100字范文 > 不确定系统 uncertain system英语短句 例句大全

不确定系统 uncertain system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-09 19:40:47


不确定系统 uncertain system英语短句 例句大全

不确定系统,uncertain system

1)uncertain system不确定系统

1.Practical stability of linearuncertain systemswith state feedback;线性不确定系统状态反馈的实际稳定性

2.Uncertainty observers foruncertain systems;不确定系统的不确定项观测器设计

3.The optimization control problem ofuncertain system with given expectation value of performance index;具有给定性能指标期望值的不确定系统的最优控制问题


1.Stability analysis of uncertain systems using affine inequalities不确定系统稳定性的仿射不等式分析

2.Robust Stability Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems;不确定系统的鲁棒稳定性分析与控制

3.Robust Stabilizations of Uncertainty System and Neutral Nonlinear Large Scale Control Systems with Multi-group Multi-delay;不确定系统及中立型非线性大系统的鲁棒镇定

4.Multi-scale Fusion of Multi-rate Systems and the Stability Analysis of Uncertain Systems;多率系统多尺度融合及不确定系统稳定性分析

5.Analysis and Synthesis of Robust Performances for Uncertain Systems;不确定系统鲁棒性能分析与综合研究

6.Identification of Uncertain Systems Based on Robust H_∞ Filter;基于鲁棒H_∞滤波器的不确定系统识别

7.A Study on Robust and Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Systems;不确定系统的鲁棒及保成本控制研究

8.Exponential stability for a class of uncertain discrete-time systems with delay;一类不确定离散时滞系统的指数稳定

9.Mean Stability of Uncertain Markov Jump System不确定Markov跳变系统的均方稳定性

10.Robust stochastic stabilization for uncertain stochastic system with time delay不确定时滞随机系统的鲁棒随机镇定

11.Model Validation of Aeroelastic Systems with Aerodynamic Uncertainties考虑气动不确定性的气动弹性系统模型确认

12.The system involves state time delay and parameter uncertainties.系统包含状态时滞和参数不确定性。

13.Study on Some Control Problems for Uncertain Composite Systems;不确定组合系统的若干控制问题研究

14.Variable Structure Control for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems;不确定非线性系统的变结构控制研究

15.Research of Robust Control for Uncertain Lur"e Systems with Time-Delays;不确定Lur"e时滞系统的鲁棒控制研究

16.Researches of Robust Control for Structure Uncertain Linear Systems;结构不确定线性系统的鲁棒控制研究


18.Uncertain Robust Control of the Lurie Control Systems;不确定Lurie控制系统的鲁棒控制


Uncertain systems不确定系统

1.Robust controller design of a class of uncertain systems with time-varying input delay;一类时变输入时滞不确定系统的鲁棒控制器设计

2.Robust controller design for uncertain systems with input delay based on LMI approach;基于LMI的具有输入时滞不确定系统鲁棒控制器的设计

3.Robust H_∞ control for a class of uncertain systems with variance and D-stability constraints;一类不确定系统D稳定和方差约束的鲁棒H_∞控制

3)uncertainty system不确定系统

1.Robust positive real optimization synthesis by output feedback foruncertainty systems;不确定系统的输出反馈鲁棒正实优化设计

2.Using theuncertainty system for example and design the QFT robust controller,the simulation results indicate that the controller is very robust and the output responses are fully satisfactory.文章就以典型二阶系统为例进行QFT控制器的设计 ,仿真结果表明定量反馈理论在不确定系统设计中有着经典控制理论无法替代的性能。

3.This article tries to use the theory of All set and VERS method to build the model of theuncertainty systems and set the procedure frame of it.本文尝试用统一集VERS方法对不确定系统进行建模,并给出了VERS方法运行的程序框图。

4)uncertainty systems不确定系统

5)certain and uncertain system确定不确定系统

1.gives a value-fetching formula of nondeterministic coefficient i in connection number μ=a+bi at the angle ofcertain and uncertain system analysis, therefore simplifies the calculation of connection number i and its applications in the fields of safety engineering and so on.从确定不确定系统分析的角度给出了联系数a+bi中不确定系数i的一个取值公式,从而简化了联系数a+bi的运算,使得联系数a+bi在安全工程等领域中的应用更加简便。

6)uncertainty system不确定性系统

1.Based onuncertainty system with universal g rey mathematics,anuncertainty system model USM-1 to data processing of testing moisture regain of the ramie fiber was put forward.运用泛灰色不确定性系统理论 ,建立了苎麻纤维回潮率测试的不确定性系统模型USM 1。

2.Based onuncertainty system with universal Grey mathematics,anuncertainty system model USM-1to fatigue limits prediction was put forward,the method of precision inspection was introduced.分析疲劳强度估计的现状后,运用泛灰色不确定性系统理论,建立了疲劳强度估算的不确定性系统模型USM-1,给出了精度检验方法。


