100字范文 > 不确定离散系统 uncertain discrete-time systems英语短句 例句大全

不确定离散系统 uncertain discrete-time systems英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-22 09:31:44


不确定离散系统 uncertain discrete-time systems英语短句 例句大全

不确定离散系统,uncertain discrete-time systems

1)uncertain discrete-time systems不确定离散系统

1.Robust Gl_2 filter design foruncertain discrete-time systems;不确定离散系统的鲁棒Gl_2滤波器设计


1.Studies on the Discrete Algebraic Matrix Equations and the Stability of Uncertain Discrete-time Systems;离散代数矩阵方程与不确定离散系统稳定性的研究

2.Study on the Perturbed Discrete Matrix Equations and the Robust Control of Uncertain Discrete Systems;摄动离散矩阵方程与不确定离散系统鲁棒控制研究

3.Analysis and Synthesis of Linear Polytopic Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems;线性凸多面体不确定离散系统的分析与综合

4.Robust Study of Uncertain Discrete System Based on Neural Network Control不确定离散系统的神经网络控制鲁棒性研究

5.Exponential stability for a class of uncertain discrete-time systems with delay;一类不确定离散时滞系统的指数稳定

6.Robust H_∞ Control for Large-scale Uncertain Discrete Systems with Time-delay;不确定离散时滞大系统的鲁棒H_∞控制

7.Research on Sliding-Mode Control of Discrete Uncertain Systems with Time-delays时滞离散不确定系统的滑模控制研究

8.Robust~(H_∞) Control for Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems with Time-Delay不确定离散时滞系统的鲁棒H_∞控制

9.Robust H_∞ control for a class of uncertain discrete fuzzy system with time-delay不确定时滞离散模糊系统鲁棒H_∞控制

10.Robust D-stability and H_∞ control of uncertain discrete switched systems不确定离散切换系统的鲁棒D-稳定性与H_∞控制

11.The robust stability of discrete-time uncertain singular systems: LMI conditions离散不确定广义系统的鲁棒稳定性:LMI条件

12.Estimation and online step correction variable structure controlfor uncertain discrete-time systems离散不确定系统预估+步长修正变结构控制

13.The Robust Control for Linear Uncertain Discrete-time Time-delay Systems;线性不确定离散时滞系统的鲁棒控制研究

14.Robust Model Predictive Control for Discrete-time Constrained Uncertain Linear Systems;离散时间约束不确定线性系统的鲁棒预测控制

15.Robust Control of the Discrete Time-delay Systems with Uncertain Parameters;具有参数不确定性的离散时滞系统的鲁棒控制

16.Robust H_∞ Control of Uncertain Discrete Singular Systems with Time-Varying Delays;不确定离散奇异时变时滞系统的鲁棒H∞控制

17.Guaranteed cost and H_∞ Control of uncertain discrete singular time-delay systems;不确定离散奇异时滞系统的保性能和H_∞控制

18.Delay-dependent Feedback Control for Linear Discrete Uncertain Time-delay Systems;线性离散不确定时滞系统滞后相关H_∞鲁棒控制


uncertain discrete-time system不确定离散系统

1.The problem of robust stability analysis for convex polytopicuncertain discrete-time systems with multiple-state delays is investigated.研究了具有多重状态时滞的凸多面体不确定离散系统的鲁棒稳定性分析问题。

3)uncertain linear discrete systems不确定线性离散系统

1.This paper deals with the problem of optimization of finite-time observer for one kind ofuncertain linear discrete systems.针对一类不确定线性离散系统有限时间观测器最优设计问题,利用线性矩阵不等式方法以及有限时间有界的概念,给出了具有不确定外部扰动输入的线性离散系统有限时间有界的充分条件。

4)uncertain discrete time systems不确定离散时间系统

1.The design of variable structure control foruncertain discrete time systems is discussed.研究了不确定离散时间系统的变结构控制设计问题。

5)uncertain discrete system不确定性离散系统

6)uncertain discrete large-scale system不确定性离散大系统


离散时间周期序列的离散傅里叶级数表示 (1)式中χ((n))N为一离散时间周期序列,其周期为N点,即式中r为任意整数。X((k))N为频域周期序列,其周期亦为N点,即X(k)=X(k+lN),式中l为任意整数。从式(1)可导出已知X((k))N求χ((n))N的关系(2)式(1)和式(2)称为离散傅里叶级数对。当离散时间周期序列整体向左移位m时,移位后的序列为χ((n+m))N,如果χ((n))N的离散傅里叶级数(DFS)表示为,则χ((n+m))N的DFS表示为
