100字范文 > 长度调节 length adjust英语短句 例句大全

长度调节 length adjust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-13 11:54:37


长度调节 length adjust英语短句 例句大全

长度调节,length adjust

1)length adjust长度调节

2)Adjusting revolving arm length系杆长度调节

3)stitch length control线迹长度调节


5)arc length adjustment弧长调节

1.Due to the influence of tungsten electrode burning out,fromer pass appearance of weld,molten pool movement,weldment geometry shape and effect of gravitation onarc length adjustment at different position,ifarc length adjustment were not adopted ,the arc length could not be keeped fixed length.由于钨极的烧损、前道焊缝的成形、熔池变化、焊件几何形状及全位置空间变化时重力引起的弧长调节的阻力不断变化等因素的影响 ,没有弧长调节功能 ,不可能维持电弧长度的恒定。

6)growth regulation生长调节


C plant growth regulant矮壮素植物生长调节剂

2.Influence of Plant Growth Regulators from Plants on Physiological Growth of Wheat植物源生长调节剂对小麦生理生长的影响

3.The Effect of Plant Growth Regulator on the Growth of Chinese Mahogany (Toona Sinensis Roem);植物生长调节剂对菜用香椿生长的影响

4.Grows and Regulates the Impact on Cyclamen of Pharmaceutical in the Other Source;外源生长调节剂对仙客来生长与开花的影响

5.Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on the Development of Arabidopsis thaliana;植物生长调节剂对拟南芥菜生长发育的影响

6.Different Growth Regulators on Mycelial Growth of Pleurotus nebrodensis不同生长调节物质对白灵菇菌丝生长的影响

7.Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth of Perennial Ryegrass植物生长调节剂对黑麦草生长特性的影响

8.Accumulative Regulation of Total Alkaloid in Leonurus Artemisia (Lour.)S.Y.Hu by Various Growth Regulate Matters;生长调节物质对益母草总生物碱积累的调控

9.The Effects of Different Plant Growth Regulators on Seedings of Belgium Azalea生长调节剂对比利时杜鹃育苗的影响

10.Studies on the Combination of Herbicides and Plant Growth Regulators;植物生长调节剂与除草剂混用的研究

11.The Application of Plant-growing Regulator on Horticultural Crop Production;植物生长调节剂在园艺作物上的应用

12.Study on the Synthesis of Naphthalene Derivatives as Plant Growth Regulator萘系植物生长调节剂的合成工艺研究

13.Application of Plant Growth Regulator to Pinus tabulaeformis Seedlings植物生长调节剂在油松育苗上的应用

14.Effect of growth regulator to citrus on applying 0.1% triacotanol0.1%三十烷醇对柑桔的生长调节作用

15.Application of Plat Growth Regulators to Wheat植物生长调节剂在小麦上的应用研究

16.Analysis on growth-plant substance to regulator florescence or fruit in plant;植物生长调节剂对开花结实调控的应用

17.Density Regulation of Clonal Growth of Neosinocalamus affinis in Different Habitats不同生境中慈竹克隆生长的密度调节

18.Research Progress of Growth Hormone on the Regulation of Reproductive Function生长激素对生殖功能调节的研究进展


Adjusting revolving arm length系杆长度调节

3)stitch length control线迹长度调节


5)arc length adjustment弧长调节

1.Due to the influence of tungsten electrode burning out,fromer pass appearance of weld,molten pool movement,weldment geometry shape and effect of gravitation onarc length adjustment at different position,ifarc length adjustment were not adopted ,the arc length could not be keeped fixed length.由于钨极的烧损、前道焊缝的成形、熔池变化、焊件几何形状及全位置空间变化时重力引起的弧长调节的阻力不断变化等因素的影响 ,没有弧长调节功能 ,不可能维持电弧长度的恒定。

6)growth regulation生长调节


长度长度length长度【l曰Igdl州习川”a]度量空间中线的伸展的数值特征.直线段的长度(kngth of a seg皿11t of as址11ght五lr)是其两个端点之间用某个作为单位长度的线段测度的距离.折线的长度(length of al〕roken line)是其各部分长度之和.简单弧的长度(】ength of as如P】e娥)是内接于该弧的折线长度的上确界.任一连续曲线具有有限或无穷长度.如果此曲线长度为有限,则它称为可求长的(戏断-able).直角坐标系中由方程y=了(x)(a(x(b,f具有连续导数f’)确定的平面曲线的长度(k刀乎11ofap」al.rcun尼)由积分b “一丁寸;+〔,,(二)l,以:给定.如果此曲线由参数形式 x=尤(t),y二y(t),t:延t簇tZ给出,则其长度由亡, :一丁丫[x·(:)]2+[,,(:)]2‘:忆.给定.可求长曲线的长度并不依赖于参数化.由参数形式x=义(t),夕二夕(t),:二:(:),t,续:簇t:给出的空间曲线的长度(lengt]1 ofasPa咖c~)由公式,2 “一丁丫r:,(,)]2+r,·(。)一+[:,(。)12过:r.给定.对于n维空间情形,‘一i痴而ZJ。.设下是在连续可微曲面r二r(u,。)上由函数“二“(亡),。“”(0给出的连续可微曲线,则它的从对应于参数值亡=t。的点起算的弧段长度等于,(:,。。)一丁‘r‘(r,}d。一丁}、r(u,。)}一了打,丫(几P)其中I是所给曲面的第一基本形式(first fim山油篮nialfo助).在具有度量张量g‘*的侧e叮以Im空间中由函数:‘=、‘(t)(::簇t簇。之)给出的连续可微曲线的长度是 ,一id‘一!抓票蔡‘:. A.E.I如al盆拍撰
