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摊放 spreading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-07 16:35:09


摊放 spreading英语短句 例句大全



1.Effects of withering technology by naturalspreading on improving quality of persimmon leaf tea;自然摊放萎凋工艺对柿叶茶品质改进的影响

2.Preliminary study on lipid peroxidation of teafresh leaves duringspreading.;茶鲜叶摊放过程中脂质过氧化作用特点初探

3.The results showed that the contents of tea polyphenols and total catechins decreased at beginning and then increased duringspreading,total esters type catechins decreas.以单芽或一芽一叶茶鲜叶为原料,设置连续(78%~61%)摊放水分处理和不同环境条件摊放试验处理,分别进行液氮固样和冷冻干燥,测定茶多酚和儿茶素组分含量,研究摊放过程和摊放环境对茶多酚和儿茶素组成变化的影响。


1.The big napkin goes on my lap.大餐巾就摊放在大腿上。

2.The presents had been set out on the extension table in the sitting-room.人家送的礼物都摊放在起坐间那张可以折叠的大台子上了。

3.Dynamic Change of Main Biochemical Components of Premium Green Tea Fresh Leaves during Spreading名优绿茶鲜叶摊放过程中主要生化成分的动态变化

4."I wasn"t really reading," I said confusedly. "But you see, if I just sat there woodenly without doing anything, it would have looked so silly. That is why I have these books open in front of me."“我并不在看书,不过什么也不做呆坐在这里,样子一定不好看,所以把这几本书摊放着的。”

5.The book lay open on the table.那本书在桌上摊开放着.

6.prorated emission charge on air pollutants按比例摊派的空气污染物排放费

7.A rack for supporting an open book.看书架一种供放置摊开的书的架子

8.At the beginning of liberation, the factory was an awful mess.解放初,这个工厂是个烂摊子。

9.Wuhan City s Initial Socialist Transformation of Vegetable Stall-keeper;解放初期武汉市蔬菜摊贩的社会主义改造

10.concession standph.1. 货摊商摊

11.Coil binding is one of common half man-made binding methods and its products are completely spread out and placed.螺旋装订是一种常见的半手工装订方式,其产品可完全摊开平放。

12.I laid them out, side by side, all their heads pointing the same way, and looked at them.我把它们摊在地上,头朝一个方向并排放着,我仔细端详着。

13.The tall one put the bananas on the scale. The owner weighed them and said, "Three jin.接着大个子就把香蕉放进秤盘里,摊主称后说:"三斤。

14.Her hands lay open in her lap and, loosely between them, a rosary.她的双手摊开放在膝上,一串念珠松松地拿在手间。

15.To her amazement it was 5 one hundred dollar bills!我们一直开到家,妈妈在屋子前将那女人放在她手里的纸摊开。

16.When he came to Scarlett and rested his basket upon the counter, she shook her head throwing wide her hands to show that she had nothing to give.他一来到思嘉面前,把篮子放在柜台上,思嘉便摇摇头摊开两手,表示什么也不能给他。

17.A long row of cut hay or grain left to dry in a field before being bundled.摊成行吹干的谷物(或草等)在打成捆之前放在地里晾干的一长排割下的干草或谷物

18.After the performance the comedian shrugged his shoulders, flung up his hands and said: "Well what am I to do with the horrid thing?散戏后,喜剧演员耸起肩膀,摊开手说:“喏,我把这个劳什子放到哪儿去呢?



1.The different degree ofspread was compared to the quality characteristics.以云南大叶种为原料制作类似龙井茶的绿茶,通过比较不同摊放程度对其品质特征的影响。

2.During famous green tea leaves (one leaf and a bud, Fuding dabai)spreading, fresh tea leaves andspreaded tea leaves which contain nearly 74%、72%、70%、68% and 66% water were fixed with liquid nitrogen and freeze-dried.名优绿茶鲜叶(一芽一叶,福鼎大白种)摊放过程中,取茶鲜叶和含水量接近74%、72%、70%、68%、66%的摊放叶进行液氮固样和冷冻干燥,分别测定TP、AA总量、Caf、水浸出物、叶绿素总量、儿茶素组分及氨基酸组分等,研究摊放过程中主要生化成分的动态变化。

3.By using of a leaf and a bud shoot as fresh tea leaves material,andspread continuously(78%~61%) ,spread leaves with different moisture content were fixed with liquid nitrogen and freeze-dried.以一芽一叶茶鲜叶为原料,进行连续摊放(水分78%~61%)处理,取不同含水率摊放叶,分别进行液氮速冻和冷冻干燥,测定茶多酚、儿茶素各组分、氨基酸及各游离组分、咖啡碱、叶绿素、维生素C及可溶性总糖等含量,研究茶鲜叶摊放过程中主要生化成分的动态变化。



5)amortizement n.摊还;摊销

6)PECOAP,prorated emission charge on air pollutants按比例摊派的空气污染物排放费


