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传统针灸 traditional acupuncture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-04 00:16:27


传统针灸 traditional acupuncture英语短句 例句大全

传统针灸,traditional acupuncture

1)traditional acupuncture传统针灸

parison of therapeutic effects in treating neurodermatitis in laser-needleacupuncture andtraditional acupuncture;激光针灸与传统针灸治疗神经性皮炎的疗效比较


1.From Traditional Acupuncture to Medern Acupuncture:looking back to fifty years of acupuncture medernization;从传统针灸学到现代针灸学——针灸现代化50年之回顾

2.Clinical Research of Meridian Reflex Zone Therapy and Traditional Acupuncture Therapy to Treat Periarthritis Humeroscapularis;经络反射区疗法与传统针灸疗法对于肩周炎疗效的研究

3.The authors hold that combination of traditional acupuncture and moxibustion medicine with modern rehabilitation med icine is necessary for treatment of hemiplegia due to apoplexy.本文认为中风偏 瘫的治疗需要传统针灸医学与现代康复医学的结合。

4.The Contrastive Research of the Effect on Moxibustion, Electronic Moxibustion and Laser Acupuncture on Apoplexy;传统艾灸、电子灸与激光针灸对脑中风疗效的对比研究

5.Cultivating traditional Chinese medicine thinking mode is the key to training of acupuncture and moxibustion professionals;论中医传统思维方法是培养针灸人才的根本

6.Study of ACVD Therapeutic System Based on TCM Acupuncture and Moxibustion Theory;基于传统中医针灸理论的脑血管疾病物理治疗系统研究

7.But Chinese medicine Chinese herbal medicine, puncture the opposite less in research of the traditional medical science in etc.但是中医中药、针灸等传统医学的有关这方面研究相对较少。

8.We Americans are very interested in Chinese traditional medication, especially the magical needles for acupuncture treatment.我们美国人对你们的传统医学非常感兴趣,尤其是那用于针灸的神奇银针。

9.Application of hereditary "Promoting qi Activating Blood Prescription" in clinical acupuncture and moxibustion祖传针灸“行气活血方”的临床应用

10.The Human Acupoint Model and Simulated Detection System for Acupuncture and Moxibustion Research;应用于针灸研究的人体穴位模型及针灸模拟检测系统

11.The Software Design in A New-typed Microcomputerized Human Acu-moxibustion Model新型微机人体针灸模型系统软件设计

12.Statistical analysis on different methods of acupuncture-moxibustion in treating primary dysmenorrhea in recent 20 years近原发性痛经针灸方法统计分析

13.Design of irradiation system of analogus acupuncture on LED arraysLED阵列模拟针灸照射系统的设计

14.In addition, the Arabian traditional therapy, copping-bloodletting (Hijamah), is briefly mentioned and compared with Chinese acupuncture bloodletting.此外还介绍了阿拉伯传统拔罐放血疗法,并与中医的针灸刺血拔罐疗法进行了比较。

15.Objective To probe into why will bring into play acupuncture moxibustion the etc. traditional treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine in modem recovery treatment.目的 探讨为什么要发挥针灸等中医传统治疗方法在现代康复治疗中的作用。

16.Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is the important component of the traditional medical treasure-house of our country, and has a remarkable and prompt curative effect in treating various kinds of diseases.针灸疗法是我国传统医学宝库的重要组成部分,在治疗许多急性病症上有取效快的特点。

17.The Arrangement and Study of Prof. Jin s Brief Biography and Acupuncture Science Characteristic;靳瑞教授医事传略及针灸学术特色整理研究

18.Su Tian-you s historical relics of practicing medicine and teaching abroad;澄江针灸学派传人苏天佑海外医教史迹


Acupuncture Education针灸传承

3)inheriting way of acupuncture针灸传承方式

1.By studying the theory of acupuncturology, the author expounds the development of acupuncturology from various aspects including back (Shu) points, front (Mu) points, prescription of acupuncture treatment andinheriting way of acupuncture.通过对针灸理论的研究 ,从俞穴、募穴、针灸治疗处方以及针灸传承方式等方面 ,论述了针灸学术的发展 ;通过争鸣 ,促进了针灸学理论的不断提

4)Infection/acup eff传染性/针灸效应

5)acupuncturing decision system针灸决策系统


1.Progress in the Protective Effect of Acupuncture on Acute Cerebral Ischemia;针灸对急性期脑缺血保护作用机制研究进展

2.Recent Developments on the Treatment of Peptic Ulcer With Acupuncture;消化性溃疡的针灸治疗与研究近况

3.Methodology of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Acupuncture;循证针灸临床实践指南方法学研究初探


《中田针灸荟萃·兽医针灸卷》《中田针灸荟萃·兽医针灸卷》Volume of Veterinary Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Synthetic Book of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion《中国针灸荟萃·兽医针灸卷》(VolumeofVeterina理Ac“P“附turea”d Moxibu-stl’onl’nSy”theticBo口k of7初J介fd朋lChinese AcuPuncture andMoxibustl’o”)汇编和整理中国兽医针灸文献资料的专卷,为《中国针灸荟萃》丛书的一个分卷。杨宏道、李世骏、于船主编。1987年湖南科学技术出版社出版。该书分为兽医针灸源流、现存兽医针灸书籍、中兽医基础理论、动物脸穴、刺灸术、预防保健、动物疾病针灸治疗、针刺麻醉、作用原理、针灸耿赋、兽医针灸器械等n个大类,1 338个条目,并有“英汉常用兽医针灸名词术语”附录,共78.7万字。全书载叙了12种动物针灸膝穴969个,针灸治疗动物疾病208种,典型病例医案近千例,绘制插图40幅。该书按条目排比体编写,汇集了古今兽医针灸有关文献资料。为目前兽医针灸专业文献资料较全的工具书。(谢仲权)
