100字范文 > 利差 interest spreads英语短句 例句大全

利差 interest spreads英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-24 03:56:09


利差 interest spreads英语短句 例句大全

利差,interest spreads

1)interest spreads利差

1.Based on the difference between pre-spread and post-spread,the paper comprehensively analyzes the determining factors ofinterest spreads,and makes an international comparison about the issue.在将利差分为事前利差和事后利差的基础上,本文全面分析了利差的决定因素,包括银行自身的因素、存贷款客户的因素和金融市场环境的因素等,并对中国银行业与世界不同国家和地区银行业的存贷款利差进行了比较。


1.interest-rate differential利率差别,利率差额,利差

2.The difference between two yields is commonly called the "spread".两者差距一般称为利差。

3.Evolution of Margins,Tiering of Margins and Analysis of Margin Structure in Our Country;利差演进、利差层次与我国利差结构分析

4.The traditional saving - loan interest rate spread is just the spread between the loan rate and saving rate.传统的存贷利差就是贷款利率和存款利率之间的差额。

5.You"re talking about six percent difference.那么你就获得了6%的利差。

6.He was about the same age as Philip.他与菲利浦年龄差不多。

7.Lending MarginA spread that borrowers agree to pay above an agreed base rate of interest.贷款利率差借方同意支付议定利率的差额。

8.Henry just got his nose in front and beat Ed on the post.亨利仅以一鼻之差(微末之差)领先而险胜埃德。

9.interest rate risk: Risk due to difference in interest rates.利率风险: 由于利率的差别而产生的风险。

10.A Study on the Difference of Stakeholder Interests: from the Perspective of Firm Growth企业成长视角的利益相关者利益要求差异研究

11.Quality Difference Research of Chinese and Foreigner Authorization Patent Based on the Patent Analysis基于专利统计数据的中外专利质量差异研究

12.On one hand,society should acknowledge the difference in intelligence and ability and protect the right to different benefit;社会一方面应该承认资质才能的差别,保护因此差异而获得有差等的利益的权利;

13.He sent the message to Paris immediately.他立刻差人把这项讯息传达给巴利斯。

14.Your rights are different depending on the procedure.依据程序的不同,你的权利也有差异。

15.more or less the same as Wallers base rate.同沃勒基本利率相差没有多少。

16.A pronounced difference of opinion, interests, or loyalty.分歧意见、利益或忠诚上的明显差异

17.He could see through a brick wall as well as most men.他目光锐利,不比任何人差。

18.profit is a positive difference between income and expenses.利润是收入与支出的正数差。



1.The Analysis on Pricing and Spread of Commercial Paper in China;中国短期融资券定价与利差分析研究

3)cascade profit of mining resource级差矿利

1.The establishment of influential factor indexes ofcascade profit of mining resources;级差矿利影响因素指标量化的确定

2.Establishment of Cascade Profit of Mining Resource byradial-based function (RBF) net work;基于RBF的级差矿利模型构建

4)credit spread信用利差

1.Applying structural approach to modeling default risk, the pricing of default risk zero-coupon bond and acredit spread term structure under incomplete information is developed.运用违约风险评估的结构化建模方法,在信息不完全的情形下推导了风险零息票债券的定价公式,并得到了此时信用利差的期限结构。

2.Also the paper gives the analysis ofcredit spread by illustrating two banks.模型给出了适用于两种不同优先级清偿规则的次级债定价方法,给出了信用利差的分析和实例研究。

3.Based on this model,we further present a model for the term structure ofcredit spreads on a continuously compounded yield basis.在该模型的基础上,进一步建立了连续复利下可违约债券信用利差的期限结构模型,并通过改变流动性风险中性过程的控制参数,探讨了流动性风险对可违约债券利差期限结构的影响。

5)narrowing spread缩差套利

1.The two basic methods of interdelivery spreadbull spread and bear spreadare applied extensively to intermarket spread and intercommodity spread,and two new conceptsnarrowing spread and widening spreadare put forward.把牛市套利和熊市套利方法从跨期套利推广到跨市套利和跨商品套利,提出了缩差套利和扩差套利的新概念,阐述并举例说明了它们在交易中的操作方法和效

6)widening spread扩差套利

1.The two basic methods of interdelivery spreadbull spread and bear spreadare applied extensively to intermarket spread and intercommodity spread,and two new conceptsnarrowing spread andwidening spreadare put forward.把牛市套利和熊市套利方法从跨期套利推广到跨市套利和跨商品套利,提出了缩差套利和扩差套利的新概念,阐述并举例说明了它们在交易中的操作方法和效


