100字范文 > 货币政策效果 monetary policy effect英语短句 例句大全

货币政策效果 monetary policy effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-01 02:47:04


货币政策效果 monetary policy effect英语短句 例句大全

货币政策效果,monetary policy effect

1)monetary policy effect货币政策效果


1.Transition Channel of Monetary Policy and the Effect of Our Nation s Monetary Policy;货币政策传导渠道与我国货币政策效果

2.An Analysis on the Inefficiency of China"s Monetary Policy我国货币政策效果不佳的原因探析

3.On asymmetric regional effects of China’s monetary policy;中国货币政策效果区域不对称性探讨

4.The Asymmetry of the Effect of Monetary Policy Based on STVAR Model;基于STVAR的货币政策效果非对称性

5.An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of the Monetary Policy in China:1995-中国货币政策效果的实证检验:1995-

6.The Effect of Monetary Policy and the Perfection of China Financial Market货币政策效果与我国金融市场的完善

7.The analysis of the effect of the fiscal and monetary policy under open economic situations开放条件下的财政与货币政策效果分析

8.Analysis of Monetary Policy s Effect Asymmetry and Its Threshold Value;货币政策效果非对称性及“阀值效应”分析

9.The Construction of Chinese Currency Index and the Testing of Monetary Policies;中国货币状况指数的构建及对货币政策效果的验证

10.Theoretical and Empirical Studies of the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy of China;我国货币政策效果评价理论与实证分析

11.Probing into China bank note s currency controlling efficiency under currency controlling policy;货币从紧政策下央行票据的货币调控效果探析

12.Analysing the effect of Chinese monetary policy in terms of money supply and demand;从货币供求角度评析我国货币政策的效果

13.Quantity Effect and Operation Result of China s Monetary Policy;我国货币政策的数量效应与运行效果

14.On the Measures for Improving the Effectiveness of Combining Financial Policies With Monetary Policies in China;提高我国财政政策与货币政策配合效果的对策

15.Study on the Electronic Money and Money Creation and the Efficiency of Monetary Policy;电子货币、货币创造与货币政策有效性

16.Making monetary policy by megaphone never leads to good results.夸夸其谈的货币政策决不会取得效果。

17.On Transmission Mechanism of China Currency Policy and Its Effect;试论我国货币政策的传导机制与效果

18.The Research of the Regional Difference of the Transmission Effects of Monetary Policy货币政策传导效果的地区性差异研究


effectiveness of monetary policy货币政策有效性

1.An Analysis on the Composition of International Portfolio Investment and Effectiveness of Monetary Policy;证券资本国际流动形式与货币政策有效性分析

2.The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy and The Flourishing of Central Bank Transparency;货币政策有效性与货币政策透明制度的兴起

3.The Causes of Excess Liquidity and Its Effectiveness of Monetary Policy;我国货币流动性过剩成因及其对货币政策有效性影响研究

3)effect of monetary policy货币政策效应

4)monetary policy effect货币政策效应

1.Monetary Policy Effect of Reserve Requirement and Capital Adequacy Ratio System;存款准备金与资本充足率监管的货币政策效应

2.The Output Gap and Monetary Policy Effect in China我国产出缺口与货币政策效应

3.Themonetary policy effect is a complicated question and has received much attention.货币政策效应是个复杂而且受到广泛关注的问题。

5)efficiency of monetary policy货币政策效率

1.Finally,countermeasures for furtuer improving theefficiency of monetary policy have been put forward.文章从分析我国目前货币政策实施的效果这一角度出发,对影响货币政策效率的障碍性因素进行了剖析,并提出了进一步提高我国货币政策效率的建议。

6)Effects of Monetary Policy货币政策效应

1.Research on theEffects of Monetary Policy in China Based on Market Expectations基于市场预期的我国货币政策效应研究


