100字范文 > 大学生心理健康水平 level of the undergraduates mental health英语短句 例句大全

大学生心理健康水平 level of the undergraduates mental health英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-24 09:07:41


大学生心理健康水平 level of the undergraduates mental health英语短句 例句大全

大学生心理健康水平,level of the undergraduates" mental health

1)level of the undergraduates" mental health大学生心理健康水平


1.Survey of Mental Health of College Students and Countermeasures;大学生心理健康水平调查及对策研究

2.The research on physical education course promotes the college students psychological health;体育课对大学生心理健康水平的影响

3.Create a Perfective Personality and Strengthen the Students Psychological Health;塑造健全人格 提高大学生心理健康水平

4.College Students Psychological Impact of Integrated Mental Health Training Empirical Research;综合心理训练对大学生心理健康水平的影响

5.Interrelation Study of College Students Psychological Health Level and Obstruction;大学生心理健康水平与心理障碍相关研究

6.Applying Sports Games to PE and College Students Mental Health;论科学运用体育游戏 提高大学生心理健康水平

7.Research on P.E Teaching Promoting the college Students Psychological Health;体育教学促进大学生心理健康水平的实验研究


9.Expermental Study on Improving the Level of the Mental Health of College Students by Group Counseling;团体咨询提高大学生心理健康水平的实验研究

10.A Study of Correlation between Family Environment and Psychological Health of University Students;家庭环境与大学生心理健康水平的相关研究

11.Correlation between Mental Health and Parental Rearing Pattern of University Students;大学生心理健康水平与父母教养方式的关系

12.Status of the Mental Health Level of the Students from Agriculture and Forestry Vocational Colleges and Its Countermeasures;农林类高职大学生心理健康水平现状与对策

13.Study of Promoting the College Student Mental Healthy Through Physical Activity;体育活动促进大学生心理健康水平的实验研究

14.Study on the Effects of Orienteering on College Students Psychological Health;定向运动对大学生心理健康水平的影响研究

15.Discussion of the College Students Level of Self-Esteem and Mental Health Development;论大学生的自尊水平和心理健康发展

16.A Research on the Psychological Control Sense of Undergraduates and Their Mental Health;大学生心理控制感对心理健康水平影响的研究

17.Analyse the big five personality of huaqiao college students with low mental health level低心理健康水平华侨学生大五人格分析

18.Research on the Psychological Health Level of Undergraduate in Huazhong Agricultural University;华中农业大学本科生心理健康水平研究


college students mental health大学生心理健康

1.Based on an analysis of status quo ofcollege students mental health,the paper points out the advantage of university libraries involvement in the mental health education.分析了大学生心理健康的状况,指出了高校图书馆参与心理健康教育的优势所在,提出了开发图书馆心理健康教育功能的具体方法和措施。

2.In order to solve thecollege students mental health problems, guide college students to grow up healthily, we need to retrospect the accomplishment of college s.我国的大学生心理健康教育研究工作起步于上个世纪80年代中期,现在已经取得了较为丰富的研究成果,同时,我国的大学生心理健康教育工作也卓有成效地顺利进行。

3.This articl explains the unique effect of calisthenics oncollege students mental health from physiology, psychology, aesthetics and artistic pedagogy.文章从生理学、心理学、审美学等层面分析论证健美操在增进大学生心理健康方面的功效,指出健美操是有效增进大学生心理健康的便捷途径与方法。

3)mental health of college students大学生心理健康

1.Based on the analysis of the currentmental health of college students,point out"psychological counselors"should maintain the psychological health of college students.分析了目前大学生心理健康状况不容乐观的事实,提出了从高校"心理辅导员"这个角度来进行心理健康的维护与促进。

4)mental health of university students大学生心理健康

1.From the mental change in aesthetic activities, the writer analyses the promotion tomental health of university students and furthermore puts forward the thought of aesthetic education.从审美活动中的心理变化 ,分析出对大学生心理健康的促进作用 ,进而提出审美教育的构想 ,这对于大学生的心理健康具有一定积极意义。

5)mental health education of college students大学生心理健康教育

1.Since themental health education of college students has become a very important topic in psychological study in China,positive psychology should be introduced to themental health education of college students,with a view to enhancing the positive psychological traits and .大学生心理健康教育已经成为我国心理学研究的一项重要课题。

2.The paper analyses some factors which affectmental health education of college students,and puts forward some principles and specific ways on themental health education of college students.大学生心理健康教育是大学教育的重要组成部分,是培养高素质人才的必然要求。

6)college student mental health service大学生心理健康服务

1.This article focuses on the solution to the dilemma of the Chinesecollege student mental health service.本文运用心理健康促进理论,提出大学生心理健康服务应该优先关注大学生群体的正面心理健康促进,应将服务的焦点从个人层面的心理疾病转移到社区层面的影响健康的社会决定因素,以少数专业服务者作为大学生心理健康服务的倡导者和组织者,通过促进大学社区的参与,整合多方资源,来培育大学社区支持性的社会结构,增强大学生非正式社会支持网络的资源,提高大学生心理健康的自我控制能力。


大学生心理学大学生心理学psychology of undergraduate students大学生心理学(psyehology of undergra-duate students)青年心理学的一个分支,一门新兴的边缘学科。研究大学生的心理特征及其活动规律。对大学生身心健康成长有重大意义,同时为高等教育及其教改提供科学依据。(白学军撰林索德审)
