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基督教人道主义 Christian Humanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-01 07:11:15


基督教人道主义 Christian Humanism英语短句 例句大全

基督教人道主义,Christian Humanism

1)Christian Humanism基督教人道主义

1.Although takingChristian Humanism as its leading idea,the core curriculum covers all essences of natural sciences and humanities in history,broadening students horizons and breeding students critical thinking habits.虽然基督教人道主义是其主导性指导思想,但是该学院核心课程覆盖了全人类广泛的人文和自然科学精华,开阔了学生视野,培育了学生批判性思维习惯。


1.Ethical Construction and Deity Implications--Christian Humanitarian Connotation in Western Culture in the 19th Century;伦理建构与神性启示——论十九世纪西方文学中基督教人道主义的内涵

2.Christian Humanism Education and Matteo Ricci s Christian Humanism Thought;基督教人文主义教育和利玛窦的基督教人文主义思想

3.Secular Christian Spirit-the Core of Hardy s Humanitarian Religious Outlook;世俗基督精神:哈代人道主义宗教观的内核——兼与马弦商榷

4.Christian Humanism in Milton s Paradise Lost;弥尔顿《失乐园》中的基督教人文主义

5.On the Thinking Modes of Christianity and Secular Humanism;论基督教与世俗人文主义的思维模式

6.the Humanism Spirit of Christianity in Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio;薄伽丘《十日谈》中的基督教人文主义

7.Reinhold Niebuhr"s Moral Values of Christian Realism莱茵霍尔德·尼布尔的基督教现实主义道德观

8.As Schopenhauer does, Kierkegaard criticizes traditional rationalism and Christian theology and initiates modern humanism.克尔凯郭尔和叔本华一道批判了传统的理性主义和基督教神学,开创了现代人本主义。

9.The Religious Consciousness and Christian Humanism in the Western European Society in 14~(th) and 15~(th) Centuries;14、15世纪西欧宗教意识及基督教人文主义

10.Religion: Shintoism and Buddhism are the major religions, with minority of Christians and Daoist, etc.宗教:主要信奉神道和佛教,少数人信奉基督教和道教等。

11.On the Continuity between Renaissance Humanism and the Christian Culture;文艺复兴人文主义与基督教文化的连续性

12.“God” and “Man” in Christian Hymn and Taoist Exhorting Poetry;基督教赞美诗与道教道诗中的“神”与“人”

13.Thus they often sounded quite Christian, even though many of them had jettisoned major Christian doctrines.所以他们往往听起来相当具有基督教精神,尽管其中许多人扬弃了基督教的主要教义。

14.Confucianism,Christianity and Buddhism:A Human Centralist Perspective;儒学:在基督教与佛教之间——以人类中心主义为中心

15.One who is being taught the principles of Christianity.新入教者正在被授以基督教教义的人

16.Every stoic is a stoic;but in christendom,where be the christian?每一个斯多葛派的人都是“斯多葛”主义者;但在基督教世界,哪有基督教徒?

17.Every Stoic was a Stoic; but in Christendom, where is the Christian?每一个斯多葛派的人都是“斯多葛”主义者;但在基督教世界,哪儿有基督教徒?

18.China"s Protestant and Catholic Churches embarked on the road of independent administration.基督教、天主教走上独立自主自办教会的道路。


Christian humanism基督教人文主义

3)Christian humanism education基督教人文主义教育

1.One characteristic ofChristian humanism education of the Society of Jesus is the combination of theology and science.耶稣会基督教人文主义教育的特点是神学和科学的结合 ,它使利玛窦成为具有人文主义思想和理性主义思想、具备了丰富的知识和良好的文化素养的传教士。


5)Christian humanist基督教人文主义者

6)Christian Moral Sentiments Which Combined with Humanism糅合有人文主义思想的基督教情感道德


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