100字范文 > 西式快餐 western fast food英语短句 例句大全

西式快餐 western fast food英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-19 04:49:04


西式快餐 western fast food英语短句 例句大全

西式快餐,western fast food

1)western fast food西式快餐

parative Research on Chinese and Western Fast Food Brand Positioning;中西式快餐品牌定位的比较研究

2.The problem on the existing situation and the development of Chinese fast food is analyzed in the article And on this base,according to the successful experience ofwestern fast food and combining with the reality of fast food in our country,the way on how to solve the development problem of Chinese fast food is proposed At the same time,the further discussion on the detailed method is raised here文章分析了中式快餐业的现状和发展中存在的问题 ,并在此基础上借鉴西式快餐发展成功的经验 ,结合我国快餐业的实际情况 ,提出了解决中式快餐发展问题的方法 ,同时 ,对中式快餐发展的具体模式作深入的探

3.The article analyzes the successful stories,their status quo and the competitions of KFC and Dicos in Urumchi, and points out the bright development prospect ofwestern fast food chain development in Urumchi.文章通过分析西式快餐连锁店"肯德基""德克士"成功进驻乌鲁木齐市的原因、发展现状以及所面临的竞争,指出西式快餐连锁店在乌鲁木齐市具有较好的发展前景。


1.David: But the food is very different from Chinese food. Do people think it really tastes good?西式快餐和中餐完全不同,人们真的觉得西式快餐好吃吗?

2.A Comparative Research on the Fast Food Enterprises Brand Identity of China and Western Style中、西式快餐企业品牌形象比较研究

3.The school canteen provides arrange of options for students, including Chinese, Korean and Western Fast Food are available to ensure balance and variety in meals each day.学校餐厅提供多种多样的食物保证学生每天的营养均衡,包括中餐,韩餐和西式快餐等。

4.Eating Fast Food Practices of Chinese Children and Adolescents in Four Cities;我国4城市儿童少年食用西式快餐现况调查

5.Study on consumption of western fast food among primary and secondary students in seven cities of China我国7城市中小学生西式快餐消费行为调查

6.The Status Quo of Western Fast Food Chain in Urumchi西式快餐连锁店在乌鲁木齐市的发展现状

7.Study on the Influence Factors and Status of the Fast-Food Eating Behaviors of the Junior High School Students in Hsinchu County,Taiwan台湾新竹市国中生摄取西式快餐行为及其相关因素研究

8.Eating in Western fast-food restaurants, which are relatively expensive in China, is also a way of letting people know that you have money to spend.在西式快餐店进餐在中国还相对较贵,因此也能让人知道你是有钱可花的。

9.There is a big parking lot outside the Hall. The food center provides all sorts of fast food of Chinese and western styles, and drinks.馆外有大型停车场,餐饮中心提供中西各式快餐和饮品。

10.China"s consumerism boom is creating a fast-food culture that mirrors that of the West.红火的消费市场培育了西式的快餐文化。

11.Harry, do you prefer western fast food or Chinese fast food?哈里,你想吃西方快餐还是中国快餐?

12.We have the best western fast food!我们有上等的西方快餐。

13.Do you like western fast food?你喜欢西方快餐吗?

14.Which do you prefer, Chinese fast food or western fast food?你更喜欢哪一个, 中国快餐还是西方快餐?

parative analysis on fast food industry between China and foreign countries and the development countermeasures of Chinese fast food中外快餐的比较分析及中式快餐发展的对策

16.The resort has its own teahouse, KTV bar, snack bar, beer bar, and Chinese restaurant.这里拥有自己的茶楼、TV快餐店、吧和中式餐馆。

17.Some fast food chains offer American,一些快餐连锁店提供美式、

18.He often eats out at an instant Chinese restaurant.他常在一家中式快餐馆吃饭。


fast food西式快餐

1.Objective: To study the relation between the frequency offast food consumption and obesity prevalence among children living in 4 cities of China, and to provide scientific evidence for developing intervention strategies for the prevention of childhood obesity.目的:分析我国城市儿童少年食用西式快餐频度与肥胖率之间的关系,为制定肥胖干预措施提供理论依据。

3)The Chinese and Western fast-food中西式快餐

4)Western fast food restaurant西式快餐厅

5)Chinese fast food中式快餐

1.The SWOT Analysis and and Brand Strategy of Chinese Fast Food Chain——From the Entering of Chengdu’s "Xu waizui" into Wuhan;中式快餐连锁行业的SWOT分析及品牌战略选择——从成都“徐歪嘴”进入武汉说起

2.The problem on the existing situation and the development ofChinese fast food is analyzed in the article And on this base,according to the successful experience of western fast food and combining with the reality of fast food in our country,the way on how to solve the development problem ofChinese fast food is proposed At the same time,the further discussion on the detailed method is raised here文章分析了中式快餐业的现状和发展中存在的问题 ,并在此基础上借鉴西式快餐发展成功的经验 ,结合我国快餐业的实际情况 ,提出了解决中式快餐发展问题的方法 ,同时 ,对中式快餐发展的具体模式作深入的探

6)snack pattern快餐模式


干熟快餐海带丝干熟快餐海带丝工艺流程 原料海带→整理→蒸(116℃)→冷却→切丝→包装制作方法 1.原料选择:选用各地生产的符合国家标准的淡干一二级海带,水分含量在20%以下,无霉烂变质。2.整理:加工特级、一级、二级海带丝的原料海带须将泥沙等杂物刷除,并剪去颈部、黄白边稍和菜体较薄的稍部,然后压平整理成板状。3.蒸:将整好形的海带,放在蒸菜柜内,经2公斤/厘米2压力的蒸汽干蒸30分钟,以使海带软化。4.冷却:将干蒸过的海带晾晒至常温。在晾晒过程中应注意防止泥沙等杂物混入。5.冷丝:将冷却后的海带进行切丝,宽度约2~3厘米,长度为10~15厘米。海带可横切或竖切,横切的速度较快,但外型不太美观。6.干燥:切好的海带丝,应干燥至水分18%以下。可采用阳光自然干燥或者烘干。干燥过程中应尽量避免杂物混入。7.包装;经过整型后,用聚丙烯或聚乙烯袋定理包装,一般每袋净重100克或150克。质量与卫生标准 1.感官指标:级别项目长度(毫米)宽度(毫米)形态色泽气味特级120~2001~4丝条整齐褐色具有海带特有的鲜味一级170丝条较清楚无异味二级40呈丝条状褐黄色2.理化指标 水分:≤18%盐硝碎渣:≤1%ddt:<0.1毫克/公斤六六六:<0.1毫克/公斤汞:≤0.1毫克/公斤3.微生物指标 细菌总数:每克不超过50000个。大肠菌群:每100克不超过40个。肠道致病菌:不得检出。产品特点 本品使生海带变成熟制品,保存了营养成分。通过干蒸,使海带中的营养成分达到熟化、固定的目的。食用时,只须在温水中稍洗几分钟,便可以使海带复水。食用方便,节约了烹调时间,下锅几分钟便可以软化。另外海带经干蒸、切丝、小袋包装,改变了商品外观,使商品化程度提高,有利于销售。
