100字范文 > 中美高校 Chinese and American universities英语短句 例句大全

中美高校 Chinese and American universities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-24 19:17:43


中美高校 Chinese and American universities英语短句 例句大全

中美高校,Chinese and American universities

1)Chinese and American universities中美高校

parative study on the cost control mechanism of government sponsored research funds betweenChinese and American universities;中美高校政府科研经费成本控制机制比较研究

2.A comparative analysis of moral construction inChinese and American universities中美高校德育环境建设的实践分析

3.This article according to analyzing the principal characteristics of competitive managerial system betweenChinese and American universities, in according to our national conditions, find out the distance and direction, to improve and develop the competitive managerial system of physical sports in Chinese universities.主要通过文献调研和访谈法分析中美高校体育运动竞赛管理体制的主要特点,结合国情,找出差距,明确方向,以进一步完善中国高校体育运动竞赛管理体制,更好地发展中国高校的体育运动竞赛。


1.The Comparison and Reference between China and America on Campus Cultural Construction;中美高校校园文化建设的比较与借鉴

2.The Comparative Study of Sino-America s Training Mode of Combination of Competitive Sport and Education for Athletes in Universities;中美高校体教结合培养模式比较研究

3.The Development of Management Pattern of Domestic University Libraries Inspired by American libraries;中美高校图书馆管理模式比较及启示

parison and inspiration on the moral education in HEIs scientific research between China and USA;中美高校科研道德教育的比较与借鉴

5.A Comparative Study on the Settings of Electives Between Chinese University and American University;中美高校选修课课程设置的比较研究

parison on Journal Education Resources Between Chinese and America College;中美高校新闻教育资源比较研究(下)

parison of Undergraduate Enrollment Systems Between China and the US;中美高校本科招生之差异比较及启示

8.Central American Higher University Council中美洲高等院校理事会(高校理事会)

9.The Effects of Aerobics in of Culture Construction健美操在高校校园文化建设中的作用

10.Aerobics at the Construction of Campus Culture Medium impact健美操在高校校园文化建设中的影响

11.Discussion on the Position and Function of Chinese Folk Art in University s Fine Arts Education;中国民间美术在高校美术教育中的地位和作用

12.Advanced School of Public Administration for Central America中美洲高级公共行政学校

13.He made a gift of$10000 to his old high school.他给他的高中母校捐赠了10000美圆。

14.Research on Aesthetic Education in Physics Teaching in Normal Universities;高师院校大学物理教学中的美育研究

15.A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and American Leaders Speeches at Universities;中美领导人高校演讲语篇的对比分析

16.A Comparative Study on Teachers Management System in Universities of China and USA;中美高等院校教师管理制度比较刍议

17.A Probe into the High School Consolidation in Rural America;美国农村公立高中学校整合问题探析

18.Analysis on the Education Concerning Chinese Knowledge in Colleges of America before the Confrontation between China and the USA;试析1949年前美国高校的中国知识教育


Chinese and American college中美高校

1.Through the comparable research on training system of reserved talents betweenChinese and American college basketball,this essay provides suggestions and strategies to train our domestic college basketball reserved talents.通过对中美高校篮球后备人才培养体系的比较研究,为我国高校篮球后备人才培养提供建议和对策。

3)Sino-US college library中美高校图书馆

1.The essay discusses development process ofSino-US college library user education,by comparing the policy and teaching,content and form,the assessment of the effectiveness of education and teaching staff to analyze the smilarities and differences between Sino-US user education,then puts forward its suggestions.文章论述了中美高校图书馆用户教育的发展历程,通过对中美高校图书馆用户教育的政策与教学、内容与形式、教育效果的评估及师资队伍等进行了比较,从中分析了中美用户教育的异同点,并提出了自己的建议。

4)college adviser中美高校辅导员

5)American colleges and universities美国高校

1.The Study of LeaderShape in American Colleges and Universities;美国高校“领导者塑造”计划研究

2.TheAmerican colleges and universities carried out entrepreneurship education relatively earlier,and have accumulated abundant experiences,and have already formed a set of quite scientific and comprehensive teaching,researching and supporting system on entrepreneurship education.美国高校较早开展创业教育并积累了丰富的经验,已形成了一套比较科学、完整的创业教育教学、研究体系和支持体系,其高等院校创业教育的成功经验与运行模式值得借鉴。

3.Beginning with the special context of American higher education and combined with classical cases, this paper introduces the system of statistic and evaluation of graduate employment rate inAmerican colleges and universities and analyzes its traits for reference.美国高校毕业生就业率的统计评估通常由政府专职部门、社会组织和高校自身分别承担。

6)American universities美国高校

1.A Brief Introduction to Marxism Education in American Universities;美国高校中马克思主义教学简况

2.The Study on the Developmental History of the Credit System of American Universities;美国高校学分制发展历程考察

3.Research on the composition of R&D Investment inAmerican universities简析美国高校科研资金投入的构成


