100字范文 > 渗碳工艺 carburizing process英语短句 例句大全

渗碳工艺 carburizing process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-02 00:18:37


渗碳工艺 carburizing process英语短句 例句大全

渗碳工艺,carburizing process

1)carburizing process渗碳工艺

1.This paper deals with thecarburizing process,microstructure,mechanical properties and quenching distortion of the air cooling low carbon bainitic steel.对低碳贝氏体钢的渗碳工艺、显微组织、力学性能、淬火变形进行了研究。


1.Low pressure vaccum carburizing for Cr17Ni2 stainless steelCr17Ni2不锈钢低压真空渗碳工艺研究

2.Study on the Plasma Carburizing Process of the Roller of Large Bearing大型轴承滚柱的等离子渗碳工艺研究

3.Study on Optimizing the Tecnics of the Super Saturation Carburization on 20Cr Steel and a New Stype Super Saturation Carberization Steel;20Cr钢超饱和渗碳工艺优化及一种新型超饱和渗碳钢的研究

4.Study on the Autogenously Grinding Hammer of Rubbing Machine by Solid Carburizing揉碎机锤片自磨刃强化固体渗碳工艺的研究

5.Analysis on theory about Rare-earth element Carburization on Diesel Engine Piston Pin柴油机活塞销应用稀土渗碳工艺的理论分析

6.new technology of ionitro-carbon-titanizing离子氮-碳-钛三元共渗新工艺

7.RE-nitrocarburizing Technology for Piston Rod Made of 40CrMnMo40CrMnMo活塞连杆稀土离子氮碳共渗工艺

8.Investigation on Anticarbonized Bright Copper-plating Process in Basic Cyanide Baths碱性氰化物防渗碳光亮镀铜工艺的研究

9.Research on Ion-nitrocarburizing Processes and Mechanism with N_2 and CH_4 for 40Cr;40Cr钢氮气—甲烷离子氮碳共渗工艺及机理的研究

10.Study on Oxycarbonitriding Processes with Air and Methane;空气—甲烷氮碳氧多元离子共渗工艺的研究

11.Study on Process and Microstructure Property of RE-boron-vanadizing for Carbon Steel;碳钢硼钒稀土共渗工艺与组织性能研究

12.New Research on Material and Heat Treatment Technology of Automobile Carburized Gear;汽车渗碳齿轮新材料及其热处理工艺的研究

13.Effect of Technological Parameters on Microstructure of SiC Particulate Reinforced High Manganese Steel Matrix Composite with Process of V-EPC工艺条件对高锰钢铸渗碳化硅组织特征的影响

14.Electrochemical Brightening Process Optimization of Plasma Carburized Stainless Steel离子渗碳不锈钢表面电化学亮化工艺的优化

15.Optimization Technological Parameters for Hot Dip Aluminizing and Diffusion Aluminizing and High Temperature Oxidation Properties on Surface of Carbon Steel碳钢热浸扩散渗铝工艺及高温氧化性能的研究

16.Occurrence of Crack on Carburized Steel Pattern in Grinding Process and Its Technique Analysis渗碳钢件磨削裂纹的产生及其工艺分析

17.Optimization of Cam"s Carburizing and Quenching Technology of High-powered Marine Diesel Engine大功率船用柴油机凸轮渗碳淬火的工艺优化

18.The heat treatment technology of carbo- nitriding of steel has the characteristic of lower treatment temperature and direct quenching.钢的碳氮共渗热处理工艺具有共渗温度低、直接淬火等特点。


carburizing process CAD software渗碳工艺CAD

3)solid carburized processing固体渗碳工艺

4)carburized cooling technology渗碳冷却工艺

1.Based on many production processes and technology tests,microstructures observations of 20CrMnMo steel after carburizing and quenching,the defects of traditionalcarburized cooling technology,such as coarse reticulated carbide of the surface and blocky ferrite in the core after cooling,were analyzed.通过生产跟踪和工艺试验,结合对20CrMnMo钢试样渗碳及淬火后金相组织的观察,分析了传统渗碳冷却后工件表面组织有粗网状碳化物,心部有大块状铁素体的缺陷,介绍了优化后的渗碳冷却工艺的优越性。

5)low-critical carbonizing下限渗碳工艺

1.In the view of value engineering, the whole process of gear manufacturing is analyzed and thelow-critical carbonizing process is presented to decrease the cos t and incfease the value of products The experiments of the process have been done The cvacticability and economicality of the new process are discussed从价值工程原理出发,通过对渗碳类齿轮生产加工全过程进行的全面和详细的分析,提出了采用下限渗碳工艺来降低产品成本,提高价值,并完成了下限渗碳的工艺试验同时对此工艺的技术可行性和经济可行性进行了全面的分析

6)carbonitriding technology碳氮共渗工艺


采气工艺(见天然气开采工艺)采气工艺(见天然气开采工艺)gas production technology,一‘J\匕乙吕天然气开采工艺pro以uetionteehnology)见
