100字范文 > 尾标 tail buoy英语短句 例句大全

尾标 tail buoy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-03 02:25:38


尾标 tail buoy英语短句 例句大全

尾标,tail buoy

1)tail buoy尾标


1.end-of-volume label (EOV label)卷结束标号;卷结束标号;卷尾标号;卷尾标号

2.He is an Englishman to core.他是彻头彻尾标准的英国人。

3.In order that the recorded block of data be identified, a header and trailer are added.为了辨别所记录的数据块,还要加上头标和尾标。

4.A distinctively shaped or marked tail, as of a dog or deer.旗形尾指有特殊形状或标志的尾,如狗或鹿的尾巴

5.Unexpected end of file looking for tag.查找 标记时遇到意外的文件结尾。

6.Tathong Point Doppler very high frequency omnidirectional radio range蓝塘尾多普勒甚高频全向无线电信标

7.dovetail vernier caliper测量燕尾槽专用游标卡尺

8.Raise fuel economy standards; require lower emissions form automobiles.提高节源标准,降低汽车尾气排放.

9.a punctuation mark (?) placed at the end of a sentence to indicate a question.放在句尾表示疑问的标点。

10.A trailing character after a literal value establishes its type.字面值后的尾随字符标志着它的类型。

11.(nautical) a plate on a ship"s stern on which the name is inscribed.(船舶用语)船尾部标志船名的地方。

12.Raise fuel economy standards; require lower emissions from automobiles.提高能源经济标准,减少汽车尾气排放。

13.A small distinguishing flag displayed by a yacht.燕尾旗船上做号旗或标志的小旗

14.Modification of making procedures of Schistoma japanicam cercariae日本血吸虫尾蚴标本制作流程的改进

15.RCTI-A new standard for Claus tail gas performanceRCTI工艺——克劳斯尾气装置性能新标准

16.Study on Quality Standard for Dai Medicine Blaps Rynchopetera Fairmaire彝药喙尾琵琶甲的药材质量标准研究

17.The perfectly geometrical simulation module model of warship wake was established.建立了较完备的尾流仿真模型,给出了尾流空穴模型和机动目标尾流的正确描述。

18.nonstandard extension used : trailing "," used for variable argument list使用了非标准扩展:结尾处的“,”用于变量参数列表


mark end标尾

3)Tail Buoy Position尾标定位

1.The Applications ofTail Buoy Position in the Long Array Seismic Survey;尾标定位系统在长排列地震调查中的应用

4)tail index尾部指标

1.Threshold selection intail index estimation;尾部指标估计中的阈值选择

2.Thetail index is an important parameter to decide the degree of heaviness of the tail of a distribution.尾部指标是决定分布尾部轻重的一个重要参数。

5)last-character marking尾字标记

1.The results showed that: (1)The detectability of thelast-character marking was higher than that of the whole-word, and the first-character marking had the worst detectability.结果发现:(1)非言语标记声与链接词所含元素的相对时相显著地影响了链接词的检测绩效,尾字标记的绩效最佳,全词标记次之,首字标记最差,但三种标记方式对句子的理解无显著影响;(2)在50ms-100ms内,非言语标记声的持续时间对链接词的检测和句子理解均无显著影响。

6)rear target尾后目标

1.Acquisition ofrear target information with RWRs onboard two aircrafts;双机用雷达告警接收机对尾后目标信息获取的方法研究


尾尾1.形容一个接着一个的样子。 2.娓娓。形容说话言词动听。
