100字范文 > 茶农 tea farmers英语短句 例句大全

茶农 tea farmers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-14 02:42:31


茶农 tea farmers英语短句 例句大全

茶农,tea farmers

1)tea farmers茶农

1.Anxi county,Fujian province farmers survey data,the use of two Logistic model analysis the affecting factors whattea farmers choose sales channels.以福建省安溪县茶农问卷调查数据为基础,利用二项Logistic模型对茶农选择茶叶销售渠道的影响因素进行计量分析。

2.It is related to many links in the field of production,processing,and selling,among these links,production forms the source of the quality,tea farmers’behavior impairs the quality directly, and the application of pesticides is the crucial link with relation to food safety.茶农使用农药不合理是茶叶农药残留的源头和关键。

3.On basis of the survey data of farmers in Anxi County,Fujian Province,this paper establishes the double logarithmic model and analyzes the affecting factors of thetea farmers\" investment behavior.以福建省安溪县茶农问卷调查数据为基础,利用双对数模型对茶农投资行为的影响因素进行计量分析。


1.Tea farmers of Bajiaodong ethnic group are picking tea leaves on November 16, .11月16日,芭蕉侗族茶农在采冬茶。

2.The farmers are getting into the process of curing tea-leaves.茶农们现在已经进行到了制茶的炒青阶段。

3.An Investigation on Longjing Tea Production By Tea Farmers in West Lake Longjing Village;西湖龙井村茶农户生产经营状况调查

4.Pesticides residue analysis of pure tea produced in Xishuangbanna state西双版纳地区普洱茶农药残留量分析

5.Design and Implementation of Anti-fake Original Label Management System西湖龙井茶茶农标识产地防伪管理系统的设计与实现

6.Tea farm and Rice Farm Production and Income Compare and Analyzed in Traditional Agricultural Region;传统农区茶农户和粮农户生产及收入状况比较分析

7.On the semiotic of tea Culture symbol"Tea Ancestor Shen Nong"关于茶文化符号“茶祖神农”的符号思考

8.Tea Ancestor Shennong and the Spread and Development of Huxiang Tea Industry茶祖神农其人与湖湘茶业的传播发展

9.Agriculture: rice, jute, tea, wheat; beef.农业:水稻,黄麻,茶,小麦,牛肉.

10.Safety Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Tea Soup;茶汤中农药残留及其安全性评估研究

11.Present Situation and Countermeasures of Tea s Pesticide Residues in Fujian Producing Areas;福建产区茶叶中农药残留现状及对策

12.The Application Outlook of Agrobacterium rhizogenes transferred Tea Plants Cell发根农杆菌转化茶树细胞的应用前景

13.Insecticidal Pesticide Including fluorine and its Application Prospect on Tea Plant含氟杀虫农药及其在茶树上应用前景

14.Bih Lu Tea Plantation uses natural farming and professional management methods.(碧庐茶园是以自然农法栽培与专业管理的高山茶园。

15.Tea Pesticide Residue Condition in Hunan and Screening High Insecticides Against the Ectropis Oblique Prout;湖南省茶叶农残调查及防治茶尺蠖药剂筛选研究

16.On Solutions to the Pesticide Residue for Expansion of the Tea Export;解决农残问题 扩大茶叶出口——从对德国出口茶叶下降谈起

17.The Natural Degradation Dynamics of 4 Pesticides on Cultivars Suitable to Oolong Tea4种农药在适制乌龙茶品种茶树上的自然降解动态

18.Standing Exporters" Group of the FAO Inter- Governmental Group on Tea粮农组织政府间茶叶小组常设输出商小组


tea farmer茶农

1.Empirical research on the impact factors oftea farmers′ use of pesticide——Taking Fujian Province as a case茶农使用农药行为影响因素实证研究——以福建省为例

2.Based on the analyse of Fujian tea industry from the perspective oftea farmer, a case study was conducted to investigate of 153tea farmers’production and procession in anxi county, Fujian Province.本研究以福建茶产业为对象,从农业微观投入主体——茶农的角度出发,于对福建安溪县153户茶农的茶叶生产加工投入产出进行了调查。

3.We choosetea farmers in Fujian Province as object groups to make investigation of the distribution of their free time,their leisure activities and their mentality on leisure.选取茶农这一特殊的群体,从闲暇时间分配、闲暇活动情况以及茶农对待闲暇的心态入手,揭示福建安溪茶农闲暇生活具有明显的季节性;农闲闲暇活动内容的单调性以及茶农对闲暇生活满意度的差异性等特征。

3)Chanong NO. 8茶农8号

1.Characteristics of an Improved Tea Cultivar "Chanong NO. 8" Selected by Nitrogen Ions Implantation Technique;利用N~+诱变选育的茶树新品系“茶农8号”的特性

4)Chanong NO.1茶农1号

1.Selection of an Early-sprouting, Cold-resistance and Quality Tea Cultivar "Chanong NO.1";早生抗寒优质茶树新品系“茶农1号”的选育

5)tea grower behavior茶农行为

6)tea peasants kinds茶农户类型


茶农茶农tea grower80年代开始,在实行农村经济体制改革中,茶区推行联产承包责任制,从而茶农有了充分的生产与经营茶叶的主动权,大大促进了茶叶生产的发展,部分茶农成了茶叶专业户。(李榷曾)二的农;从事‘收入:部劳鱿位与商人l的改:地改览展,三社会:会主,,茶院为生,的一拼求,建立大队,·初制二茶叶茶农(tea grower)以种植茶叶为主习业生产者,包括一般茶农、茶叶专业户和在茶〔茶叶生产的生产者。茶农的茶叶收入一般占其浦的60%以上,或从事茶叶生产的劳动时间占其兰动时间的2/3以上。在中国历史上,茶农所处的出一般农民一样,长期遭受地主、国内外资本家、和高利贷者的残酷剥削和压迫。中华人民共和国建立后,由于茶叶经营体月变,茶农的地位和生活状况也迅速发生变化。:革的完成,茶农分得了上地和茶园。随着生产的茶农从加入茶叶生产互助组开始,然后组织起鱼主义性质的初级茶叶生产合作社.进一步建立书义的高级茶叶生产合作社。在人民公社化运动「叶生产合作社成为人民公社的生产单位之一,艰产队或生产大队,茶农成为农业集体经济组织‘员。由于茶叶的栽培管理和采制有较高的技术为了合理安排劳力,不误农时,各地根据情况,茶叶专业生产队,茶园面积在100亩以上的生产还建有茶叶初制厂,由茶叶专业生产队负责茶口工作。一些有茶叶生产的国位农场,一般也建j专业生产队(或茶叶分场)。
