100字范文 > 心理健康对策 the countermeasures of mental health英语短句 例句大全

心理健康对策 the countermeasures of mental health英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-24 10:26:03


心理健康对策 the countermeasures of mental health英语短句 例句大全

心理健康对策,the countermeasures of mental health

1)the countermeasures of mental health心理健康对策

2)Education measures on psychological health心理健康教育对策


1.Psychological Health Education for Collegians at the New Age;新时期大学生心理健康教育对策思考

2.Mental Health State of Freshmen in Independent Colleges and the Mental Health Education Strategies;独立学院新生心理健康状况及健康教育对策

3.Investigation and analysis on mental health state of medical interns临床实习生心理健康水平测度及健康教育对策

4.Current Situations of Psychology Health of the Students in Secondary Vocational Schools and Its Educational Measures;当前中职生心理健康状况及教育对策

5.The Countermeasures and Thoughts on the Improvement of the College Students Mental Health Education;加强大学生心理健康教育的对策思考

6.A Probe into the Psychological Health of College Students and the Educational Strategies;大学生心理健康状况探析及教育对策

7.Investigation into the Misunderstandings of Psychological Health Education in Secondary School and the Strategies;中学心理健康教育的误区与对策研究

8.Research on Undergraduates Mental Health Problem and Educational Countermeasures;大学生心理健康问题及教育对策研究

9.Research on Present situation and Countermeasure of Mental Health Education in Schools for the Deaf;聋校心理健康教育的现状及对策研究

10.Analysis of psychological health education in Higher Vocational Schools;高职院校心理健康教育的不足及对策

11.Research on the Present Situation and Education Countermeasure of Quality Fresh Psychologically;高职生心理健康现状及教育对策研究

12.Problems and Countermeasures of the Current Mental Health Education of the Undergraduates;高校心理健康教育的问题及对策思考

13.Research on the problems of psychological health education in university;高校心理健康教育存在的问题及对策

14.Question and Countermeasure for University Mental Health Education;高校心理健康教育存在的问题与对策

15.Problems of Mental Health Education in Institutions of Higher Learning and Solutions to Them;高校心理健康教育面临的问题与对策

16.The countermeasures of strengthening psychological health education among higher vocational college students;加强高职生心理健康教育工作的对策

17.Present Condition of the Education of Psychological Health in Guizhou Middle Schools and Countermeasures;贵州省中学心理健康教育现状及对策

18.Countermeasures to Psychological Health Education of Vocational College Freshmen;“高职”院校新生心理健康教育的对策


Education measures on psychological health心理健康教育对策

3)mental health心理健康

1.Effect of indoor air pollution by decoration on adultmental health;装修居室内空气污染对成人心理健康影响

2.A survey of themental health status of employees whose labour contract terminated on an agreement;协议解除劳动合同职工心理健康状况调查

3.A Relationship on Normal University Students" Mental health and Coping Style;师范大学生心理健康和应对方式的相关研究

4)psychological health心理健康

parative analysis onpsychological health state of nurses in operation room;手术室护士心理健康状况比较分析

2.Practicing reading therapy,servingpsychological health of university students;开展阅读疗法 为大学生心理健康服务

3.Correlation analysis ofpsychological health,defense strategy and social support for poor students in higher learning institutions of Chinese medicine;高等中医药院校贫困生心理健康、防御方式和社会支持的相关分析

5)Mental health健康心理

1.teaching to the development of students mental health.文章论述体育教学对发展学生健康心理的功能和意义,指出在体育教学内容和教学方法的选择过程中,应体现对学生健康心理的培养。

2.To promote mental health of college students and eliminate their psychological barriers is one of the main tasks in colleges and universities.文章立足于当代大学生心理健康现状,依据审美教育独有的渗透特性和浸染功能,从健全心理结构、培养良好心态和增强心理调适三个层面论述了审美教育对构建大学生健康心理的重要意义。

6)psychologically healthy心理健康

1.The Research of the Outward Training Takes the University Students Psychologically Healthy Practice Carrier;拓展训练作为大学生心理健康实践载体的分析

2.Psychologically healthy education of university student and strategy;大学生心理健康教育及策略

3.Through s the present situation of thepsychologically healthy in our country university students,we found some defe.人的培养又离不开心理健康教育。


