100字范文 > 高龄胃癌 elderly gastric cancer英语短句 例句大全

高龄胃癌 elderly gastric cancer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-25 07:16:04


高龄胃癌 elderly gastric cancer英语短句 例句大全

高龄胃癌,elderly gastric cancer

1)elderly gastric cancer高龄胃癌


1.Surgical treatment and clinical characters in old age gastric cancer高龄胃癌病人的临床特点及外科处理

2.Individualized surgical treatment of elderly patients with gastric carcinoma高龄胃癌患者外科个体化治疗65例

3.Analyzing the P-shaped Iejuno-Esphagostomy Total Gastrectomy for the Aged Patients高龄胃癌患者全胃切除采用P型空肠代胃临床效果分析

4.Cffect of optional arterial chemical therapy and embolism treatment on aged stomach cancer patients高龄胃癌选择性动脉化疗栓塞疗效探讨

5.Perioperative Management of Elderly Patients with Gastric Cancer高龄胃癌患者围手术期处理的临床分析

6.Effect of alanyl-glutamin-supplemented total parenteral nutrition on aged patients with gastric cancerTPN添加丙氨酰谷氨酰胺在高龄胃癌患者术后治疗的应用

7.Clinical Analysis on 38 Senile Cases of Cardiac Carcinoma with Total Gastrectomy经腹全胃切除术治疗高龄贲门癌患者38例临床分析

8.Clinical study on weekly medication of docetaxel combined with oxaliplatin in the treatment on elderly patients with advanced gastric cancer多西紫杉醇联合奥沙利铂每周疗法治疗30例高龄晚期胃癌的临床观察

9.Relationship between the feature of endoscopy and pathology and the age of patients with progressive gastric cancer进展期胃癌患者内镜病理特点与年龄关系分析

10.The expression of sexual hormone receptor in different age patients with gastric carcinoma不同年龄阶段胃癌患者性激素受体表达分析

11.An Analysis of Gastric Cancer Detection and Epidemicity in High Incidental Area with Gastric Cancer,Wuwei City,Gansu Province胃癌高发区武威市胃癌检出及趋势分析

12.Infection of CagA-positive Helicobacter Pylori and the Risk for Cardia and Non-cardia Gastric Cancer in High-risk Area of China;胃癌高发区CagA阳性幽门螺杆菌感染与贲门癌、非贲门部胃癌关系

13.Prevention of postoperative constipation-induced sudden death of elderly patients with the operation for gastrointestinal tumor and nursing care高龄胃肠道肿瘤术后便秘诱发猝死预防及护理

14.Relationship between RUNX3 expression and precancerous gastric lesions in high-risk population胃癌高发区人群RUNX3表达与胃黏膜病变的关系

15.The detected rate of gastric cancer showed tendency to ascend before 70 years old,followed to descend.胃癌的检出率在 70岁之前随年龄增加呈上升趋势 ,随后呈下降趋势 ;

16.Experience of treatment for breast cancer in women aged 70 years and elder70岁以上高龄女性乳腺癌治疗体会

17.Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Cancer in the Aged(Analysis of 78 cases)高龄大肠癌的外科治疗——附78例分析

18.The Analysis of Surgery Treatment for Lung Cancer in the Aged(52 Cases Report)52例高龄肺癌病人的外科治疗分析


Older patients with advanced gastric carcinoma高龄晚期胃癌

3)aged rpatients with gastric cancer高龄胃癌患者

4)senile esophageal carcinoma高龄食管癌

1.Perioperative nursing care ofsenile esophageal carcinoma;高龄食管癌的围手术期护理

5)Senile cardiac cancer高龄贲门癌

6)high incidence area of gastric cancer胃癌高发区

1.The relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection and social psychological factors in gastritis patients in thehigh incidence area of gastric cancer;胃癌高发区胃炎患者幽门螺杆菌感染和社会心理因素的相关性研究

2.Objective:To study the relationship between the intestinal metaplasia gastric mucosa and Helicobacter pylori infection in thehigh incidence area of gastric cancer.目的:探讨陕北胃癌高发区幽门螺杆菌(HP)感染与胃黏膜肠化生之间的关系。


