100字范文 > 干燥减量 dry reduction英语短句 例句大全

干燥减量 dry reduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-12 17:36:11


干燥减量 dry reduction英语短句 例句大全

干燥减量,dry reduction

1)dry reduction干燥减量


1.Test methods of wooden activated carbon-MoistureGB/T12496.21-1990木质活性炭检验方法干燥减量

2.falling rate period of drying干燥速率渐减[阶段]

3.Dry back: The loss of density or colour strength of an ink as it dries.Different ink and paper relation exhibit different degree of dry back.干后变淡:油墨的色量和密度随着干燥而减弱的情况。不同的纸墨关系,呈现不同程度的干后变淡。

4.The Technology for Reducing the Fluorin Pollution in the Drying Process of Guizhou Capsicum贵州辣椒干燥过程中氟污减少染技术

5.The present research situation of solar-heat pump and heat pipe technology on lumber drying in China我国木材干燥节能减排技术研究现状

6.Effect Mechanism Research of Water Reducers on Dry Shrinkage of Cement Concrete;减水剂对水泥混凝土干燥收缩作用机理的研究

7.Preparation of Attenuated Live Poliomyelitis Vaccine Microspheres by Spray Drying喷雾干燥法制备脊髓灰质炎微球减毒活疫苗

8.Research on New Techniques and Equipments to Dry Agricultural Products农产品干燥加工节能减排新工艺新装备研发

9.Researches and Practices of the Technique of the Saving Energy and Reducing Pollutants in the Grain Drying Systems粮食干燥装置节能减排技术的研究与实践

10.Energy-saving & Emission Reduction Technological Control Research of Drying System to Gravure Press凹版印刷机干燥系统节能减排工艺控制研究

11.Research on the Degradation and Optimization in the Drying Process of Some Common Chinese Herbs;中药材干燥过程中质量退化及优化干燥工艺的研究

12.To guarantee the dry quality of sand mould, we also built a drying kiln with an area of 50 stere, which can control the temperature.为确保砂型干燥质量,建有能实时监控温度的50立方米干燥窑及30立方米干燥窑各一座。

13.Considerable quantities of CO2 are adsorbed even by perfectly dry glass power.完全干燥玻璃粉吸附大量的二氧化碳。

14.paper and board-determination of moisture content-oven-drying method纸,纸板含水量测定-烘箱干燥法

15.Energy Efficiency in Microwave Drying of Rough and Brown Rice微波干燥稻谷和糙米的能量效率(英文)

16.Key Points of Quality Control of Vacuum Freeze Drier冷冻真空干燥机的质量技术控制要点

17.Technology Design of Mass Production for the Body of Drier-Filter干燥过滤器器体批量生产的工艺设计

18.chemical dehydrator化学干燥剂化学干燥器


loss on drying干燥减量法

1.This article introduces the design of moisture measure instrument based onloss on drying, ana- lyzes the two important parts of the moisture measure instrument, including temperature control module and weight detection modules’ composing and principle, introduces the process of the moisture measurement in detail, also gives out the structure chart and progr.干燥减量法是经典的水分测量方法,它通过测量样品在干燥前和干燥后的质量变化来计算样品的水分含量。

3)reducing pressure drying减压干燥

4)falling rate of drying减速干燥

5)hypobaric drying method减压干燥法

1.Study on determining water of thirteen-spices withhypobaric drying method;应用减压干燥法测定十三香中水分的研究

6)Drying quality干燥质量

1.Factors influencing the drying quality of small-diameter birch lumbers;小径木白桦锯材干燥质量的影响因素分析

2.Therefore,a drying strategy,including pre-steaming before kiln drying and final conditioning after kiln drying,was developed by the authors with the intent to improve lumber drying quality.72%;3 h的汽蒸处理和24 h的湿空气处理均可有效地减小含水率梯度和残余塑性变定,但后者效果更佳;板材干燥质量达到国家标准二级质量的要求。

3.The results of tests showed that before starting RF/V test, the pre_treatment methods with steaming and superheated_steaming under the atmosphere pressure were the effective ways to improve RF/V drying quality especially on reducing drying checks.结果表明 :高频真空干燥前在常压下进行合理的蒸汽和过热蒸汽预处理 ,柳杉髓心方材可有效地提高干燥质量 ,尤其可防止开裂产


