100字范文 > 通讯浮标 communication buoy英语短句 例句大全

通讯浮标 communication buoy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-16 01:29:13


通讯浮标 communication buoy英语短句 例句大全

通讯浮标,communication buoy

1)communication buoy通讯浮标

1.In order to realize stereoscopic,continuous and long term monitoring for the deep sea,a new type of deep sea monitoring platform was developed,with the honeycomb containerization type of transmission platform for the deep seacommunication buoy.为了对深海进行立体、连续和长期观测,设计一种新型的深海监测平台,即深海通讯浮标蜂窝集装式传输平台,介绍平台工作过程及结构、功能,以及各组成系统的作用,期望投入使用,用以实现深海至水面、水面至卫星的监测信号传递。

2.Status of platform development both in and outside China is described,and a new-style deep sea monitoring platform is proposed,which is a transmitting platform of honeycomb containerization type for deep seacommunication buoy.从国家安全、海洋开发、监测平台的发展需求方面,阐述了深海监测平台对深海环境监测的意义,以及国内外的发展现状,提出了一种新型的深海监测平台,即深海通讯浮标蜂窝集装式传输平台,概述了该平台系统工作过程,并对其结构、功能,以及各组成系统的作用进行了详细的论述。

2)communication label通讯标志

3)beacon communication信标通讯

4)RS485 communication standardRS485通讯标准

5)communication buoy通信浮标

1.The overview of application and development for submarine towedcommunication buoy;潜艇拖曳通信浮标体应用与发展初探

2.This paper introduces Calistocommunication buoy and RTOF buoy,including their concepts,functions,architectures and so on.分别介绍了卡里斯托通信浮标系统和可回收的系留光纤(RTOF)浮标的工作概念、主要功能、体系结构及研究概况。


1.A Discussion on Some Questions of Short-wave Expendable Communications Buoy关于潜用消耗型短波通信浮标的探讨

2.Spread Spectrum Communication System Design of Buoy Based on DSP and FPGA;基于DSP和FPGA的浮标扩频通信系统设计

3.Satellite Buoy Antenna Technology and Its Application in Submarine Communication卫星浮标天线技术及其在潜艇通信中的应用

4.Application of Beidou Satellite Navigation and Position System in Autonomous Profile Exploring Float北斗定位通信系统在自持式剖面循环探测漂流浮标的应用初探

5.glass element, not optically worked for road traffic lights, certain buoys, switchboards or panel lights玻璃元件,未经光学加工,用于道路交通信号灯、某些浮标、开关板或表盘灯

6.Structure Optimization and Control System Design of a New Type of Marine Submersible Buoy System with Real Time Communication Function具有实时通信功能的新型海洋观测浮标的结构优化与控制系统研究

7.Research on the Target Value of Speed in Demand Terms of Maglev Railway;从需求角度研究磁浮交通速度目标值

8.Traffic Data Collection System Based on Floating Cars基于浮动车的交通信息采集系统研究

9.buoy with chequers方格浮标方格纹浮标

10.middle ground buoy中部浅滩浮标中沙浮标

11.buoy repeater statio浮标中继站中继站浮标

12.To mark with or as if with a buoy.用浮标指示用浮标标明或好似用浮标标明

13.Optimize Design and Reliability Analysis of Exterior-pressure Signal Buoy;外压信号浮标的结构设计及可靠性分析

14.Active Positioning System Channel Matching Strategy Research and Realization浮标主动定位系统信道匹配策略研究与实现

15.Multi-buoy containerization type deep sea intelligence transmission platform system technology多浮标集装式深海信息传输平台系统技术

16.Research on Dual Redundant Ethernet Communication of Maglev Train Option Control System;磁浮列车运控系统双网冗余通信的研究

17.Study on Communication Network of Location and Speed Detection System for High Speed Maglev Vehicle;高速磁浮列车测速定位系统通信网络的研究

18.The Design of a New Suspended Type Communication Power Supply for HV Cable Based on Electromagnetic Induction新型高压线缆悬浮式电磁感应通信电源的设计


communication label通讯标志

3)beacon communication信标通讯

4)RS485 communication standardRS485通讯标准

5)communication buoy通信浮标

1.The overview of application and development for submarine towedcommunication buoy;潜艇拖曳通信浮标体应用与发展初探

2.This paper introduces Calistocommunication buoy and RTOF buoy,including their concepts,functions,architectures and so on.分别介绍了卡里斯托通信浮标系统和可回收的系留光纤(RTOF)浮标的工作概念、主要功能、体系结构及研究概况。

6)RS-485 data-communications standardPS-485通讯标准


