100字范文 > 胃癌术后 Postoperative gastric cancer英语短句 例句大全

胃癌术后 Postoperative gastric cancer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-27 02:56:57


胃癌术后 Postoperative gastric cancer英语短句 例句大全

胃癌术后,Postoperative gastric cancer

1)Postoperative gastric cancer胃癌术后


1.Clinical Analysis on 113 Cases of Gastroscopy Follow-up after Gastric Carcinoma Surgery胃癌术后胃镜随诊113例临床分析

2.Clinical significance of post operative follow up gastroscopy for patients with gastric cancer:a report of 986 cases胃癌术后胃镜随诊的临床意义(附986例报告)

3.Clinical study on acupuncture combined with medication in restoration of gastrointestinal functions for postoperative patients with gastric cancer针药结合恢复胃癌术后患者胃肠功能的研究

4.Clinical Study on Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in the Treatment of Postoperative Patients with Gastric Cancer;胃癌术后中西医结合治疗的临床研究

5.Clinical Study on Enteral Immunonutrition in Postoperation Patients with Gastric Cancer肠内免疫营养剂在胃癌术后临床研究

6.Changes of Gastrointestinal Hormone and Body Composition in Patients with Gastric Cancer after Different Gastrectomy胃癌术后不同残胃患者胃肠激素及机体组成变化

7.Factors for Gastroparesis after Distal Subtotal Gastrectomy:Binary Logistic Regression Analysis胃癌远端胃术后残胃胃瘫影响因素Logistic回归分析

8.Clinical analysis of postsurgical gastroparesis syndrome after radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer胃癌根治术后胃瘫综合征的临床分析

9.Treatment of gastroparesis syndrome after radical distal distogastrectomy for gastric cancer胃癌根治性远侧胃切除术后胃瘫综合征的治疗

parison of Different Digestive Reconstruction after Total Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer胃癌全胃切除术后三种消化道重建术的比较

11.Clinical investigation in motile change of Roux limb after total gastrectomy for gastric cancer胃癌全胃切除术后Roux肠袢运动变化的研究

12.Clinicopathological features of patients with gastric stump carcinoma after a distal gastrectomy远端胃切除术后的残胃癌临床病理特征

13.Assessment of Nutrition of Patient with Gastric Corpus Cancer after Total Gastrectomy胃体癌全胃切除术后患者营养状态评价

14.Evaluation of an early enteral-intestinal nutrition after total gastrectomy胃癌全胃切除术后早期肠内外营养疗效评估

15.1 Case of Subtotal Gastrectomy of Gastric Cancer Complicated with Chronic Diarrhea胃癌胃大部切除术后并发慢性腹泻一例

16.The Application of Early Enteral Nutrition after Total Gastrectomy肠内营养在胃癌全胃切除术后的应用研究

17.Serum pepsinogen levels in patients with gastric cancer胃癌手术治疗前后血清胃蛋白酶原含量分析

18.④ Active treatment for precancerous lesion of the gastric-remnant.④术后对残胃的癌前状态积极治疗。


postoperative model of gastric cancer胃癌术后模型

1.Methods: The gastric cancer was induced by Ethyl nitro NTG (ENNG) and then removed by operation in Beagle dogs to establish thepostoperative model of gastric cancer.方法:以乙基硝基亚硝基胍(ENNG)致比格犬胃癌后手术切除建立胃癌术后模型,术后3周随机分为中药组、化疗组和模型组。

3)gastroparesis caused by radical operation for carcinoma of stomach胃癌根治术后胃轻瘫

1.Methods:19 cases ofgastroparesis caused by radical operation for carcinoma of stomach had been treated by integrated traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.目的 :观察中西医结合治疗胃癌根治术后胃轻瘫的疗效。

4)gastric surgical adjuvant radiotherapy胃癌术后辅助放射治疗


1.2、Gastrectomy increases the intraperitoneal free cancer cells.目的:1、探索检测胃癌患者腹膜微转移的方法;2、探讨胃癌手术对腹腔脱落癌细胞的影响。

6)after gastrectomy胃手术后

1.Surgical treatment of esophageal carcinomaafter gastrectomy;胃手术后食管癌的再次手术治疗


术术1.兴盛貌。 2.宽广貌。
