100字范文 > 审计问责 audit accountability英语短句 例句大全

审计问责 audit accountability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-06 08:15:52


审计问责 audit accountability英语短句 例句大全

审计问责,audit accountability

1)audit accountability审计问责

1.The current auditing system cannot resolve all kinds of problems with whichaudit accountability is confronted,whereas accountability legislation is able to remove the main barriers toaudit accountability in a best way.审计问责是"后审计风暴"时期的一种制度期待。


1.Research about National Audit Accountability System after the Audit Turmoil Times“后审计风暴时代”国家审计问责制度研究


3.The Problems and Strategies in the Domain of the Economy Audit Evaluating;我国经济责任审计评价中存在的问题

4.Auditing Problems Concerning Leaders Taking Financial Responsibilities at Universities and Colleges;高校领导干部经济责任审计问题探讨

5.Several Issues on the Auditing of Responsibility During the Office Term of Leading Personnel;领导人员任期责任审计若干问题探讨

6.Problems and Countermeasures on Responsibility Insurance of Independent Audit;独立审计执业责任保险的问题和对策

7.The Study of Economic Accountability Audit"s Function in the Establishment of Government Accountability System经济责任审计在政府问责制建设中的作用研究

8.Economic Responsibility Audit(五)经济责任审计

9.The Research on How to Divide Audit Responsibility of Our County;我国注册会计师审计责任界定问题研究

10.Study on Legal Responsibility of Certified Public Accountant in China;我国注册会计师审计法律责任问题研究

11.Modeling the idea of investigating liabilities and its fulfillment;问责理念的形成及其实现——审计责任追究问题之回应

12.Government Accountability System Research of Zhejiang Province in the View of Economic Responsibility Auditing经济责任审计视角下的浙江省政府问责制问题研究

13.To Define Audit Supposing,Auditting Criterion andAuditting Responsibility;审计假设、审计准则与审计责任的界定

14.A Study on Internal Auditing Based on Accountability Theory;基于受托责任理论的内部审计若干问题研究

15.The Research for the Leaders of China s State-owned Enterprises Term Economic Responsibility Auditing;国有企业领导干部任期经济责任审计问题研究

16.Study on Some Issues of Corporate Cadres Economic Responsibility Auditing;企业领导干部任期经济责任审计若干问题研究

17.On Several Issues in Economic Responsibility Audit in Chinese Colleges;我国高等学校经济责任审计若干问题探讨

18.The Research on Government Audit Responsibility Based on the Authority Restriction;权力制约视角下的政府审计责任问题研究


the accountability system of audit审计问责制

3)government auditing accountability system政府审计问责制

1.It has important significance to establish and perfectgovernment auditing accountability system so as to strengthen auditing supervision, to raise the awareness of government’s responsibilities, to enhance its governance capability and achieve the goal of building the accountability government.政府审计问责制度作为政府问责制度的一个方面,就是指通过政府审计这个监督手段,用“问”的制度化保证权责对等,进而追究责任的一种机制。

4)the design of government auditing accountability system政府审计问责制度设计

5)Research on the Responsibility-seeking Mechanism of Government Auditing论政府审计问责制

6)auditing responsibility审计责任

1.As information asymmetry exists between the registered accountants and audited management units,in addition to bribery and other factors,which may lead toauditing responsibility and audit risk for registered accountants.但由于注册会计师与被审计单位管理当局之间存在着信息的不对称问题,以及贿赂等因素的影响,可能会导致注册会计师审计责任和审计风险的产生。

2.In recent years,"auditing windstorm" has brought an urgent problem of how to specify the boundary and standardize the CPA sauditing responsibility in our country.面对近年来“审计风暴”的出现,如何界定和规范我国CPA的审计责任已成为急待解决的问题,针对我国CPA审计责任形成原因、归责原则等进行分析并对科学界定和规范审计责任提出建议和解决问题的思路。


