100字范文 > 小农 small farmer英语短句 例句大全

小农 small farmer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-02 11:32:00


小农 small farmer英语短句 例句大全

小农,small farmer

1)small farmer小农

1.Being a huge social group,small farmers emerged with the ancient agriculture and existed in both China and abroad from the ancient times to present.小农是伴随着古代农业文明而产生、并普遍地存在于古今中外的一个庞大社会群体。


1.A small farm, especially a tenant farm.小农场小农场,尤指佃农耕种的农场

2.the aBsorption of small farms into a Big one合并小农场成一大农场

3.a farmer on a small farm.经营小农场的农场主。

4.a small farmer, trader, shopkeeper, company, etc小农场主、 小本商人、 小店主、 小公司

5.subsistence peasant economies维持生计的小农经济

6.Here there was still a free small peasantry in addition to colonus.在这里,与隶农并存的,还有自由的小农。

7.On Peasant Economy and the Problem of "Agriculture,Rural Areas and Farmers" in China;小农经济与我国“三农”问题的思考

8.These small farms are family farms.小型农场是家庭农场,

9.Inter-institutional Group for the Agricultural Sector农业部门机构间小组

10.Group of Experts on Mechanization of Agriculture农业机械化专家小组

11.Panel of Experts on Agricultural Engineering农业工程学专家小组

12.rutty farm roads.车辙很多的农场小路

13.Farmers sow wheat in autumn.农民秋天播种小麦。

14.Peasant will sow wheat in Spring.农民们春天播种小麦。

15.The farmer graded the eggs by size.那农民按蛋的大小分类。

16.low - density urban areas.人口密度小的农村地区

17.Deng Xiaoping s thoughts on the problems in agriculture,rural areas and peasants;试论邓小平关于农业、农村和农民问题的思想

18.Deng Xiaoping s Agricultural Strategic Thinking and Development of Anhui s Agriculture and Rural Areas;邓小平农业战略思想与安徽农业和农村的发展



1.Analysis on AQ s spirit- satisfied method fromthe two sides of smallpeasants cultural mental structure;从阿Q精神胜利法看小农文化心理结构二重性

3)small farmers小农

1.The academia emphasis the study ofsmall farmers since ancient time, is also the historian in understanding the problem of ambiguity there.学术界对小农的研究自古以来比较重视,也是目前史家在认识上存有歧义的问题。


1.Marx put forward a systematical discussion on the characteristics ofsmallholders.马克思对小农的特点进行了系统的论述。

5)small peasant小农

1.Aiming at supportingsmall peasant economy,Wang Anshi took a lot of measures to maintain the market order and reform finance.在这样的情况下,王安石以扶植小农经济等为目标,在扶植个体小农、维持市场秩序、财政改革等改革思想的指导下,采取了青苗法等一系列的改革措施。

6)Peasant agriculture小农农业


