职业的发展

4.The Empirical Studying on the Relationship of Auditor Industry Specialization and Audit Pricing审计师行业专长与审计收费的实证研究

5.The inter-influence between the implementation of the new audit standard and the specialization of the accounting firms;新审计准则的实施与会计师事务所专业化经营的相互影响

6.Study on Industry Expertise for Auditor Firms and Auditing Market Performance会计师事务所行业专长与审计市场绩效的经验研究

7.Audit Market Structure, Auditor Industry Specialization, and Price Competition;审计市场结构、审计师行业专门化行为与审计价格竞争

8.Inquiring the Quality of Social Audit in Perspective of the Integrated Services of Audit and Non-Audit Business;从审计业务与非审计业务的一揽子服务谈社会审计质量

9.Going Further into Construction of Computerized Auditing Curriculum Aimed at Accounting in Colleges and Universities;高校财会专业计算机审计课程建设探讨

10.Researches on the Reform of the Accounting Course (Chain Store Finance,Accounting, and Auditing);会计(连锁企业财会审)专业教学改革试点研究

11.Auditing risks and auditing quality confroted by auditing organizations;社会审计组织的审计风险与审计质量

12.SIGCAS (Special Interest Group on Computers And Society)计算机与社会专业组

13.The Business Scope of Accounting Firms and the Independence of Audit;会计师事务所业务范围与审计独立性

14.Management Development Qualifications Programme管理专业资格评审计划

15.Thoughts and Research on Curriculum Design of "Financial Accounting" in College高职会计专业《财务会计》课程设计的思考与探索

16.At least one independent director from the audit committee shall be an accounting professional.审计委员会中至少应有一名独立董事是会计专业人士。

17.certified public accountant peer review执业会计师同业审查

18.Reforming and Creating of Accounting education in the Advanced Professional and Junior Colleges;高职高专会计专业教育的改革与创新


the auditing and the accounting check审计与会计检查

3)specialty of accounting and audit会计与审计专业


5)accounting and auditing responsibilities会计责任与审计责任

6)accounting and auditing procedure会计与审计程序;会计与核数程序


