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文学编年史 the annals of literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-30 23:41:56


文学编年史 the annals of literature英语短句 例句大全

文学编年史,the annals of literature

1)the annals of literature文学编年史

1.On the road of recording the literature in chronological order in more than 70 years,the annals of literature in Song and Yuan dynasties have made considerable achievements,e.文学编年史是文学史的一种形态。


1.The Changing Paradigm of the Chinese Literary History andthe Book A Chronicle of the Literature of the Tang and Five Dynasties Edited by Fu Xuanzong;论文学史范型的新变──兼评傅璇琮主编的《唐五代文学编年史》

2.On the Structure of A Chronicle of Chinese Literature;十八卷本《中国文学编年史》的体例探索

3.Supplement and Correction of ZHANG Jiu-ling s works in ‘The literary Annals of The Five Dynasties ;《唐五代文学编年史》张九龄个案补证

4.Analysis on A Chronicle of Chinese Literature from Documentary;从文献学角度看18卷本《中国文学编年史》

5.There are a few mistakes in Chronology of South-North Dynasty Lierature about the times of the literary works.《南北朝文学编年史》中作品系年问题不少。

bining Academy with Implement:Characteristics of A Chronicle of Chinese Literature;学术性与工具性的结合是十八卷本《中国文学编年史》的显著特点

7.a historian who writes annals.著述编年史的历史学家。

8.Writing Literature History Should Pay Attention To Literature And History文学史教材编写应注意“文学”“史”

pilation and Concept of Literature History --Investigation on Practice and Theory of Zhan Antai’s Compiling of “History of Chinese Literature”;文学史编纂与文学史观念——詹安泰《中国文学史》编纂实践与理论考察

10.Innovation of Literary Idea and the Rising of "Pure" Literary History;文学观念的变革与“纯”文学史的兴起──论二三十年代的中国文学史编写

11.The Historical Experience and Lessons from the Designing of the Chinese Curriculum Standards--Comments on Chinese Teaching Syllabus in 1956;语文课程标准编制的历史经验与教训——1956年语文教学大纲述评

12.Problems on "History and Theory" in Compilation of Chinese History of Modern Literature中国现代文学史编撰中的“史与论”问题

13.A Review on the Editing Principle of Literary History and Its Practical Situation-According to Teaching Material of Chinese Literary History Published in the Last 10 Years;文学史的编撰原则及其写作实践——以十年来出版的几部中国文学史教材为例

14.Trial states the goal,the significance and the content of "The Arrangement of History of Thousand Years The Ma Zu Culture ";试述《妈祖文化千年史编》的意义和内容

15.The Narration of Literary History and the Historical Evaluation of "the Literature in the 17-year Period";文学史叙述与“十七年文学”的历史评价

16.On Compiling Collection of Papers on Literature History;论文学史论文集的编纂——《二十世纪中国文学史论文精粹》个案评析

17.Literary Digging of Adaptation of the Historical Play: --On Zhang Ping’s Newly-adapted Opera Zhaojun;历史剧改编的文学开掘——谈张平的新编歌剧《昭君》

18.The Historiographical Patterns in the 17th-Century Mongol Chronicles--The Theory of Same Origin of the Indians,Tibetans and Mongols论17世纪蒙古编年史的史学模式——印藏蒙同源论


A Chronice of Chinese Literature中国文学编年史

3)Chronology of South-North Dynasty Lierature《南北朝文学编年史》

1.A Few Mistakes inChronology of South-North Dynasty Lierature;谈《南北朝文学编年史》中作品系年的问题

4)A Chronicle of Chinese Literature18卷本《中国文学编年史》

1.Analysis onA Chronicle of Chinese Literature from Documentary;从文献学角度看18卷本《中国文学编年史》

5)The literary Annals of The Five Dynasties《唐五代文学编年史》

1.Supplement and Correction of ZHANG Jiu-ling s works in ‘The literary Annals of The Five Dynasties ;《唐五代文学编年史》张九龄个案补证

6)historiography of annalistic style编年体史学

1.The birth of Spring and Autumn Annals marked the formation of a style of compiling history,that is,historiography of annalistic style.《春秋》的问世标志着中国至迟在这一时期形成了一门关于史书编纂的专门学问:编年体史学。


