100字范文 > 保安族妇女 Baoan women英语短句 例句大全

保安族妇女 Baoan women英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-21 07:47:23


保安族妇女 Baoan women英语短句 例句大全

保安族妇女,Baoan women

1)Baoan women保安族妇女

1.This thesis take a Baoan community named "Three Villages of Baoan" located in the Jishishan for instance, based on abundant field-work data, make well use of the academic achievement and interalated theories of the field, and probes into theBaoan women\"s religious practice and its psychology mechanism from the prospective of psychology, ethnology sociology and science of religion etc.保安族是一个全民信仰伊斯兰教的民族,伊斯兰教的方方面面皆折射到保安族妇女的家庭生活和宗教生活中,并对其生存与发展产生长久而深远的影响。


1.Some Thinking on Awakening Minority Women"s Self-awareness--Development of Dongxiang,Bonan Women and Culture关于唤醒少数民族女性自我意识的几点思考——东乡族、保安族妇女与文化的发展

2.A Study of Protecting the Rights and Interests of Old Women --A Case Study of Old Korean Women;老年妇女权益保障研究——以朝鲜族老年妇女为例

3.Rethinking of Legal Protection of Minority Women"s Rights and Interests少数民族妇女权益法律保护的再思考

4.women"s curve fit underarm safety razor妇女剃腋毛之弯形保安剃刀

5.The Legal Guarantee to the Woman s Right for Education in Ethnic Minority Regions;农村少数民族妇女受教育权平等的法律保障

6.Minority Women and Ecological Protection;社会性别视野下少数民族妇女与生态环境保护

7.The Research of Women"s Rights Protection Behavior in Uygur Inhabited Rural in Arid Area干旱区维吾尔族聚居村妇女权益保护行为研究

8.a peeress in her own right有爵位的妇女,女贵族

9.The Investigation and Thinking about the Developing Problem of Baoan Nationality Women;对保安族女性发展问题的调查与思考

10.Study on Maternal Health Care Status in Two Counties of Anhui Province;安徽两县育龄妇女孕产期保健状况研究

11.Needs and strategies on reproductive health of married women of reproductive age in Taian City communities泰安市社区已婚育龄妇女生殖保健需求及对策

12.Thanks to all these efforts, the average life expectancy of Chinese women has risen from 36.7 years in old China to the present 72 years.为保障少数民族妇女的健康,国家对西藏等地区的妇女普遍实行免费医疗。

13.The Miao women like silver ornaments.苗族妇女喜欢带银饰物,

14.Women s Poetry of the Bai,Zhuang and Tujia Nationalitiesin Qing Dynasty and Their Poems;清代白族、壮族、土家族的妇女诗歌

15.As soon as the Zhuang woman has a child, she begin to worship the Flower Lady to protect her child.壮族妇女一生下孩子,就开始敬花王神位以祈求保护孩子。

16.The right to education of the minors, women, ethnic minorities, the handicapped and the poverty-stricken people should be protected.保障未成年人、妇女、少数民族、残疾人和贫困人口等的教育权利。

17.A Social-anthropological Survey on Privilege Protection of Hui Nationality Women In Interracial Neighborhood;杂散居地区回族妇女权益保障的社会人类学考察

18.Ley de Dignificacion y Promocion Integral de la Mujer保护妇女尊严和全面提高妇女地位法


Uygur female维族妇女

1.The Expression of p33ING1 and hTERT in cervical cancer inUygur females in XinJiang;新疆维族妇女宫颈鳞癌中hTERT p33~(ING1)的相关性探讨

3)Tibetan women藏族妇女

1.An Analysis of the Psychological Factors Hindering Tibetan Women s Development and the Causes;制约藏族妇女发展的民族心理因素及其成因

2.Education ofTibetan women in Gansu and Qinghai provinces lags behind owing to the negative ideas of women and special taboos and customs.甘青藏族妇女教育和社会化发展水平不高,其制约因素主要是藏族传统社会消极女性观的普遍存在及特有禁忌和习俗的束缚。

4)Chinese Han women汉族妇女

1.Polymorphism of estrogen receptor gene fromChinese Han women in Beijing;北京地区汉族妇女的雌激素受体基因多态性分布

5)women of Dongzu侗族妇女

6)women in Bai ethnic group白族妇女

1.This embodied in two aspects: the one is that there are many female jins in the Benzhu God cultural system,and,the other is thatwomen in Bai ethnic group is still the main force in sacrifice.白族女性与本主崇拜的关系较为密切,这是本主崇拜特有的文化现象,也是本主崇拜中社会性别建构的特点,具体表现在两个层面:一是白族本主文化体系中存在着诸多女性神灵;二是白族妇女是本主祭祀的主体力量。


