100字范文 > 文学终结 the end of literature英语短句 例句大全

文学终结 the end of literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-12 19:08:01


文学终结 the end of literature英语短句 例句大全

文学终结,the end of literature

1)the end of literature文学终结


1.Causes of Literary Predicament Underlying Literary Termination Theory;从“文学终结论”析文学困境之原因

2.Mass Media and the "End" of Literature;关于大众媒介与“文学终结”问题的思考

3.Termination of Literature as Advocated by Hillis Miller;希利斯·米勒“文学终结论”的本义考辨

4.Existence or Death --Question on the Prediction of Literature Termination and Marginal Literature;生存还是死亡——质疑“文学终结论”兼“文学边缘论”

5.On Hillis Miller"s Four Articles文学终结了吗——围绕希利斯·米勒的四篇文章

6.A Reflection on "Viewpoint of Literary End;对“文学终结论”的再思考——为德里达和米勒辩护

7.Literary researches:finality or rebirth? - interpretation of Miller s literary researches "on Finality";文学研究:终结还是再生?——米勒文学研究“终结论”解读

8.Termination of Liberalism Literature Ideal(1945.8~1949.10);自由主义文学理想的终结(1945.8~1949.10)

9.Discussion on "the Ending of Literature"-And Concurrently Discusses with Different Theorists;也谈“文学的终结”——兼与不同论者商榷

10.Being the End or Others...--Discussing Literary Future Briefly;是终结,还是……——简论文学的前途

11.Rewriting Literary History" :A Modern Proposition Without termination;“重写文学史”:一个没有终结的现代命题

12.In What Meaning Has Philosophy Come to the End? A Query to the Article Marx Is Not a Person Thought Philosophy Had Come to the End ;哲学在何种意义上终结——兼与《马克思不是“哲学终结论者”》一文商榷

13.Contact with Western culture and medicine did not put an end to TCM.与西方文化和医学的接触并没有终结传统中医。

14.King of the Chinese-Chess in the Contradictions of Traditon──Modern传统/现代交织中的“棋王”──兼论寻根文学何以终结

15.The literature and art of the digital era;数字化时代的文学艺术——对“艺术终结”论的思考

16.The Evolution and End of Ideal Modes of Marriage and Love in Chinese Classical Literature;中国古代文学婚爱理想模式的嬗变与终结

17.The Greatest Achievement of Writing General History of Japanese Literature --Book Review of The History of Japanese Literature written by Ye;日本文学通史写作的大成和终结——读叶渭渠、唐月梅著《日本文学史》

18.The revolting articles in literary revolution declared the expiry of Chinese classic literary theory and the rise of modern literary theory.以文学革命的发难文章为标志,正式宣告了中国古典文学理论的终结和现代文学理论的兴起。


termination of literature文学终结论

1.Miller stermination of literature,greatly welcomed in his native America when it came out at the beginning of the century,met with fierce attack in China.为什么?文章指出米勒"文学终结论"的"文学"不是指一种学科门类或一种不以人的主观意志为转移的客观实体,而是指一种出现在特定的历史条件下具有特殊的历史内涵的文化话语。

3)Literature destination文学终极

4)teaching of last stage终结教学

5)the end of philosophy哲学终结

6)"to end" philosophy"终结"哲学


